/r/drama Minecraft Server! Official! [NSFW] [GONE WILD]

73  2018-05-07 by Babypenis69

Hello everyone.

The person that killed Dennis here.

There is now an official minecraft server because I thought to myself, what is really autistic, but has a community fostering appeal to it.

The ip is

I'm open to suggestions on plugins to add and whatnot, but I'm not adding 400 plugins that make the server all faggy.

/u/shitpost953 still condones doxxing.


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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  2. /u/shitpost953 - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

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Any technological advancement since the dinosaurs 🦖 was a mistake. Look up Minecraft let’s play on YouTube for proof! u/xNotch help me undo your mistake so that we may please the spirits of the dinosaurs 🦖 from beyond the plasma fold!

oh yeah i forgot notch is a mod here. notch, come play your shitty game.

If /u/xnotch actually plays on the server, then I will obtain Minecraft and figure it the hell out.

I'm sure notch could really use the $23 Minecraft costs.

notch doesnt own it anymore

if he plays on the server, i will build my own candy room

There are dinosaur mods

Perfect for this sub tbqh

tbf, I love Minecraft.

So yeah, totally.

Please add that plugin that lets you do /back to go to where you died. I don't want to lose my diamonds when i die 😓😓😓😓

Get fucking punished

Sold. This is a great idea.

Minecraft is for Micro₵uck lusers. Minetest is where it's at. #FOSSlyfe

wtf u say nerd

Only cucks like micro$uck

Maybe get one of those plugins that prevents griefing, don't want any SRDines to pillage us.

r u serious

I might fire this up when I get home hahah.

unironically do this, any retard can play memecraft. its good for the less fortunate

7 Days to Die destroyed Minecraft now.

Make it fucking hardcore perma death

I might unironically join after I'm done with finals. How active is it?

Can i VR in it?

vanilla anarchy is the only reasonable way to play that game

Add headcrumbs and change all the predefined names to r/Drama mods so that we can mount and wear their heads.


Is Minecraft anything like minesweeper? I used to kill at that and Oregon trail too

It is exactly like Minesweeper.

Sweet. I feel relevant now

/u/xnotch I’m in if you are

It would unironically become huge if notch played on it regularly

Notch sold it for a reason. Smh

Not playing until 1.13 comes out, that update is going to be pretty based my fellow MAGAcrafters

I hope some autist makes a mod that makes the dolphins rape you if you don't feed them enough cod.

Is it vanilla? Ew.

Post pictures of spawn town and I'll consider.

I’m going to download that game just to ruin it for the rest of you fags.