Drama regular here: My Dad Blew his Brains Out

123  2018-05-08 by DadBlewHisBrainsOut

Hi! All suicide bereavement groups are sluggish. I sure do love my r/drama though!

My dad blew his brains out with my mom in the next room last week. I am 34 years old and having a hard time. Roast me!


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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Not now snappy, read the fucking mood.

Leave Snappy alone...he's doing his best!

Was he baptized?

Yes. A lay minister too.

There is hope for his salvation. Ask for his intercession. Remember the Blessed Virgin will advocate for him in front of the Father.

I'm not religious...I don't know what any of that really means. I don't believe he is in hell. He just left his family in a sort of hell.

That's OK. It's OK to feel whatever you are feeling right now. You can be sad, or angry, or confused, or all three. Just remember to love your family, and don't stop loving your dad.

I'm having trouble with not loving my dad. I mean, he figuratively and literally left my mom to clean up.

That's OK, you don't have to forgive him now. In fact, it would probably be unhealthy to feign like you love him right now. But one day you will have to forgive him, or you will die angry at your father.

I do love him, he was an amazing dad and mentor, but the contempt I feel right now is unmanageable.

Then be angry. Show it. Act it out. Buy a set of plates and break every single one of them. It's better to be real with your emotions than to try to appear civil and in control. Your reality has just been irreversibly altered. You can't be expected to act rationally right now. You are reestablishing what it means to be rational.

Your reality has just been irreversibly altered

This more than anything. I've been inducted into this "suicide club" against my will. My life isn't ruined, but it has been darkened in a way my family and I don't deserve.

I know you aren't religious, but I will pray for you and your family.

I appreciate it. Thank you.

Write his name on 7 candles and burn them. While they're burning walk around it in a fast-paced kind of way until you're tired out. When you feel your anger reaching its climax pray for his soul, then laugh to release the pent-up energies.

Do you have any suggestions for sick tracks?

I'm a sucker for doom metal. It's not necessarilly drums you need,just soemthing with a deep sound. Personally I'm a suck for doom metal; Year of the Cobra's ...In the Shadows Below is really nice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYIid2kSZhg

A lay minister

This is how they call pedophiles priest nowadays ?

That's Catholic, silly.

So are pedo priest, fam

Minister? Was he some kind of Protestant? If so he's definitely in Hell.

This but unironically

Tell him to say hi to Martin Luther for me


How are we supposed to roast a 10 minute old account?

If this is true, I'm sorry this happened to you and your family.

It's a serious post. But, I'm so sick of hearing cute condolences so I need some r/drama.

Post aftermath pics

No pics. The bathroom he did it in has already been ripped out and is being replaced tomorrow (drop ceiling, carpet, toilet, light fixtures, etc).

I'd just move to be honest. Was it messy?

bathroom renovation. Silver linings...?

Seems a pity. You could have just gone with the theme.

Who the fuck puts carpet in a bathroom?


No wonder he left this world

I know. Mom's getting tile now thank god.

God works in mysterious ways.

It's probably why he killed himself in the first place. So in the end everything worked out so it's really a happy, heart warming story.

When people ask you if there is anything they can do ask them to do random labour shit like paint your garage or wash your car.

It's funny because, after I got home and got into my car at the airport, I realized I needed gas and that shit made me lose it. Like, how can I get GAS?!

Yeah, the banality really drives the grief home. This essential person in your life dies and the world just keeps going like nothing happened.

The trip to get chick fi le sandwiches for the family the day I found out my mom died was the most surreal thing I've ever experienced.

It’s almost like they weren’t an essential person at all 🤔🤫

Well, they were essential to the life you had. Now you've got this new life without them in it and you've got to find your way through all the same type of petty bullshit.

Sounds like the responsible thing to do would be to shoot your kid before you turn your head into a spaghetti bowl.

Only if you're killing yourself for perpetuating the white race. In your case just burn your hand drawn pony hentai before you OD on insulin and we'll call it square.

It's like I have a neon sign over my head that says "Dad blew his brains out last week" and I'm the only one who can see it. I flip flop between wanting to be invisible and wanting to tell everyone I see "guess what just happened to me!!"

Honestly if I had to put up with carpet in a bathroom I'd probably top myself.

At least he tried to leave you something to remember him by.

sick of cute condolences

Well you're in the right place.

Haha I remember my then-girlfriend’s stepdad just said “that’s a toughie eh” after my dad died and I dunno why but it was the only actual human response I got from anyone that day. The rest was just meaningless crap and some religious stuff.

Think of the money you'll save on birthday/Father's Day gifts!

It was technically mayocide, yes

So you're saying he skipped school?

Damn, what was his poison?

9mm? 45? Did he go for the good ole Kurt Cobain big toe?

Definitely gun...one he has had for 30 years at least. There is a cute pic of him hanging up in the living room posing in a cowboy hat looking badass with it. It had sentimental value to him, I guess.

Oh shit, that's nuts.

Any idea why? Or why infront of your mom?

None at all. He was nothing but a successful, loving, interesting, (seemingly) happy man.

The sequence of events suggests it was a split-second impulse. This will be the unsolvable mystery of the rest of my life.

Goddamn, that's awful. :( You should get yourself into therapy ASAP because it can take a little while for PTSD symptoms to develop, and therapy can help prevent you from developing it. At least not as badly as you would otherwise.

Here are the ramblings of a crazy bitch called 'MissVictoriaMurder' and here's a picture. I hope this helps.

Thanks, Snally.

Your links somehow make perfect sense to me.

No problem. I hope you and your family recover from this as best as possible.

I missed this episode of Breaking Bad.

You sure your mom didn't off him?

My mom couldn't operate a squirt gun.

!remindme solve this when OP is dead

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Maybe it just means he's going to Disney tomorrow

I'll check back when I'm reminded. Maybe I'll. Low my brains out in order to find out

Goddamn it.

Maybe you've already thought of these reasons but ... maybe cheated on your mom and can't handle the guilt, came down with an uncureable disease, gambling debt, found out his son posts on /r/drama...

If you're really depressed you get good at pretending like nothing is wrong. Especially from that older generation where you don't talk about feelings.

He could have been thinking about it for years.

It's possible. We searched his phone and computer and there's not a shred of evidence he was depressed. Every single friend he had is shocked.

I don't know for sure, I couldn't tell you exactly what was going on in his head. But his generation saw depression as weakness so he'd probably be ashamed of himself. I'd guess anyway.

Did he have a rough upbringing?

I know you're sick of hearing it but sorry for you and your family's loss.

his generation saw depression as weakness so he'd probably be ashamed of himself. I'd guess anyway.

This might be true.

Did he have a rough upbringing?

Not financially. His parents hated each other, though.

Definitely gun...one he has had for 30 years at least. There is a cute pic of him hanging up in the living room posing in a cowboy hat looking badass with it. It had sentimental value to him, I guess.

Looks like used, but still good. How much are you selling for?

We ended up finding 7 guns all around the house (knew of 4). Ka-ching.

"I was in the next room."

Yeah right. Your mom killed your dad, man. You know what to do. Don't dishonor his memory by being a huge pussy.

Naw. Medical Examiner said the gun was in his mouth and definitely intentional. Doesn't stop my mom from circling around saying "maybe it was an accident while cleaning the gun! He loved us too much!"

Family history? Financial issues? You're mom been faithful? I dunno. Sorry to hear it. At least you're old enough to move on. Fuck'im, 0 regard for you. Wouldn't give him much more thought than he bothered giving you.

No family history except for Alzheimer's which he was very vocal about not enduring. My mom is taking comfort in the theory that he was secretly experiencing signs and decided in an instant to do the deed. No money, spouse, fighting, etc issues that I know of. He was always an impulsive man, though.

Zero regard for my mom. I can personally take that disrespect but cannot take what he did to her.

he was very vocal about not enduring

How and why the hell would he be very vocal about a disease he did not endure? Sounds like he might have suffered from autism instead.

At least he lived a full life with a lovely family. That's more than most of us can hope for on this sub. He's in a better place than us, that's for sure.

If he got the disease you dip

How and why the hell would he be very vocal about a disease he did not endure?

Because he saw his dad go through it.

Was he around the same age when he showed symptoms?

Good question. I'm not sure, actually

Oh man that's rough. Look after yourself and your family. Take it easy.

ur shitty mom nagged him to death

The medical examiner is not a cop and probably lazy-ass too.

You know what to do

Sorry for your loss OP. Even an r/drama regular doesn't deserve that.

Thank you. Hug your loved ones a bit tighter.

normally i would say if youre posting here its not surprising but thats not funny when it happens irl

sorry for your loss bro.

Was he a good dad?

Sorry for the serious, but if an r/drama regulars struggle with suicidal thoughts, you need to understand how your family will be forever destroyed even if your brain is telling you "no one cares".

There is a saying: The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing people he did not exist...Well, The greatest trick depression ever pulled was convincing you no one cares.

Did he ever molest you or is that a form of his love you'll never experience?

The people who destroyed you and left you to die care about you, consider them.

No, that's just your depression speaking.

Yeah that's what I figured.

Back to substance abuse.

I laughed. Then cried.

Out of laughing gas again.

Your dad was suffering and all you can think about is yourself

No wonder he killed himself with a shitty wife and narcissistic son

My dad earned the scorn. I won't be thinking fondly of him for a long fucking time.

There is r/happy you eill find support there. I love you.

Stay strong buddy. Life is bullshit sometimes.

Thank you.

How did you feel about him before the suicide?

At least he went out on his own terms. Saved you some inheritance maybe rather than going to a nursing home at 100k a year. Plus maybe he was well insured. My dad went down slow from ALS after 6 years of gradual decline at 55.

"His own terms" would have been 100% acceptable in my family. We had discussed many times how he would choose death over prolonged suffering. That would have been understandable and respectful.

Blowing his brains out with no explanation with my mom in the next room is NOT understandable or respectable.

Yeah legit. What the fuck, even? Was it just some "call of the void" bullshit? Dude can't even be arsed to leave a note like "I've been buttfucking twinks on the side and I got one asspregnant" or whatever so his family doesn't wonder?

Wait, how sure is everyone that he did it on purpose and wasn't just being retarded and staring down the barrel of a loaded gun for funsies or something?

Yeah legit. What the fuck, even? Was it just some "call of the void" bullshit? Dude can't even be arsed to leave a note like "I've been buttfucking twinks on the side and I got one asspregnant" or whatever so his family doesn't wonder?

Seriously, this.

Wait, how sure is everyone that he did it on purpose and wasn't just being retarded and staring down the barrel of a loaded gun for funsies or something?

He was extremely gun savvy. Also, the barrel was still in his mouth.

Everybody knows you get drunk and go swimming. That way it can be written off as an accident.

Flair checks out

Nah, the least he could do was fake a car accident or drug overdose. You don't do that shit with loved ones at home. My friends dad hanged himself with the intention of their mother finding him. Its a terrible thing to do.

I'm sorry, my condolences.

Thank you.

Thank you.

I'm jealous of ur dad 😔

Don't be. He left behind an enormous amount of love and fun and interesting stuff. He fucking blew it.

I'm sorry for your loss 💩

Thank you. Take care of yourself and the people who would be ruined if you were gone.

i'd blow my brains out too if i had an unempathetic son like you. the wrong male died.

I’d blow my brains out too

Great idea. Bye.

You won't be missed

Well, this is ironic.

He won't be getting empathy from me for a long time, if ever. I only have so much and my mom gets it all.

ur shitty mom is the reason he blew his brains out. if anyone deserves a bullet it is her

Your belief system combined with your username lead me to conclude that you are still in puberty because no adult who doesn't have some sort of personality disorder or cognitive disability would write stuff that's both this unnecessarily edgy and stupid without a hint of irony. I bet these hot takes of yours make you the most badass person in your homeroom.

Isn't John Galt the "villain" from Memento, a movie no kid would really be interested in?

Unless I'm wrong about that, I'd say he's just a dickish adult.

He might be reincarnated as a starving African child or even worse, a French-Canadian.

I'll say some Buddhist prayers for him.

The only thing worse than the French are their off shoot pretenders.




All of Canada is meaningless especially the part that can't even get English down.

People from Quebec still speak better English than people from Saskatchewan

I fucking love bilingualism. Its one of the only things that prevents us from being a completely vanilla country

Except for the fact that the québécois are all massive assholes

just gotta learn to speak french brah and they like you just fine

He fucking blew it.

I thought he blew his brain out?

Thank you.

What did you do wrong as a child to drive your father to this grievous act?

Is it because you're 35, unmarried and childless and he finally gave up hope of ever having a proper legacy? Or are you just generally shit?

Naw, he was OK with all that.

Your dad was retarded enough to kill himself, but I doubt he was retarded enough to be OK with his 34 yr old son living at home and posting on /r/drama.

I don't live at home and I'm a daughter. Everything else about being a childless spinster, etc is accurate.

"I'm different, and just don't give a fudge"


Roast me!

All you selfish assholes giving your kindness and condolences and here I am getting downvoted for doing what the guy actually asked for.

Even if this guy was a troll, why would you attack them?

I didn't say he was a troll you retard.

I said he asked to be roasted, so I roasted him.

In another comment, he also said

I'm so sick of hearing cute condolences so I need some r/drama.

So I wasn't about to dump more cute condolences on him that he'd have to pretend to act grateful for. Who am I to tell this guy the right way to process his grief?

He started posting about the ethics in "gayming journalism" 😂😂😂



That video came with an ad for Red Lobster...It's shrimp trio day for me!

nah im not going to roast you thats fucked legit hope youre ok man

Thank you.

I'm sorry your family is having to go through this, I hope you're all able to find some peace and healing. Since you're a regular here then I'm sure you're no stranger to therapy; you really should make an appointment for you and your mom.

Shit, that's terrible. Look after your mom OP. She might try to put on a strong facade but all of you are going to need a lot of support through this, and being there for each other is the best place to start.

I'm trying to hook her up with a grief counselor. But, you are right that she is stubborn and trying to put on a brave face.

I'm trying to hook her up with a grief counselor.

yo dude do really you think she should be in a new relationship already?

sorry for your loss, op.

Of course. You gotta get back on the horse.

op's dad was a horse?

Well, OP's mom was riding him.

That's fucked. My dad got run over by a dump truck at work when he was 58, healthy, and loving life. I hope you can come to terms with your dad's demise better than I did with mine.

So your mom fell on him?

No she's dead too :(



She posted here?

My deepest condolences, cuntdestroyer8000.

by a dump truck? what the fuck, where did your dad work?

In the public library.

I had a family member blow his brains out on the front lawn of a family party. I also knew a guy in group therapy who shot him self in the face with a shotgun and survived and had to lay there for like twelve hours before they found him and they couldn’t reconstruct his jaw.

Shooting yourself is a hell of a way to go. Or fail at going.

I can’t roast you cuz I’d feel bad. But I’m sorry that sucks. That shit is hereditary though so don’t go doing dumb shit to yourself either.

Do you know what happened to the shotgun guy after?

He was in treatment with me. I was in a dual diagnosis therapy group hospital outpatient thing. He was there for drinking and schizophrenia, I believe. It may have been bipolar with delusions. Either way, I was there because I had been binge drinking to cope with PTSD. He also had PTSD; he was a firefighter and he worked for like 40 years clearing fire paths and fighting fires. He would tell stories about pulling little babies out of houses or cars that had been burnt up by the fire. He was haunted by those experiences to a degree I cannot do justice with with my own words. So I won't even try. But suffice it to say, he had his issues.

His jaw was healed at that point. He had actually attempted suicide maybe two years prior so it wasn't like he was all bandaged and whatnot. But he had no lower jaw. Very difficult to understand what he was saying. Had to spit into a cup regularly. Struggled to smoke. That whole deal.

We became fairly good friends. I thought it was more of like an uncle/niece type relationship and we would sit and talk about life and death and memories outside while we smoked. But he crossed a line when he propositioned me for a date and said he felt I could be a good wife to him. So things got a little strained after that.

I didn't report him or anything because that seemed over the top...although it was totally against the rules what he did and asking me to give him rides places and have a drink. We weren't allowed to associate outside of group times.

Anyway, I "graduated" the program before he did, but I don't think things went very well for him there. He was extremely resistant to quitting drinking and taking his medications. He also was super shut down. He'd tell me these stories outside at the table, but wouldn't do any of our assignments for the group and talk about those things. So he was kind of hostile and they got sick of it.

At the end of the day, last I heard, which was a couple of years back, he was still alive. But still drinking heavily and suicidal. I don't think he could ever get those awful memories out of his mind sober. Which I totally get because that's why I drank back then. Suddenly you don't remember. Anything. Even the worst stuff.

But he swore up and down he'd never attempt suicide again. He told me how he made the decision to commit suicide in his trailer one night, and he got his shotgun. He'd been drinking whiskey, finished the bottle, and figured now was as good a time as any. Stuck the barrel under his jaw pointing up toward his skull and pulled the trigger. He said the pain was blinding, like nothing he'd ever experience and he'd been burned severely in fires and had a bad motorcycle accident. He said nothing compared.

So he lay there, with half his face on the wall behind him, and blood pooling around his face on the floor, for the entire night because he lived alone. He went in and out of consciousness many times and was discovered by his ex wife the next day at some point. They took him to the hospital where he asked them to just let him die and then was taken into surgery, etc. And he spent the next however long in recovery, learning to talk again, function, etc.

So not only did he not get to die like he'd wanted and be out of pain, he ended up in a far worse situation, and it made things even worse mentally and physically. He would talk a lot about how he'd never get remarried because women found him repulsive and how kids were afraid of him and cry.

It was all around heart breaking. That's all I know.

Uff dah. That's rough.

If any of /r/drama users struggles with depression, I heard jumping in front of train is basically guaranteed to be instant death.

I'm such a pussy. I'd freeze. Someone would have to shove me.

Everyone knows you don't shoot yourself in the face. Sudoku is really the only safe choice and honorable too.

my betta fish just died so i understand what youre goin through

I'm sorry your family is going through this. Even as you focus on helping your mom, make sure you also take time to process your own feelings too. I'm not religious, but I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts and can go light some candles for your fam if you want (I'm located right by a Catholic church but idk how useful that is because lay minister sounds like Protestant stuff).

Thank you. Total protestant stuff.

when your dad finds out that you're an /r/drama poster


I'd also do it tbh.

Think of all the drama you will miss during the 2020 election cycle!

Sorry I'm not autistic enough to care about politics unironically.

Live a miserable life, think of your self as the ultimate martyr.

I'm really sorry for your loss and the questions that will never be answered. I'm sorry for the mixed emotions that can't rest, that anger and sadness have to stand side by side, that time will just keep moving without him, that you have to wrestle with everything that comes from his decision. Be angry, be sad, experience your unique grief and be there for your mom. Moms who lose somebody find great comfort in their children just being there, even if it's silent. Or filled with tears.

Thank you.

Look at the bright side, he finally can't be disappointed in you anymore.

For now.

Psychologists should study this thread.

Cosmologists should study ##muh dicc

that applies to all the threads here

On a scale of 1 (not much) to 10 (get a cleaner in) how fucked was your bathroom?

I'm sorry for your loss OP your dad was very sad and did a shitty thing xx

11 (Rip the bathroom out).

Fml op who found him?

Can I recommend counselling as I imagine the sight was terrible to behold.

Since mom was in the next room probably her.

No mom found him a few seconds later. She heard it happen.

Fucking hell. I'm sorry for your loss OP I don't know how you're feeling right now but I wish you happiness in the future xxx

Sorry for your loss, buddy. It's no fault of yours. Hope he was insured.

No offense to you as an individual, but based on your statement, you're clearly showing that there is much to be argued about. I take it that you believe that there is solid evidence that the Earth is round, that prehistoric animals exist, that we're all relatively safe.

I'm willing to bet that your evidence is not as much evidence as it is a series of testimonies from people who are put in positions of authority. Some guy at NASA says that there's all this evidence for a round Earth, you believe it. Another guy in a labcoat tells you dinosaurs are real and that we have all these fossils, you don't even question it.

Sometimes it takes a little more, maybe the scientist on the TV books or the internet explains why things are the way they are and how scientists have used all these fancy tools and principles to determine the truth, yet you're still accepting it on a misplaced faith in authority.

You are implicitly trusting that the people in charge wouldn't lie to you for their own gain, so you don't look that much deeper and you accept that what they're saying proves that the narrative is true.

The fact that there are, for example, Flat Earthers who have researched the topic themselves and come to our conclusion shows that there is some argument to be had. I'd pay special attention to the fact that, for people who are supposedly 100% wrong and ignorant, the establishment sure hates us a lot, don't they?

If the Round Earth were so obvious, they wouldn't need to equate Flat Earth with stupidity so fanatically, they wouldn't feel the need to interject their insults to Flat Earthers into their discussions even when they're talking about something completely different.

People wouldn't feel the need to verbally abuse me in public for mentioning my beliefs. Just because more people happen to accept an idea doesn't make it true, the truth is the truth is the truth, especially when most people are getting their information from sources controlled by less than 1% of the population.

The public school system, mass media, etc.

Feel free to apply this to the lie of paleontology, and to the Deep Reich. I'd like to make it clear right now that I'm not an antisemite and I denounce those Flat Earthers who accept antisemitic rhetoric, I believe that Christians, Muslims, Jewish people, and Sikhs are all People of the Book and will be redeemed, and that's why these four religions are the most oppressed in history.

Islamophobia, Antisemitism, Sikh-phobia, Christophobia, and secularism in general are products of the Nazis, fuck Nazis, and fuck anyone who sympathizes with them. All races are equal in the eyes of God.

I'm willing to answer any questions you've got, I've done my research, I've done the math, I've flown in airplanes and looked out the window, I've watched boats go over water, I've measured shadows over distances, etc. all of what the Round Earthers sneer at me to do, I have done, even when I suspect most of them haven't done it themselves. I know other Flat Earthers who've done it as well and more.

I've made offers to respect "scientists" to prove that the Earth is round, they have declined and often have been very rude to me. That alone is very indicitive of the fact they're not on the side of truth.

I've been to museums of natural history and I ask questions, I get treated like a piece of scum because I stump them. Ask me about paleontology and I actually know quite a lot, even if it's all not true, When I was a boy I actually really liked dinosaurs, it was later on that I realized the truth.

You may think it's ridiculous that I believe Nazis control the world, but it's not ridiculous if you do your homework. Nazis and Hinduism go very well together, although you'll notice that they adopt twists of Zoroastrianism in there because Zoroastrianism makes a lot of use of the word, "Aryan" and considers non-Aryans inferior.

You'll also see Buddhism there strangely enough, look up Doctrine of Awakening, Julius Evola considered Buddhism a, "warrior path" and studied it like a madman.

There were members of the Third Reich's elite who carried the Bhagavad Gita everywhere with them, they quoted it, they called Hitler the reincarnation of Vishnu. I'm not even making this stuff up, google, "Hiter the ultimate avatar" if you want to learn just how insane Nazis are. You think I'm insane? Just hold your breath and see.

Miguel Serrano, Savitri Devi, look them up, they all think Hitler was a Hindu deity in human flesh and they say so without hesitation.

They want atheism and nihilism for the masses, but their own brand of Tantric Nazism for themselves, the years that the Third Reich were active were filled with this kind of ritualism.

Ask me questions, engage me, quite frankly arguing makes me anxious, but I simply have to have a clear conscience and speak the truth.

Can you post this to greatawakening and have them pray for your dad? They are so great at prayers via Reddit. One golden comment I just read from their latest "pray for our prez" thread: "I wonder if prayers are like steroids for angels... except legal of course"

Fuck man, I'm sorry to hear this. It's just so fucking sad. . . he'll never get to see which Avengers get saved in the next movie.

Proving suicide is never the right choice. . .mass slaughter is way better. If I'm going out I want y'all to know how alpha I am.

Sorry for your loss.

Hot diggity.

Sorry for your loss. Take your mind off by sperging on some loser here


reality check: your family made your father's life hell for many years so he did the only thing that could make your family understand how they made him feel

Naw. We were a great family.

At least he went out his way, my dad got killed by a drunk driver after being a cop for 40 years and never ever had a beer in his life.

What's your favourite memory of your father?

What do you think his thoughts were concerning you when he decided to leave you fatherless?

Him reading all the OZ books to me as a child.

I don't think any of us were in his mind at all.

It probably wont make you feel better, but I think you were in thoughts when he did it. You were probably the reason he was able to not do it all of the other times he considered it. Life sucks and no amount of success or sentimental "happiness" can fix it.

I think you were in thoughts when he did it.

Thought you were going in a different direction there

Nope, he took the easy way out, but Im sure he loved you.

I'd kill myself if my kid was a dramaposter too

How old was he?


Yeah I suppose it's his method which was the real sticking point rather than anything else.

It's like doing a great performance all night long but then tripping and cursing as the curtain falls.

I never understood this way of killing yourself anyway. If you're gonna do it, why not go out with a bang? Like, maybe go gun down that politician you really hate? Or blow up a train or something? I don't know, feels like once you make the decision, may as well have some fun.

At least he didn't take out my mom!

If it was a pug then he made the wrong decision.

When someone decides to kill themselves, their hatred and anger is usually more inwardly-focused than focused on anything/anyone else. Plus with depression that severe, lack of motivation becomes a problem. It sounds like OP's dad could have had something else going on tho.

I'd tell you nobody cares, but you probably already know that.

So instead, take these heartwarming words from one Daniel DeVito.

Consider following his example.

It runs in the jeans, make sure to run his pockets and blow stash since he...blew it

Follow his path with your wife and her boyfriend

sorry for your loss muh dude. my own pops was murdered by a gold-digging whore who poisoned his mind before poisoning his body. Still dealing with the emotional fall-out of that shit. Can't imagine what your moms is going through. Stay strong for her.

Cool. Who was he?

Did he do it after finding your post history?

He checked out early, as most of us should do in the next few decades.

feelsbadman, hope u and ur family are doin alright

How did your mom's boyfriend take the news?

People who haven't been through this kind of out of the blue completely fuck your shit up style grief are terrible at talking about it. Because it's probably not going to be ok or get better or anything like that, it didn't for me. But I learned to be ok with it and I got better. The crushing weight of it went from falling on me every second, to only falling every hour, to every day, to once or twice every month, and so on. Life's a little different, a little darker, after, but it did make a lot of things that I would have thought of as "disasters" before seem pretty fucking trivial.

On a side note, turns out that posters I thought were real pieces of shit for their unironic political bullshit are also real pieces of shit when no politics are involved.

Blew his brains out? Now that is dramatic!

Peace be with you.

well at least that cuck wasn't your biological Chad dad so you couldn't inherit his betanomes

Sounds like you don’t want condolences, I respect that but I’ll try and help by leaving some info that ino

I saw you said that your bathroom was going to be remodeled afterwards and I IMPLORE your mother to look into a legit professional cleaning service to take that room to the bare bones.

My coworker was used to be scientist on site for bio hazard sites (suicides/murders etc) and she said on hot humid days the smell can come back. Bathrooms tend to get pretty hot and humid and that smell is...unmistakeable

Oh my god I didn't even think about that

If you see Logan Paul anywhere near your dad, shoot first and ask questions later.

He leave you any cash?

Inshallah, your male-identified parental figure committing glorious seppuku and you're sad about it.

Damn, mayos be trippin'

well.. I guess the lack of a father figure now gives you more common ground with the african american community

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Land Before Time - "Always There" +1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6kdgchSAJ8
Suicide is badass Its always sunny in Philadelphia +1 - I'd tell you nobody cares, but you probably already know that. So instead, take these heartwarming words from one Daniel DeVito.
Year Of The Cobra "...In The Shadows Below" (New Full Album) 2016 +1 - I'm a sucker for doom metal. It's not necessarilly drums you need,just soemthing with a deep sound. Personally I'm a suck for doom metal; Year of the Cobra's ...In the Shadows Below is really nice.

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👴🏻🔫💀 😭


Sorry for your loss.

This has the potential to be a sad story, but unfortunately there is no evidence that anyone else (but me) exists in this reality, you're all just a product of my imagination, and as such, I'll pretend this never happened

My step dad did the same thing. I won’t tell you I’m sorry because you already know that I am and I know you’re sick of hearing it. You’re gonna be angry and sad forever, but it will lessen over time. Kinda. I don’t really feel the same sadness that I did at first, just kinda get glimpses of it every so often. It’s weird and it’s hard to explain. It’s been over ten years for it’s but I still think about him everyday. I wish he was still here, not just because I miss him, but because I also want to punch his fucking teeth in. I still cry sometimes (I may have shed a tear while writing this) but I maybe cry about him like a handful of times a year now. It used to be a lot more. You can message me if you want.

I wish he was still here, not just because I miss him, but because I also want to punch his fucking teeth in.

So much this. I offcially have "daddy issues" now.

God damn, these comments are making me cry. Suicide has torn my family apart too many times. I’m gonna hug my kids and go visit my ma.
