The only way to truly combat the incel menace is making romantic relationships mandatory

45  2018-05-06 by templesthataum

Let's end the wars overseas and bring the fight back home. Create detention centers that focus on teaching men how to date and, if that doesn't work, send them to "dating penitentiary" where they will be matched with someone of the opposite (or same sex, depending on their preference) sex. An inmate's stay is decided entirely by how long it takes them to find someone.

Every citizen has 12 months to prove he or she is in a relationship, and not doing so will result in a fine and imprisonment in "dating penitentiary". Incels would either quit being incels or be fucking out of society all together.


State sanctioned homosexuality is the real solution. If you can't get laid as a gay man you're truly hopeless and unironically deserve to be killed in the worst way

I got hit on by a gay guy once that said something like "how drunk would you have to be to sleep with me" and I said "there isn't enough alcohol on the planet" and he got so offended it was hilarious.

was it like this?

Sleeping with a straight boy is definitely the dream, but I'm surprised he was offended. Most of us have gotten pretty used to being turned down by (((straight))) dudes, and there's no shortage of dick at bars or on apps if you're really hurtin for a squirtin


Is it that old bastard again? Lmao

You wound me Ed 😞

This but unironically

Instead of animals, they should be turned into respectable members of society if the incels do not succeed at finding love.

Use them for jobs nobody else wants since there's more than enough white men around to serve

Give one incel to each family as a servant. Maybe more if a family can afford it.

shock collars or something can keep them in their place if they start looking at the family's women with lust in their minds

Give one incel to each family as a servant. Maybe more if a family can afford it.

Also put them in gimp suits.

naah, they'd think it was sexual and they were going to get laid in the future

I just want white servants the way god intended

I'm pretty sure it's my first amendment right to put my white servant in a gimp suit if I goddamn want to.

That's why we had a revolution against the english for the freedom to do that.

reminder:you have to get a concealed whitey permit for a gimp

You're right. Back in the good old slavery days, you could only enslave blacks, white slaves were illegal. Some they couldn't let you dress slaves in gimp suits without some kind of permit (or else you could have hidden white slaves under those suits).

You're right. Back in the good old slavery days, you could only enslave blacks, white slaves were illegal.

Those were shameful times. we are smarter now.

and with some castration to keep them from thinking about the sex they'll never have, we got a whole crop of white incel boys to work with

Plus you need modern day slaves for household tasks mostly. So scrawny, pasty incels will do fine (take less space too). Back then for field work they needed those big black dudes because that's how you get shit done.

Lobsters are more useful than incels. Probably tastier too.

Let's end the wars overseas and bring the fight back home.

Wrong, we just need a few D-Days to thin out the herd, so to speak.

hours ago You’re literal scum of the earth. People like you give the human race a bad name and I hope you never have any influence over an person ever cause all you will do is lead people down a path of hate. If this is a joke you missed by a fucking country mile and should never try comedy again. Don’t speak ill of an animal that loves everything about life and is as innocent as life can be. Blame Shit humans who use animals as a weapon. You’re such an ignorant fuck I can’t believe you are even are allowed in society. Genuinely hate whoever the person is behind this username. Fuck off.

Okay, this is actually a good idea though and would actually help thousands to millions of people struggling finding a partner.

I disagree. If you're still a virgin by 20 you're hopeless and should be conscripted into the army as cannon fodder for Israel. Mazel tov!

Nah. Google just has to.start a dating site. Your optimal partner will be matched from your internet history.

WTF I hate Japanese schoolgirls now.

I have to agree unironically.

This is the only way to force incels to at least try to act nice if they don't want to be stuck in there for the rest of their life.

Nah. Society doesn't own incels any companionship. They have to pull themselves up by the bootstraps and make themselves bearable in public spaces and social events. No need for handouts. They need to work for it lol

You shouldn't be concerned with just current incels, but future ones too. Just imagine a world where no "quiet" kids shot up schools and sad, lonely virgins are a thing of the past.

As long as they have to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and work for it (companionship). I'm not the kind of person who's ok with handouts. You have to earn it.

Plus there's overpopulation. Mass shootings doesn't negatively impact that.

They don't have bootstraps, incels don't wear boots.

Also overpopulation will be solved when all the elderly start dying off and white women are enslaved and not allowed to breed.

Guilotine is faster and can be livestreamed.

Stop being a commie and let the free market work.