Creating fictional characters of color is a step too far for whitey, sayeth Ghazi

213  2018-05-06 by throwingtoucans


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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exploiting black female beauty and profiting from it without actually paying a black model for it

Is that why Ridley Scott wires money into space?

White man pretending to be oppressed black woman

So the average ghazitard then?

This is why we need the peaceful removal by miscegenation of the white race.

This is definitely a grey area, and it's very grey.

This is the definition of not a grey area. This is nothing, /u/ohnoseamonsters. This is not newsworthy in any way.

A young white male is profiting from the use of a fake being that has no agency of her own. On top of everything he's chosen a striking picturesque black woman to be the literal face of his profiteering.

If he used a striking picturesque white woman it would be a perpetuation of white supremacy culture, and if it were a striking picturesque white man it would be something something toxic masculinity or rape culture or something.

You need to get a real job or a fun hobby (or both), because getting offended (or even thinking it's a 'grey area' where it could possibly be offensive) means you have far too much time on your hands with very little to do.

Reading comprehension is so hard isn't it?

You need to get a real job or a fun hobby (or both), because getting offended


I wish i was privilage enough in life to the point that a virtual model posting on Instagram was a real issue worthy of attention to me.

You say it's not worth your attention and yet here you are posting about it 🤔🤔🤔

It's not an "issue", though, it's an internet trainwreck to laugh at.

Why you gotta call me out like that fam.

Cause I got sand in my bussy

Is it rough and coarse?

It got everywhere

you are that privileged.

I mean, everything under Capitalism is exploitation

These people.

I wish we had a time machine to transport these idiots to pre capitalism where the only way to become wealthy was to be literally born into nobility and everybody else just existed to serve nobility. Capitalism has done more to advance human comfort levels while lowering work levels than anything in human history. So much to the point social justice warrior self proclaimed socialists can sit around and bitch about it all day on their hand held super computer, via an Internet forum created by Capitalism.

To be fair, there are some legitimate critisisms of capitalism that are far less retarded than "money can be exchanged for goods and services"

for example, "why won't daddy give me 1k for a new iphone X?"

Most of these people aren’t socialist because of those legitimate criticisms though, they are socialists because they are completely incapable of succeeding in any sort of meritocracy, or are unwilling to try to.

It’s a lot like the people most for ubi, they love the concept of getting money and not working.

or just offload them to stalin.

I'd say deport all the commies to North Korea and all the anarchists to Somalia.

I don't even know how you can hate capitalism and still be OK with modeling. The whole point is to get people to buy stuff they wouldn't buy if there weren't an attractive person associated with it.

3d modeling, aka making 3d models in a 3d modeling program and selling the files.

So... Let me get this straight. White guy creates a black woman 3D model and actual black women think they should get paid simply because they distantly resemble the 3D model? And they call white people entitled?!

Fuck me, I'm a white man in my twenties, I'm gonna need a massive check from every animated movie ever. I support this wholeheartedly.

No, we need to destroy every Black Panther comic and the movies that have him in them. It needs to be created by blacks or it’s appropriation or something? Fuck I don’t know being a SJW must be a lot of work, they must constantly have a head ache via the mental gymnastics...

I'm glad these pieces of shit are so trapped in their little mind prisons. Let them suffer under their own neurosis.

There were some posters in that thread calling for "institutional solutions" and "bans" of fucking 3D images.

These fucking shitstains. Colonise their damned black bodies and even the image of their bodies. Fuck them. Dash them against the rocks of commodification. Grind them into the sand of capitalism's commodification desert.

White guy creates a black woman

Literally Yakub, but reversed.


How does it feel to be ugly as fuck and scared by even fictional people of color, because you're actually completely worthless and disgusting, both as a person, in physique and personality.

Good question. Alas, he womt read it due to pings turned off for him because last time he read something from here he melted down and tried to dox people lol

Wow what a fucking loser. Sounds like a top-tier incel

What do you even say to someone this detached from reality. They’re so racist they hate a white guy for just drawing a black woman.

fictional black character


making a story or film without black people

Oh you be betting that's racist.

Society won't progress until white bois are banned from fiction and media.

Nah, just racist white bois.

I'm a white boi and there's nothing wrong with nibbers.

"omg why are all your drawings of straight white cis men be more diverse"

draws a black woman


Well, to be fair, one of the top comments in the linked thread is "What's wrong with this? I don't get it..." and the top reply to that is "Eh. The author is reaching. Pretty hard in spots tbh."

Someone disagreed with the top comment and said this:

He's profiting off of black woman's likeness without paying it forward. Of course you're getting upvoted on this fucking website.

They're currently at around -23.

This is the comment that's second most upvoted:

In my view he created a fictional character, and this isn't much different from a director of a film or writer of a novel. (Or for that matter, a comic book.) Where the meat of the criticism lies is in whether this fictional character is a stereotyped example exploitation/appropriation or not, and how this rather high-end 3d art intersects with questions about racial inequality in the fashion industry. Personally I don't think it is, and it seems an approach made in good-faith by the artist, who has welcomed criticism and discussion of his work.

I also don't see any evidence that he was trying to pass off this model as a real person. To any artist familiar with high-end CG, it is pretty easy to identify these as CG. Initially neglecting to label these as being digital might have been an inside-baseball oversight.

Another seriouspost about how it's bad in reply to that is at about -12.

tl;dr: It's even too retarded for most of /r/GamerGhazi.

Right but when you put it like that my smug agenda post makes me look like a tryhard

Not my view, but I've seen people argue that he's exploiting black female beauty and profiting from it without actually paying a black model for it.

So they just want him to pay any random black model to use the likeness of a non-specific black woman?

How does their bullshit keep reaching new heights?

It looks like they're getting brigaded by tankies, to judge by the vote totals.

This is what happens when you drive everyone interesting out of your sub: you lose all the lurkers who could potentially fight off a brigade.

Whitey got me most of the XMen. They can fuck off.

Hell, whitey made the Black Panther and they've been sucking him off for months.

Those police sketch artists are getting really good.

I will forever love the stickied, moderator written thread present there.
"Every yt is racist. Every Trump voter is a nazi. Now lets speak of tolerance and how good people we are!"

I'm glad Ghazi is becoming woke and taking a stance against degenerate art. Some of them seem pretty red pilled about the JQ already.

Don't worry, a gay man creating tongue in cheek gay characters is also too much for them (meanwhile how many hetereosexual authors do they praise for shitty tokens of representations of us?

/u/brdstrike Maybe it's time for you to see the people you call allies for what they are, you are nearly there recognising it all as a populist cult here

Also the flaired, regular posters also excusing it that I'm not going to call out by name.

Tbh this kind of self awareness is dangerous and you'll no doubt be banned by some straight white man for questioning the status quo there anyway.

tongue in cheek gay characters

lol nice

.....literally didn't realise the pun....that's great.

cool ill just make all my characters white males is that what they want

No, we need more variations.

Add in mayos too.

I'd be pissed as an actual dark skinned model who's had to deal with being regularly shut out of an unfair industry and struggling to find work. u/Cinna-Bunny

good thing your fat pale ass will never have to suffer such a non existent travesty

>I'd be pissed as an actual dark skinned model who's had to deal with being regularly shut out of an unfair industry and struggling to find work. u/Cinna_Bunny

good thing your fat pale ass will never have to suffer such a non existent travesty

/u/pointedneedle Jesus christ shut the fuck up whitey

Well shit. I better tell the players that I DM for that our games are postponed indefinitely until I can make all the NPCs in the world ultrawhite.

estrogens and dragqueens

Lmao soyboy

So they really hate Black Panther then, being that whole thing was a white dudes idea?


I could have SWORN the left thought racial slurs were bad...

racial slurs

White isn't a racial slur.


If this unironically hurts your feelings then you know what you should do, whitey.

I'm white too.

I'm not white so it doesn't hurt my feeling. It's just amusing to see white people bitch themselves.

Waaaah, I got called whitey even though niggers can't even think of a proper word.

Mayos really should be gassed.

Everything would be so much better if white people just stopped creating anything. Let all the other races do that. Problem solved.

It's like these people haven't ever watch anime. There's so many fictional 'people of colour'.