Trying to save yourself from inceldom by asking advice from male feminists. Do rapists still count as incels?

3  2018-05-07 by IAintThatGuy


Is there any drama? 🤔

Another misstep is to be taken advantage of by an individual or group who promises you a sense of purpose, but whose actual goal is to exploit you.

u/Marcie_Childs you should absolutely take u/benjamincanfly's advice and get the fuck out of Menslib.

Curious to hear your thinking on this!

I mean I'm not sure what isn't clear from my initial comment; Menslib pretends to be about helping dudes but it's really about indoctrinating them into feminist bullshit so they can become good male "allies" to be abused and exploited as convenient and gaslit into believing women and feminism are never wrong or to blame for anything.

Heh, ok.

Well that was everything I expected it to be.

I just got to work so I can’t really engage on this right now but I’d you legit want to discuss your assertions I’d be happy to chat another time.

Lol bro this r/drama just call him a retard or something

Feminists don't want to lose their control over the gender debate as more men seek out answers to their issues, so they created things like "menslib" to ensure that the "debate" remains centered on how men are responsible for everything bad that happens.

I don't usually spend a lot of time there, because I don't always agree with the consensus there on everything.

But they are the most reasonable folks I could find on reddit in terms of discussing gender issues. Especially from a male perspective.

I've belonged to a lot of different groups. I don't get indoctrinated. If anything, I get put off and tired by too many people circlejerking the same topic.

If you could point me out to some good subs that discuss gender issues, and aren't hateful or insane, that would be appreciated.

How do incels exploit their members? I'd like to cash in on this shit.

If they're not joining the Incel revolution and donning red caps, they are being exploited by the ebil feminists.

This is basic stuff.

Ctrl + F "therap" (could lead to either therapy or therapist)

28 results. Those guys are seriously fucked in the head.

Could also be people making a typo while writing "the rapist". That thread is from a den of male feminists after all.

Jesus people think getting pussy/bussy solves their problems? There's more than life than not being lonely and sometimes o want a break from family.

There's more than life than not being lonely

What like rum?