Avoid parenthetical insults—they just diminish your authority. Throughout the post, you're best points seem to be lost in a sea of self-aggrandizement and scattershot thinking
u/ExtremelyToxic: (-5)
Wtf? I lost my virginity when I was 22 for the same reason. The reason there are more virgins is because dating apps have crowded out average to below average looking guys.
u/ShockinglyNerdy: (+5) Sex is not a basic human right and it is not women's responsibility to be sexually available for any man at any time. You need therapy.
can you imagine a world where people are like "it doesn't respond to the comment in literally any way and diagnoses him with mental disease out of nowhere, but it's a modern truism so i guess i have to upvote"
Thank you. I was extremely offended by this. I am diagnosed with Asperger’s and I suffer from serious anxiety problems so mental health isn’t a joke for me. This person just came in telling me this garbage not knowing a single thing about me. I’m glad I’m not the only one who saw it this way.
People get extremely irrational when faced with someone who can't get laid, especially if they're unhappy about it. They're always convinced that you're doing something wrong, or that you must deserve it in some way. It's known as the Just World Fallacy.
can you imagine a world where people are like "it doesn't respond to the comment in literally any way and diagnoses him with mental disease out of nowhere, but it's a modern truism so i guess i have to upvote"
So I have a consistent history of posting there long before any alleged shift to unironic posting. And there's a difference between that and post-ironic posting. You wouldn't understand though.
edit: 1 comment later my dude channeling snappy "A graduate student could write an entire thesis about the faulty logic and misinterpretations of reality that are the basis of your worldview."
Uhh...okay. I didn't save the link, but I definitely copy-pasted that quote from someone in that thread and I can't find that comment anymore. Why would you think I was quoting you if you never said that?
You should see a mental health specialist. They tend to know what they’re doing better than the rest of us when it comes to mental health. You probably have some issues you need to work through.
it's all very strange. On the one hand, if I don't objectify your pussy im an incel and should probably be on several watch lists....but on the other, if I do, then i'm a toxic pussygrabber who should probably be on several watchlists.
I feel like we need some sort of Azimov 3 laws of Sex Robotics for the New Order here....I mean just so the rules are spelled out clearly. It seems like a lot of ad-libbing at the mobment
Misogyny is highly underrated. The world would be much better if women just knew their proper place in it. I would like to propose that John Norman novels be placed on required reading lists in public schools so that future generations will know exactly what should be considered acceptable behavior for their preferred gender roles.
/u/ShockinglyNerdy Well I'd say that we're far less couple-centered than we were even a century ago. It took us hundreds of thousands of years to evolve and our technology is rapidly changing, orders of magnitude faster than we can adapt.
But why does that also mean I can't own a house anywhere near any major urban market?
We reached 410 PPM CO2 and we're going to stay over 400 PPM indefinitely. With the way things are changing, between the hurricanes and the great barrier reef dying, you may not be able to live between two lines of latitude in your lifetime. If you think the housing crisis is bad now, just wait. It's going to get so much worse.
Don't even get me started on the projection that 30% of the workforce is projected to be phased out by automation by 2030.
Imagine living your whole life based on some dumb shit you read on Buzzfeed
1 SnapshillBot 2018-05-07
Avoid parenthetical insults—they just diminish your authority. Throughout the post, you're best points seem to be lost in a sea of self-aggrandizement and scattershot thinking
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 Capital_Rope 2018-05-07
Imagine not being able to form a coherent argument against an incel.
"You're not entitled to sex" isn't much of an argument.
1 PM_ME_UR_SUSPICIONS 2018-05-07
1 PurpleIcy 2018-05-07
Maybe better?
1 PM_ME_UR_SUSPICIONS 2018-05-07
Lol, definitely
1 pizzashill 2018-05-07
1 UniversityDaniel 2018-05-07
"Incel" is the new "SJW", "Nazi", "feminist", "alt-right" etc.
1 PurpleIcy 2018-05-07
But unironically.
1 EmotionalInjury 2018-05-07
a good one-two punch:
can you imagine a world where people are like "it doesn't respond to the comment in literally any way and diagnoses him with mental disease out of nowhere, but it's a modern truism so i guess i have to upvote"
1 ExtremelyToxic 2018-05-07
Thank you. I was extremely offended by this. I am diagnosed with Asperger’s and I suffer from serious anxiety problems so mental health isn’t a joke for me. This person just came in telling me this garbage not knowing a single thing about me. I’m glad I’m not the only one who saw it this way.
1 morerokk 2018-05-07
People get extremely irrational when faced with someone who can't get laid, especially if they're unhappy about it. They're always convinced that you're doing something wrong, or that you must deserve it in some way. It's known as the Just World Fallacy.
Don't pay people like /u/ShockinglyNerdy any mind.
1 ProgressiveFragility 2018-05-07
1 UniversityDaniel 2018-05-07
1 ProgressiveFragility 2018-05-07
MDE subscribers have been expelled from over 109 online communities.
1 dragonbornrises 2018-05-07
That's not enough IMO.
1 the_pitizen 2018-05-07
lol nope. We're here to stay, faggot.
1 pitterpatterwater 2018-05-07
This is your brain on pasty milko teens.
1 the_pitizen 2018-05-07
You almost exclusively post here. How is that not infinitely worse?
1 pitterpatterwater 2018-05-07
I may be a degenerate, but at least I'm not a degenerate who think's they're a brave culture warrior saving their nation.
1 the_pitizen 2018-05-07
Shitposting on the internet doesn't constitute fighting anything except my own spare time.
1 pitterpatterwater 2018-05-07
You people need to learn what shitposting means. Agendaposting is not shitposting.
1 the_pitizen 2018-05-07
Taking all of my posts as unironic when the majority of them are made in ironic shitposting subs speaks to your stupidity.
1 pitterpatterwater 2018-05-07
MDE may have once been ironic, but those days are long past.
1 the_pitizen 2018-05-07
If you're going to go through my post history at least go far back enough to see how early I was posting in that sub.
1 pitterpatterwater 2018-05-07
You do still post there, m8.
1 the_pitizen 2018-05-07
So I have a consistent history of posting there long before any alleged shift to unironic posting. And there's a difference between that and post-ironic posting. You wouldn't understand though.
1 KateUptonsCumback 2018-05-07
Ahhh the classic “you’re actually all retarded because I was just trollin” defense
1 the_pitizen 2018-05-07
Because people never joke, troll, or say stuff ironically. Sure thing, retard.
1 ProgressiveFragility 2018-05-07
you people? YOU PEOPLE? How daer you my people built this country!
shitposting is not agendaposting
1 pitterpatterwater 2018-05-07
Nigga I'm in Pakistan.
1 ProgressiveFragility 2018-05-07
/r/MDE subscribers built Pakistan!
1 ChipChippersonAMA 2018-05-07
1 ProgressiveFragility 2018-05-07
1 the_pitizen 2018-05-07
Nah, the ratings were better than anyone expected.
1 pitterpatterwater 2018-05-07
1 KateUptonsCumback 2018-05-07
God shut the fuck up
1 ProgressiveFragility 2018-05-07
typical bugman reaction
1 Awayfone 2018-05-07
How do we let snappy learn this glorious text
1 SmurfPrivilege 2018-05-07
Well, that's one way to transcend the 'incel' label. Convince yourself that it's no longer involuntary and that you're just "going your own way™."
1 ExtremelyToxic 2018-05-07
I never claimed to be MGTOW.
1 SmurfPrivilege 2018-05-07
Uhh...okay. I didn't save the link, but I definitely copy-pasted that quote from someone in that thread and I can't find that comment anymore. Why would you think I was quoting you if you never said that?
1 ExtremelyToxic 2018-05-07
Oh, sorry. I thought you were referring to me.
1 PM_ME_UR_SUSPICIONS 2018-05-07
You should see a mental health specialist. They tend to know what they’re doing better than the rest of us when it comes to mental health. You probably have some issues you need to work through.
1 Leftist_Degenerate 2018-05-07
Are you talking about the same motherfuckers that keep saying chopping your dick off is not a mental illness?
1 PM_ME_UR_SUSPICIONS 2018-05-07
Even a tranny can find someone to have sex with. They are objectively better than incels.
1 Leftist_Degenerate 2018-05-07
1 PM_ME_UR_SUSPICIONS 2018-05-07
Even disgusting trannies get more sex than incels. Furries and cucks too. Is there any group of degenerates lower than the incel?
1 Leftist_Degenerate 2018-05-07
Trannies having sex makes it worse. Like pedophiles and fat people.
1 pitterpatterwater 2018-05-07
Seems like someone doesn't want to brutally fucked and humilliated b ya qt trap.
1 pitterpatterwater 2018-05-07
Gender dysphoria is a mental illness; the best treatment we have is HRT, etc, etc.
Source. Some other sources.
1 shallowm 2018-05-07
The guy you replied to isn't a centrist, he's just retarded.
1 I_DRINK_TO_FORGET 2018-05-07
>196 participant questionnaire survey
Come on just admit you have never met a tranny who isn't deranged buddy.
1 shallowm 2018-05-07
You mixed up your threads, fam. Here's the /r/drama thread that you were looking at, and this is the comment you quoted.
1 SmurfPrivilege 2018-05-07
Shit, you're right. Too many incel threads for me to keep track of. Thanks.
1 boyoyoyoyong 2018-05-07
u/ShockinglyNerdy with the guys not being entitled to sex can we include women aren't entitled to the taxpayers dime because they are a single mother
1 BigPriceToupee 2018-05-07
it's all very strange. On the one hand, if I don't objectify your pussy im an incel and should probably be on several watch lists....but on the other, if I do, then i'm a toxic pussygrabber who should probably be on several watchlists.
I feel like we need some sort of Azimov 3 laws of Sex Robotics for the New Order here....I mean just so the rules are spelled out clearly. It seems like a lot of ad-libbing at the mobment
1 PurpleIcy 2018-05-07
Well since the outcome is the same, it's better to be a toxic pussygrabber, obvious even to the most autistic, you autist.
1 BigPriceToupee 2018-05-07
I prefer the french "auteur"
1 automatedresponse 2018-05-07
as long as feminism can define masculinity you're going to be fucked pal. might as well get a jap sex robot and wear panties.
1 BlindedbyOnanism 2018-05-07
Misogyny is highly underrated. The world would be much better if women just knew their proper place in it. I would like to propose that John Norman novels be placed on required reading lists in public schools so that future generations will know exactly what should be considered acceptable behavior for their preferred gender roles.
1 ironicshitpostr 2018-05-07
John Norman's wife led him around like a little bitch.
Gor was just his pathetic escape from his life of femdom.
1 Leftist_Degenerate 2018-05-07
Transman... OF GOR!
1 Why_We_Need_Islam 2018-05-07
1 AnnArchist 2018-05-07
fucking lol
1 Awayfone 2018-05-07
No no, they meant the comment didnt exist
1 Leftist_Degenerate 2018-05-07
Imagine living your whole life based on some dumb shit you read on Buzzfeed
1 YoMothaFlippin 2018-05-07
I remember the good old days where we would fear that humanity would end through the catastrophic clash of a comet with planet earth.
Or perhaps some kind of bio-weapon turning people into zombies.
But nah, we just turn to bussy instead
1 automatedresponse 2018-05-07
most of the people who use the word incel have no idea what it means. It's just easy to say and sound like you know what you're talking about.
1 strngrxx 2018-05-07
involuntarily celibate - p self explanatory, no?
1 Awayfone 2018-05-07
... not if you don't know what it means
1 aqouta 2018-05-07
I didn't know other people knew of that drama goldmine.
1 aqouta 2018-05-07
We really do need to separate the incel name from the blackpill ideology. Most incels aren't actually blackpilled.
1 CommonThroat 2018-05-07
Imagine subscribing to /r/okcupid lol
1 Che_Gueporna 2018-05-07
Man, r/OkCupid sure has changed.
I remember back when it was wall to wall turbo autists with intricate dating spreadsheets and profile improvement strategies.
Now we're bitching about bitter virgins? That's the target demo y'all.
1 xxxrivenmainxxx 2018-05-07
it is very nice to see the noncucked side of r/drama. keep it up guys! one uncucking a day keeps tyrones ass away!
1 AntiLuke 2018-05-07
I just realized that through years of metareddit use I actually witnessed the birth of the incel movement. Time to neck myself?