Proof of argument.

35  2018-05-07 by pizzashill

I'm currently in the process gathering examples of delusional SJWs calling me an incel on various subreddits on various accounts.

I will, once and for all, prove that I was exactly right when I said "incel" would be twisted into a term thrown at anyone the left doesn't like.

Already I've been called an incel 4x on /r/politics for literally no reason other than mocking the democratic party.


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Fuck you snappy.

Whoa, let's not claim innocent targets in the crossfire.

Isn't it weird that i checked thro every single time "incel" or "incels" was mentioned in a comment on r/politics in the past 24 hours and none of them was in response to a person mocking the democratic party or similar.

You're absolutely wrong. I will literally PM you it happening if you want, on one condition.

You come back here and say "pizzashill was right and I now support him in the upcoming elections."

we have a deal

Let's go. Post it.

Not an argument.

Goddammit /u/pizzashill, quit being such an incel

be pizzashill

wake up in the morning

decide not to go outside and partake of this country's vast natural beauty

decide not to learn a new skill or trade for free

decide not to watch documentaries or read books on history, science, nature, art or philosophy

decide to compile quotes

quotes that will prove to a tiny subreddit that you were correct about the future tactics of internet SJWs

somehow go to bed without existential dread, self-loathing or despair

Imagine thinking I can't do all of those things in the same day.

Imagine being an incel though.

Um, excuse me, I was talking here. Rude tbh

what are the odds that /u/jaredschaffer27 is a pizzashil alt, and he's just in this thread rambling back and forth with himself like an imbecile?

you know he's crazy enough, there's no question there. and he's an incel, so it's not like he has better things to do with his time

People have called me a lot of things in life, but none cut so deep as being referred to as a leftist incel. Not cool dude

That's what we're doing tbh

😂 you’re such a baby

You want to know what rational incels are called? Virgins, or on a cold streak, or waiting for marriage.

Keep telling yourself that, normie.


Not you, you're ok in my book. You get a normie pass.

Last one isn't involuntary.

You're a noodle-armed pussy. Why do you get mad at getting called an incel when you call people worse during the 24/7 you spend glued to your screen, hypocrite?

I'm not mad. Me mocking you tards because I was right is not the same as being mad.

You weren't even right, you said it'd be a catch-all insult used to insult anyone who people don't like, when in reality it remains an insult for cult misoginists.

Literally was called an incel multiple times today for mocking the democratic party.

Link to the incedents? They could probably sense that you're an incel by your seething.

Already sent one to someone in this very thread. He should be coming along and endorsing me for mod of this subreddit as soon as he realizes what happened here.

Uh huh 🙄 and I bet you have a gf, she just goes to another school.

Not anymore.

Bragging that you once had a gf + steaming mad misoginist = incel. No one who called you one was wrong = no slandarous uses of incel = case closed, you wasted your day again.

Delete your account.

Aw, I won again. :)

No, you're just not smart enough to be entertaining, that, and I'm convinced your entire account is satire.

No, you're just not smart enough to be entertaining,

So you're not even enjoying the time you waste? Then that is time truly wasted. Sad!

that, and I'm convinced your entire account is satire. I swear to God it's not.

You two should get together, you guys honestly seem like a perfect match

Look further down, /u/normie_girl's got dibs on /u/pizzashill. You can tell they're getting married, even if they're in denial atm.


He's going to gear me up in WoW and he won't even get mad at me when I stand in the fire

I bet he is :)

Yep and he's gonna give me free gold too and let me roll Need even when it's not my class so I can auction shit for more gold.

Pizza are you okay? This is really walking off even your deep end.

Completely fine.

Literally was called an incel multiple times today for mocking the democratic party.

Well that’s just silly. You’re not an incel because you enjoy mocking the Democratic Party, you’re an incel because you have this irrational hatred towards women and blame them as a group for your celibacy.

Lol? When have I ever blamed them for anything?

Tell me women aren't cancer.

That was yesterday.

How is me calling women cancer blaming them for something?

They can't help their nature. I don't really blame them for stuff, I just don't like them.

Lmao my dude


Tell me about the grill that broke you


Bi-Polar Disorder?


lmao you're letting them win

They already won I have nothing left I'm just coasting through life now.

Oh wow. This is just sad tbh

I'm genuinely conflicted.

Pizza has obviously been deeply hurt by this life experience of his, and I understand that. I think we've all experienced pain from a relationship and it can be extremely hard to deal with.

Yet, Pizza has not moved on or deal with it healthily. He's just become incredibly embittered by it.

u/pizzashill I'm being 100% honest here that when you're standing at precipice, you can't make the leap in to the eternal fire. The inferno of hate will consume you. Turn back whilst you can.

You knew she was a live wire and you still stuck your plug in. Your fault for assuming bat shit crazy = cute and quirky.

You can’t be an Incel, you Voluntarily blue balled yourself.

Did I say it wasn't my fault?

Not yet


Just Borderline Personality Disorder? You won't even comment on the quality of the puss or bjs?

Get out of here.

Why are you being so mean to me? ;_; Is it bc I have a vagina?

I'm going to be honest. That played a role.

What else? Is it because I'm a jew? Are you anti-Semitic?

I love jews.

Wow, so it's just the vagina that's a hair in the soup. You must have really been wronged.

Nothing personal.

Did she crush your heart in her cold, bitchy hands? Did she murder your soul? Pls share, we're all friends here. :(

She was very unpleasant.

I mean you have quite the extensive comment history so I’m guessing there are more than a few instances I can find of you directly blaming women for societies woes. Whether I am autistic enough to dig thru that tome of bitterness(and some insightful comments tbf) is something I’m not prepared to answer at the moment. Will have to see where the night takes us.

Oh and inb4 “I’m assuming that’s a no than and by default I win the argument” nonsense.

I mean, you're just wrong though.

I fail to see much of a distinction between women are cancer


Women are cancer because

Women are cancer to me on a personal level. I don't think they're causing any problems.

I avoid them because I don't like them.

They can't help their nature. I don't really blame them for stuff, I just don't like them.

Dawg, you gotta get out there and meet more women. Once you do, you’ll be shocked that you ever left them alone. I mean, what’s not to love?

Their skin is so soft and supple, their hair smells so nice in your hands. They’re like tiny little dolls—just so easy to pick up and put in your van. Most even leave good smells on the basement mattress long after they’re gone! Heck, the good ones will make you food even though they’re tied to your kitchen radiator—just to get on your good side! And let me tell you this, you really can’t beat the excitement of planning to meet that new midwestern girl who posts about obscure Usenet drama.

You need to calm down.




Ok, you're right.

okay thanks, wanna come kidnap liberate /u/snallygaster with me? I need another pair of hands cuz her boyfriend’s like 8 feet tall and a Ranger or some shit

No thanks she isn't my type.

What is ur type? 😏

Not you.

Why? 😭😭

Don't let him get to you.

But he sounds so alfalfa! 😣😢

You are still cool, Rachel, no matter what he says.

Aww😋 ty Circo😍😚😜

Ed, why do you have so many alts?

Not an argument. 😤

/u/snallygaster, r u ok? Blink once for yes, twice for no

Mods pls add text flairs. This would be really good as one

Lmao dude, people are calling you an incel because you sound just like an incel.

keep telling yourself that, you incel.

I'm not mad


"I'm not mad" is literally one of the easiest ways to identify someone as being ass blasted.

You just said in OP not twenty minutes ago that you’ve spent an entire day making a shit list of people who make you mad.

Just Roger the whores already so you can make national headlines.

Where did I say I was mad?

No u

I'm sick of wasting my energy in arguments with you.

How do you feel about a truce?

I don’t have anything against you, really. Consider them shitposts from someone who, by the very act of engaging in an argument with you, has proved I can’t possibly be less autistic.

That said, you’re entirely too much fun to get a rise out of. So no.

If you wanna keep losing arguments, then knock yourself out.

titty boob shit

Say no to the truce

Eight about loving being a forever alone virgin who preaches hating modern women in general. Look up polarization, you're doing it.

The Incel is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him an Incel and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I’ve been found out."

Pizza, what's going on big guy? I thought you were a leftist yourself...?

Hey pizza, how does it feel to get painted with the leftists brush?

You sperg no one denied that incel would become another buzzword. the argument was that you think they mean it literally even though whenever people talk about incels they are clearly referring to guys who actively identify as incels.

LOL. Unreal levels of retardation.

turning on notifications for a self post


You got a good head on your shoulders. Never change.

You have already lost.

Pizzashill is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a soyboy, seriousposter, libcuck, leftist it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him an incel and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

I've said so many times that children shouldn't be allowed on the internet. I don't understand why parent's don't listen.

I read this copy paste before somewhere. Would you mind posting a link to the original comment?

Should you really be drinking on a Sunday?

It's the Lord's day.

Why are you so mad?

/u/normie_girl please don't make us enemies. I have no problem with you.

I'm not dude. You just sound upset is all.

Normiegirl you hate men and I hate women. Let's just go our own ways.

I don't hate men ainjudt fear them

You don't have to lie here.

Come on let's hug it out

Admit to me you hate men and we can.

I love men

Alright, I can see you aren't ready to be honest with yourself and the rest of /r/drama.

Come on one hug

Your female tricks have no power here.

Lol it's not a trick

That's what they all say.

So yes? huuuuug


Woww this played out just like the end of my favourite book Gone with the Wind

Of course it did.

I love you let's get married


Do you feel better now?


Looks like you need more snuggles and cuddles!

/u/Normie_Girl and you should both bond over your shared love of WOW.

I quit playing because of all the toxic masculinity

That's a shame. I'm what you'd call a "big fish" in wow.

Are you a tank? What do you mean by big fish?

I play a warlock. 980 ilevel, titanslayer, you know.


I used to be a really bad huntard who'd routinely stand in the fire

Female blood elf or female night elf?

lol undead

Interesting. You're a real mold breaker.

I loved playing as a male tauren as well, made me feel big

Indeed, you couldn't be oppressed by the males as a tauren.

I used to fucking own RBGs with my crew mangs, god I miss those times. Tol Barad and shit too, god I miss that

You keep on keeping on, normiegirl.

I need a hug

Can't do it normiegirl.

this is bullshit

It's my toxic masculinity.

It really is.


awww commerre big guy huuuuuuug

The best I can do is offer you some wow carries if you ever come back.

Really! Aww that's so sweet.

I literally think about it every day. I probably shouldn't but I bad want to.

Well, you know where to find me.

No because you didn't saw which server

You find me on Reddit.

Do you do PVP??

I used to. Had a bunch of glad titles, rank 1, etc.

lol nice. I never was any good at the game tbh. Mostly because I didn't go on voice chat due to toxic masculinity.

The toxic masculinity will get ya.

I found a meme that I thought you'd like !

Hey pizzashill

Pvp is real WoW



How are you today normiegirl, how are things going?

I'm going amazing thanks how are you?

I'm ok, every day is a struggle against the toxic masculinity.

It's good to see you're winning thst battle. I'm proud of you.

Btw did you see that meme I sent you? ?

Yes it was a good meme.

:D I'm glad you liked it.

You know, normiegirl, you're ok for a woman.


We're not there yet.

My proudest ever moment in WoW was when I got the legendary cloak in pandaria. I was even kind of OP for normal raids back then which I think were called something else at the time.

Good memory.

No thanks.

I'm not like the other girls, though.

That's what they all say.

I just remembered it was called flex raids.

Flex was lower than normal and slightly ahead of lfr. All raids outside of mythic work that way now, they scale with raid size.

Between LFR and Normal was about my skill level tbh. But it's good that they're all flexible now, makes more sense that way. I used to panic the fuck out whenever i had a role, like do you remember the one when you had to go on a conveyor belt? Fuck that used to stress me out.



Do you stream your play? I can come in the chat and thot it up

Not right now but soon. The only thing I'd stream is mythic once a week and then +15 carries.

Well when you do PM me a link and i'll come watch you!

You got it.

Can I please have a hug?

No, I'm sorry.

Fuck I hate men.

There it is.


Don't you feel better now?

No I feel like shit


Do you know anything that could cheer me up?


It's such a shame patriarchy made you this way.

Yeah, tell me about it.

What server

Well, I can't reveal that.

One day I hope I can instill fear in all women

You are quite right to fear them. Did you know that:

  • Males were convicted of the vast majority of homicides in the United States, representing 89.5% of the total number of offenders.

  • Of children under 5 killed by someone other than their parent, 80% of the people that were convicted were males.

Males constituted 98.9% of those arrested for forcible rape

  • Males constituted 87.9% of those arrested for robbery

  • Males constituted 79.7% of those arrested for offenses against family and children.

  • 53% of women murdered are killed in domestic violence incidents, 93% of which are committed by husbands and boyfriends?

Meninists will call these "hate facts".

Please don't refer to us as 'males'. It sounds so clinical.

Okay, autist with a penis.


TL;DR proof that women can drive you to insanity and murderous intents in no time.


Then you must have autism because what you should really fear is people who think that they are men but are actually incels and would rape and murder you if they saw you irl.

Grandpa tick tock drama 2.0

have you ever considered that people might be more inclined to agree with you if you were to behave less spergy?

This is fucking spicy. 7 karma but 137 comments.

Lol, I started calling people incels as an insult over a year ago. You might want to explore the possibility that everyone is copying me.

I will, once and for all, prove that I was exactly right when I said "incel" would be twisted into a term thrown at anyone the left doesn't like.

This was self-evident from the start. Why do you even need proof? Are people this retarded?

yeah the first thread he made about this, he was like, "omggg people are overusing the term incel and calling anyone they don't like an incel"

and the general response was basically, "yeah no shit, incel"

I will, once and for all, prove that I was exactly right when I said "incel" would be twisted into a term thrown at anyone the left doesn't like.

I am clueless in politics tbh, but left, isn't that the side where autists want to be inclusive and let everyone have exactly same opportunities to everything? Shouldn't it be the right who throws "incel" at everyone who they don't like?

People wonder why it’s viewed as bad when things get popular. Reddit is officially ruled by the passive class of internet users now. It used to be a place for extremely relevant topical information and conversation. Now if you try to even mention when something is out of topic or the sub rules, you basically get gang executed by a bunch of white girls at Starbucks for stepping on their “fun” and there’s nothing you can do about it. What we’ve been witnessing the past few years that is culminating in results like this post being upvoted like mad and gilded is honestly just the end of Reddit being Reddit- without even being jaded about it- and it’s going to continue until Reddit is indeed just anything-goes Megafacebook.

And yes, I had to sit and really ponder how not only did upward of 14,000 people (at the time) think that this was so clever or important for everybody to see that they clapped that like button, but somebody actually thought to go through a series of extra steps and spend some money to give this user a trophy that’s good for some temporary and useless privilege. I’m gonna admit that r/iamverysmart here, but it hurts my brain and disgusts me, giving me a feeling of pride and dignity at not being so shallow and basic but also a feeling of sorrow and desperation at realizing once again that I have to deal with such stupidity being exalted constantly on a daily basis.

shutup incel

You don't really have to prove anything, what you're describing is just politics in [[CURRENT YEAR]].

Just grab a word with already negative connotation, and throw it at your opponent over and over and over until it loses all meaning and you move on to another word.

That's what happened with "Misogynist", "Nazi", "Cuck"...

It's just good ol' regular politics on the internet.

Sorry, I missed this the other day.

Shut up incel.