
19  2018-05-08 by TheSnooper

The future of the world, you're looking at it pussy-ass cracka


r/SwordOrSheath already exists.

From their sidebar :

Rule 6: No posting of trans people, regardless if you're the person in the photo

Even they decided they wouldn't touch that one with a ten foot pole.

i thought bugposting was a meme but they actually call themselves bugs

That Martin Starr looking like dude will never pass.

I threw up

thats like a mutant from a nuclear war future

That has to be someone trolling them.

Old school SRS looked like that while claiming to be female.

There was Laurelai and a black cripple with a beard.

Actually sorta passes for a fat woman

Ah, the average British woman.

Imagine caring so much about 0.05% of the population

Trans are a fucking drama goldmine i tell ya. Solely by their existence do these people from dozens of subs get triggered or people in general even IRL. The fact that they can't help themselves without telling them that they are "mentally ill" shows how bootyblasted they are about it 😂😂😂

It's a never ending shitshow! 💩

You sound butthurt.

If it looks like a convincing woman on /r/transpassing, it's probably FtM.

/u/TroopoTF2 would it be rude to ask you about your chromosomal situation to settle that dispute?

It's where you break into a woman's house and put on her clothes.