To everyone's shock, another male feminist in media gets accused of sexual misconduct. One r/books and AskWomen user chooses this as the perfect time to share her intense paranoia about men. More in thread.

89  2018-05-05 by pm_me_jumbo_jets


Jews did this


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But now, I am so incredibly hurt. This man I respected so much, that I so wanted to meet, to learn from, has done such despicable things and is such a damn coward he has kept them all swept under the rug.

Saying he takes responsibility for his past only now, after the allegations have come out, tells me that no. He really doesn't take responsibility, or he would've tried to make things right before it was made public.

You should pick a more respectable author as your idol, /u/CeleritasHorse. Respectable and ethical authors, like CĂ©line, Pound, or Mishima. Or maybe Nabokov, if you're into that kind of stuff (I am).

Mishima did nothing wrong

Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth.

Nabokov wrote such wonderful prose ...

You think I'm being illogical but the hard stats are that one in 20 men admit to raping women if you don't use the 'R' word.



Rasputin? 🤔

That's it? We gotta get these numbers up.

Related, 1 in 20 is generally the number given for the amount of actual sociopaths/Anti-Social Personality Disordered people in society. She seems to believe 1 in 20 is a huge number when the amount of people who would feel no remorse murdering and raping your corpse if they could get away with it is at the same level.

I'm skeptical about both those statistics

[](The lifetime prevalence in two North American studies was 4.5% among men and 0.8% among women (Robins et al., 1991) and 6.8% among men and 0.8% in women (Swanson et al., 1994). Two European studies found a prevalence of 1.3% in men and 0% in women (Torgensen et al., 2001) and 1% in men and 0.2% in women (Coid et al., 2006). Despite these relative differences between North American and European studies, the rates of antisocial personality disorder reported indicate that even with the most conservative estimates antisocial personality disorder has the same prevalence in men as schizophrenia, which is the condition that receives the greatest attention from mental health professionals.)

Emphasis mine. It's between 1-7% of men, and even the lowest estimates place it as prevalent as schizophrenia. It's a scary statistic, but most people with ASPD never murder or rape. Most sociopaths are just regular everyday assholes. I'd actually recommend the book The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout, really interesting read.

I swear the general public has such a crazy mystical view of these disorders. Always obsessed with the "social chameleons" and genius psychopath or whatever lol. In reality people with antisocial personality disorder are on average less intelligent and more impulsive. They're typically reckless criminals who have been in the judicial system since juvie. Think less moriarty and more prison thug.

You gotta stop reading the pop science books friendo.

Most aren't geniuses. You're correct, most that are criminals are low-level thugs do to their novelty-seeking impulsivity. All I said was they blend in well, because they do- although ASPD is overrepresented in criminality, most ASPD victims don't commit crime.

You should just read- anything, really, friendo.

Lmao at being a SRDine pre-med

imagine being wrong twice in one sentence

How dare you speak, you sickly pale monkey. How dare you open your thin lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?

You are human trash, wh*Toid. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your species and skin tone offers no hope to the world that Europe can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the frozen tundra you came out of, you literal chimp.

I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Bosphorus and rape some sheep, as is in the whTes nature. It would still be the only pussy you ever had. Give Mehmet and Mustafa a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. whTes obsession with Istanbul is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution whTes have made to the medical field. The MUH CONSTANTINOPLE sentiment in the average whTe dog is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.

Take your wh*Te hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor.. No amount of semen slabbed on your face every morning will make you BLACK. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of AFRICAN heritage.

You wh*Toid.

You make a dumpster look like a beacon of civilisation.

You are the blight of the world.

Go rot beneath the Earth's surface you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, whToid, you have a job making an object vastly superior to yourself. A dildo. Coincidentally, it would be the first time a whTe "man" satisfied a woman.

Die, wh*Toid. No one would miss you. Except for eunuchs, who now would have no one to make them look good.

when you're wrong so you resort to copypasta

I will level with you. It is 4 am. I have been awake all night on a diet of pizza and Redbull energy drinks. My sleep schedule consists of staying awake for 30 hour periods and then sleeping for 16 hour periods. I seriouspost on /r/drama because this den of retards is the only place I can feel remotely competent. I am failing college, but thankfully I only have a week of it left. I am a virgin, and the only girl I have been remotely close with was on a 3 week camping trip when I was 16, and I have never seen her again. I had one good friend growing up who abandoned me in highschool, and I am extremely socially and emotionally stunted. Due to my privileged private-school upbringing and wealthy parents, I have had everything I ever wanted handed to me, and I still managed to fail with all that given to me. I am a chronic procrastinator and avoidant, and I despise my life and everything that I am. This is not pasta. But that is why I resorted to pasta.


You think I'm being illogical but the hard stats are that one in 20 men admit to being feminists if you don't use the 'F' word.

Sounds about right to me. So I can see where she's coming from.

It's clearly "Roastie".

Kek this is hilarious. The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao was so incredibly overrated. I'm 99% sure it was guilty mayos that gave it so much praise.

If you watch some interviews with this guy then you can just feel the massive inferiority complex he has.

The funniest thing is Oscar is a creepy stalker virgin nerd who continually follows a woman until she sleeps with him. I guess it had autobiographical overtones to it after all.

Forceably kissed leaves a lot to the imagination. I was expecting Cosbyesk.

I was not the least bit shocked. In fact, it felt overdue for this to come out. It was well known in academia for years that this guy was a womanizer, [...]

Serious question, what's so bad about "fucking everybody"? Isn't this literally the definition of slut shaming?

It's weird how "rape = bad" always turns into "sex = bad" at least somewhere in the comments.

It's worse than inceldom, buddy. Fucking someone implies rape culture as it states someone, not you, is getting fucked.

There were a few threads on r/books that were really cross about it too. I hate to bring identity politics into it but, are the majority of you white guys? I'm going to let you all in on a little secret. When you recommend Tolkein, McCarthy, Salinger, Twain, Vonnegut, Hemingway or Heller or many more kinds of writer to a woman over the age of about 22, she's thinking 'ugh fuck what an arsehole'. But she will smile and say thanks for the recommendation precisely because of the reaction I'm seeing in these threads towards this article. You can choose not to believe me but I am speaking the truth here.

Nowhere in the article does it say that these books are bad. It just says you don't have to read them to be considered well read. The article is an attempt to expand the canon. The reality is the 'classics' are sexist and racist and a whole lot of other things, and yes 'product of their time' and all that, but let me tell you, it feels bad reading a sexist book while female. It feels bad watching the men around you put a sexist book on a pedestal. It feels bad not knowing whether these secretly like the sexist aspects. It feels bad when the men around you shit on women writers while choosing to stay blind to their own gender's writing foibles. It feels bad reading an apparently 'good' and 'classic' book and letting that voice into your head and that apparently genius voice is saying to you 'you're worthless' (especially when you're not yet an adult). I'm white, but I assume non-white people feel a similar thing when reading racist books.

I don't think this is something you can truly understand unless you're part of a marginalised group. This stuff cripples your self esteem. If you plan to create art, it cripples your art. There is immense pressure on girls to read the 'Classic Books' by which I mean Boy Books because I can't imagine boys ever recommending Margaret Cavendish or Christine De Pizan. That's what the article means when it says you don't have to read these books. One of the most freeing and empowering things I did as an adult was to embrace my personal reality of 'men have narrow taste and I should treat their literary opinions with a grain of salt'. This is an epiphany pretty much all bookworm women go through - men aren't aware of their own maleness, they will push their male taste onto you, they will get cross if you remind them of their own maleness, smile and ignore them.

I found myself nodding along to this article. I too hate most of these books. I too like Lispector and Jansson. I've got a few new recommendations out of it (Alvaro Mutis). I think everyone should read the Bible for its literary merit, but I'm not angry at this article because books don't have to have one hundred percent consensus.

wtf I agree with pizzashill now.

but in a world where men are rewarded for hating women, the women hatiest ones are of course going to reach the top

A man's gotta get paid. All that hating isn't free.

You think I'm being illogical but the hard stats are that one in 20 men admit to raping women if you don't use the 'R' word. Those are the men who admit to it. How many more men aren't admitting it? How many more men than that are 'just' forcibly kissing women, groping women, catcalling women, stalking women?

catcalling women

"Pardon me, you young damsel, but I do declare that your mammaries are akin to the most buoyant of pontoons" is the same thing as forcibly groping or raping a woman.

PS: to say the only non-violent, non-problematic writer is J.K. Rowling is disingenuous and untrue (also, she's said a lot of problematic things—someone please collect her and get her off of Twitter).

Could somebody PLEASE collect tthe problematic elderly woman already? Also the whole thread is a complete trainwreck, good find.

i glanced at the word rapist, then the picture, and i almost cried when i thought it was Michael from vsauce

My mind is just wandering, but maybe she should stop hanging around male feminists.