Incel v. Cuck

11  2018-05-05 by CHAD_THUNDERCUCK


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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How do you fight against incels yet somehow look worse holy shit.

Lol, where do Incels get off looking down on cucks? They could never even be a cuck, it's actually a goal they should aspire to.

Cucks are worse than incels because incels at least get to keep their money

Incels are failed cucks.

Cucks are failed humans, the most pathetic fetish out there bar none.

This but unironically

implying someone as pathetic as incels wouldn't want to be cucked

kek <--- this one




And the cuck turns out to have his own fursona. Just fucking gas everyone already.

Cuck > Incel (but what you should try going for is either becoming a normie or suicide because both are horrible unless you hate yourself and are into that shit).

Lol, butthurt incels truly don't understand where they are on the pathetic loser food chain. Neither can satisfy a woman. A cuck is a guy with a women he can't satisfy and an incel is a cuck that can't even clear that extremely low bar.

A cuck can at least provide the betabux required so his woman can find better sex/seed. Incel NEETs are just an overall drain on social services.

If you gave every incel a girlfriend you'd have to give each one of them a Chad to satisfy them sexually because the incel could never do that.

Nah real Chads can satisfy all women within a 20 mile radius.

True but whatever the ratio the incels become cucks.

Progress is progress and that's all that matters.

Whoever wins....

nah, they both lose.

let the incel win the cuck loses and get humiliated everyon wins well except the people not use to fetishes they spend the rest of night retching.

Some people spend too much time online.

Aww, I got my own thread <3

The fact that they haven't realized that many cuckhold relationships are between middle-aged nerds with confidence and body issues is astounding.