Actual prostitute tries to shame men for expecting sex on the first date (maybe so she can get more business?).

134  2018-05-07 by IAintThatGuy


Avoid parenthetical insults—they just diminish your authority. Throughout the post, you're best points seem to be lost in a sea of self-aggrandizement and scattershot thinking


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Maybe she should start from incels because they think that they should get sex just magically without doing anything, not even dating.

Is that really what all of them think?

Sorry I personally wouldn't know.

Then why are you making these broad assumptions?

For 100% accurate statistics reddit wise, please go to /r/braincels, report back when you're done and show us results.

this guy does nothing but call people incels, and talk about incels. it's so fuckin weird.

A little obsessed with such a insignificant topic yea?

I'm honestly a little perplexed as to why the reddit community is so obsessed with incels. The whole incel thing is way overblown out of proportion. Maybe because they're easy targets to ridicule and bully.

well reddit is also obsessed with small communities like anti vaxxers or flat earthers. they just like groups that make them feel less pathetic about their own mediocrity.

For some odd reason, women tend to be suspicious of guys who don't get laid. I think it's a corollary of how a dude who is married or has a girlfriend will suddenly have chicks coming out of the woodwork.

Historically, dudes have pointed out that this is dumb, and women havent had a real solid reason to refute that. But now with the Elliot Rodgers and Toronto van killings, they do, so it's like decades of pent up "I told you so"s all at once.

Yeah, it's because many of them are shallow.

Nah, it think it's a peer evaluation thing. Like when you're buying shit on Amazon and you jump to all the user reviews to see what else people thought. And if you see 0 reviews, you think it's probably sketchy.

Logically that's not a useful metric when it comes to dating, especially at young ages where dating histories are necessarily sparse. But it's one that many women rely on subconsciously.

They just wanted to confirm their confirmation bias, they hated most of those men anyways and when one does something bad it's just "look I told You so, see I'm not shallow".

Heres why they are disliked:

Some titles of their posts:

"This is how evil Females truly are"

"Confidence is a word females use to condition normies to being cucks"

"Final proof to normies that personality has nothing to do with it"

Some other examples showing the level of instanity that is incels.

Incel asks what animal pussy would be the most like a woman, gets this answer.

And this "incel organ donors should be allowed to have sex with recently diseased females"

They are the most pathetic human beings ive ever seen on reddit, thats quite the feat.

No, they don't deserve to be bullied. You're what's wrong with society, you find low hanging fruit and then join the circle jerk to bully and ridicule them. No deserves to be bullied, grow up.

join the circle jerk to bully and ridicule them.

Im pretty sure i disliked incels long before hating them got circlejerked to death. I really dont like how the term incel is used on reddit now, it basically used on any guy who is a virgin and a bit creepy. Incels are vile people, way worse than your run of the mill awkward virgin.

Yeah I am defending them, I'm a counselor. We have stereotypical "incel" type characters that come in for therapy and they have never communicated anything about women or dating. They mostly just talk about how they have been bullied their entire life for their appearance and some others talk about how they were abused as children. A lot of them are suicidal and depressed, maybe they wouldn't feel as salty and bitter if people stopped bullying them and making fun of them for appearance or their inability to form relationships. Congratulations, people like you are contributing to the male suicides epidemic.

Congratulations, people like you are contributing to the male suicides epidemic.

99.9% of men are not incels, them getting bullied is negligable to those statistics.

Incels don't think that as a group. They want relationships. They mention often that whores aren't enough.

Explains why they sperg out every time I mention personality even though nobody would want to date an autist who spergs out whenever you say something they don't like.

Well they are in a shitty depressive spiral and surround themselves with like minded people which creates a horrible echo chamber. Not the perfect scenario for getting better as a whole.

Also, and I can't claim innocence on this part by a long shot, you have people that track their every move to mock them mercilessly and that just reaffirms their shit attitude.

And the things they echo imply that they only care about sex, because "only looks matter" is all I saw them spam, which is the case only in terms of physical attraction and has nothing to do with one not being an unlikable fuckwad.

Not the perfect scenario for getting better as a whole.

I dunno, i think having a space to vent and let out your feelings with people who actually know how you feel and won't judge you for it can be healthy. It's like punching a pillow or something. First, you get it off your chest and then you can calm down and really examine things more clearly.

There is no second part though. It becomes addictive victim culture.

For some. Most dudes grow out of it though.

See, I remember that incels first showed up as an offshoot of foreveralone. You used to see dudes on FA be like "fucking WHY can't i get laid, society fucking sucks, REEEEEEEE". And then a few years later, same dude would get on like "mah, dudes, i got laid, you can do it too, keep hope alive brothers". And that was the cycle, angry dudes in their teens and 20s would mostly mellow out as they aged. Some just got more bitter, but for the most part the rest chilled out.

Then at some point, chicks started showing up in FA. And they tried to change it to being about being "lonely" and shit, focusing less on the angry dudes mad about not getting dicks wet. When the atmosphere in FA got to be less of a circlejerk over how much lackanookie sucks for dudes, a lot of the dudes who there to bitch about women left. And they formed incels to signify that they weren't just having a hard time being "lonely" but straight up felt that they would never, ever get laid.

Maybe the corralling of the hardcore into a tighter-knit community is what made it worse, but honestly i think it's all still the same dudes. And over time as they get older, individual users will calm the fuck down. While new blood will join, of course, as puberty hits and horny dudes face the eternal frustration of all horny dudes.

I had no idea about the changes across multiple subs. That actually does make sense to me.

user reports:

1: /r/drama's worst poster defending incels should be surprising but it's not

Fucking illiterate obsessed pussy. Feel free to comment instead of hiding.

/u/Smok3Sh0w do you try to convince your clients that they should pay you but now expect sex before a few dates?

These rules are stupid but coming from a prostitute they become funny

Look at her post history. She gets belligerent with anyone who disagrees even slightly. Even when someone points out some women might want sex on the first date.

Probs a dude trolling

Yeah, check it out that last submission "I get raped all the time" lol

Yeeeah, plenty of SJW's are actually proud of that victimhood though.

Read the post history, m8; a bit too on-the nose. P.obv some idiot with too much time on his hands trolling.

Nobody is prouder of their victimhood than "gamers"

They targeted gamers.


We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.

We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun.

We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second.

Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded.

Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights?

These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.

Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.

Sounds like something a SJW would say!

Kay, milko.

If wanting the extinction of the white race via miscegenation is being an SJW, then I'm an SJW.

Called it.

You're acting like wanting the milkocide is a bad thing.

Sound too retarded to be a dude.

Probably just a yt 'man' then

Anah, prostitutes tend to be weirdos

/u/OniTan can you confirm?

Tbh, anybody would be a weirdo once cut in multiple part.

Are you sure about that? This is hard to believe, I'm going to require scientific citations to support that claim.


Drug problem.

I'm betting equal parts mental illness.

It's like hearing the vegan screed coming from someone who owns a steakhouse.


Well the men involved with me have all proposed (I turned down) and all love me bc I make them better ppl so suck a dick bitch

Lol they proposed cuz they wanna fuck you. None of them were going to follow thru.

Just realized you’re a sex worker too

And your point is?...

It's funny to see a sex worker so misinformed about sex

In her defense : she might be legitimately retarded

ppl so suck a dick bitch

Isn't that her job tho?

You'd think she wouldn't want Korea competition

maybe she gets some kind of referral bonus?

i feel like this has to be a troll. you can't say i love you before a fuckin YEAR together?

It is hilarious watching you srdines go 'This must surely be a troll, lawsss yasssss!' every time a woman is criticized.

Whores tend to be unbalanced, greedy people.

actually it just looks like a troll, but thanks for letting me know you hate women champ.

Whores tend to be unbalanced, greedy people.

they aren't greedy or unbalanced just because they make you pre-pay

To be fair hookers get exposed to a lot of drugs.

That shit can fuck you up.

The drugs that mother gives you don't do anything at all.

0/10 bait.

Go ask Alice!


No need to make it personal

This has to be a troll or something, she'll fuck randoms for money but saying "I love you" within the first year of a relationship is where she draws the line? How in the FUCK LMAO THIS SHIT IS SO FUNNY IF ITS REAL I KINDA HOPE ITS REAL

Women will try to get away with anything if you let them.

>Don’t be a ducking turd no one has time for you burning penis bitc

Holy shit literally resigned

/u/Smok3Sh0w can I fuck you raw?

You know you can, she's a whore. The real question is whether you can afford it.

Why would you do that?

Do you want herpes? Cause that's how you get herpes.

You can get herpes with a condom. All it takes is skin to skin contact.

Not exactly an encouragement for rawdogging the sex worker.

Well, your chances of getting AIDS are really low from vaginal sex. And if you get any other STDs you can just take some antibiotics!

This lead me down a rabbit hole that I don’t want to go down again. Sugar Baby culture is weird, the SexWorkers group is definitely not run by pimps, and people who sell their bodies for physical pleasure can’t be raped.

Sugar babies are lying when they claim they don't have sex with their sugar daddies

Well that subreddit made it pretty clear they’re boning Daddy.

Claiming that is just a way to negociate higher prices for sex.

Having sex w/o a condom if you’re not engaged or married to that person

this is a good one though, these silly hoes all about letting unemployed losers nut in them, then getting surprised when she gets herpes or worse, knocked up.

False flag. Forgot to use their alt when making this comment.
Or maybe they're retarded and meant to reply to someone else.
Retarded either way.

/u/smok3sh0w sorry those incels were harassing you, you should come over to this sub, it’s a safe space

Keep yourself safe space.

Yes, /r/drama is an excellent space for keeping yourself safe. I don’t see why you responded, friendo, but I’m glad you did

It’s ok thank you for the kind words he’s triggered and hurt inside and made an a brand new post on a different page to talk about me bc I schooled him 😂 he’s a fan who needs other ppl on this page to back him #weakaf

He’s like one of those kids in school that thinks if he makes his point loud enough and as many times as he can. It makes him right.

Why do you make jokes about getting triggered? I think that’s pretty #weakaf especially when you understand how bad actually getting triggered is

You're literally a whore, no one gives a fuck what you think.

I'm sorry your parents didn't raise you right. Sometimes a lost soul is not to blame for their craziness. Hopefully you get the help you need

plus there’s beauty in not giving it all away

-Qouth the whore

When is president Trump going to keep his campaign promise to appoint Malik Obama minister of the THOT police?

So basically she thinks she is Rita from 'Idiocracy'

She seems less articulate.

Yo baby, when I finally utilize her, she'll be paying me!