3  2018-05-08 by bugslife22112

as a well read military history buff and as a British patriot I feel it is my duty to expose a fraud, first so that no one gets the wrong idea, I am not anti-American, I even drink with Americans in Britain's smallest pub, the Nutshell in Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk and I have the utmost respect for the United States Marines Corps. The fraud in question - USMarineRifleMan0311 --- AKA--- Anthony Gadway AKA - 373.W.Div- - KE Prus Curassier .He hates the British and has made numerous anti-British videos. Though I admit he knows a lot about military history, he often twists the facts and even lies in an on going effect to make the British and its military look bad and incompetent and his beloved United States Marine Corps up to be the best fighting force in the world, lol. I am not trolling or lying let us consider the facts. Finally all the information below can be verified by doing a little research on the web

1 - He claims that the English Longbow was not effective and that its arrows pierce armour. However tests have proven that certain types of arrows could pierce certain types of armour. Mike Loades, an expert on medieval weaponry and warfare who has written a number of book and commented on a number of documentaries, including one on the Longbow has tested the Longbow against armour. USMarineRifleMain0311, AKA 373. W. Div goes on to say that the arrow storm at Argincourt had little effect, but we know from well documented evidence that it had a massive effect as it did at Poiters, Crecy, Falkirk and elsewhere.

2- He claims that the British deliberately caused the famines in India, using the BBC as his source. But on checking the sight he was referring to I discovered that the BBC said nothing of the kind, they were in fact quoting an Indian nationalist. Wikipedia, an American sight says as do dozens of other sights, that the famines were caused by natural events. (On average there was a major famine every 40 years in India) but admittingly they were made worse by the inaction of the British, bad enough, and those who stood and did nothing by whilst millions of Indian starved to death should have been hanged, but the British did not cause the famines.

3 - He claims that British rule was evil and that American rule was benevolent and quotes the number of British victims compared to the number of American victims without considering the fact that the British controlled a lot more subjects. Yet history has proven that ion the lands controlled by the Americans the same kind of atrocities were being committed as were witnessed in the British controlled lands. IE, concentration camps at Fort Snelling in 1863 (Well before Britain used them in the Boar War) and again in the Philippines, the starving to death of a million people (Some sources say a million and a half) during the Phillipine Insurgency, the mass killing of the buffalo in an attempt to force the Native Americans onto the Reservations. It is clear from that record that Us rule was far from benevolent and was every bit as bad as the British.

4 - He claims that the Brown Bess musket that was carried by British troops for over a hundred years from before Blenheim in 1704 to beyond Waterloo in 1815 was influenced by the Prussian Potsdam Musket, this in fact is impossible unless a time machine was used because the British Brown Bess pre-dates the Prussian weapon.

5 - He claims that British military drill was based on that of the Prussians, on Frederick the Great's to be precise. When in fact it was formed out of the chaos of the English Civil Wars. (Now being called the wars of the Three Kingdoms, its father being Oliver Cromwell, and later the Duke of Marlborough. The Prussians adopted various methods that were created by the British, 5these being the thin line, just two ranks deep to oppose the French columns. In a column, created to intimidate the enemy by its size, only the men on the edges could use their muskets, whilst in a line every single man could use his musket The British also created ripple fire, this being when the Platoons one after the other fired, first A and B, C, D, E, when the last platoon had fired A had reloaded and was ready to shoot again, the fire rippling along the front of the brigade.

6 - He claims that the War of 1812 was not over Canada, yet US President Madison wrote in his own papers dated 1811, his desire to conquer Canada, to include all the English speaking peoples of North America into one country ( What his plans were for the French Canadians is uncertain) Thomas Jefferson wrote "Invading Canada will just be a matter of marching."

7 - He claims that the SMLE Lee Enfield was inferior to the Krag and other rifles, but it was used in the Second Boar War, both World Wars One and Two and in Korea and elsewhere by the British army. The SMLE was used for well over 50 years as a sniper rifle and was very probably the best bolt action battlefield rifle ever made. Other rifles like the Soviet Mosin-Nagant and the German K98 Mauser had the bolt too far forward, to close to the face, meaning to work the bolt the rifle had to be lowered away from the face and then brought back up and the target reaquired. The bolt on the SMLE could be worked without taking the rifle away from the faced. Also the SMLE hold ten rounds in the magazine and not five like the Mosin-Nagant and the German Mauser and others, this meant a vastly increased rate of fire.

8- He claims that the British fire at Mons in 1914 that did so much damage to the Germans was caused by Vickers Machine-Gun fire, when there were only three machine-guns to an battalion. It is well-documented that much of the damage was done by the humble SMLE, Lee Enfield bolt-action rifle which USMarineRifleMan0311 AKA 373 W. Div claims was an inferior weapon.

9 - He hypes on about the British retreating before the Germans and being forced out of Belgium in 1914, whilst ignoring the fact that the British army at this time was tiny and was outnu7mbered by the Germans, yet they had fought to the point of exhaustion, with the utmost gallantry, slowing the Germans down and inflicting heavy casualties on them, so much so that they impressed the Germans as can be seen from the writings of German Captain Walter Bloem.

"The men are chilled to the bone, almost too exhausted to move, and with the depressing consciousness of defeat weighing heavily upon them. A bad defeat, there can be no gainsaying it -- we have been badly beaten, and by the English -- by the English we had so laughed at a few hours before."

The Kaiser had called the British army in France and Belgium "That contemptables little Army," ever since the British soldiers of 1914 were called the 'Old Contemptables'. After the Battle of the Mons the Germans were no longer laughing.

10 - He hypes on about British defeats in the early years of World War Two, whilst ignoring those defeats suffered by the Americans in their early battles. I.E, the fall of the Philippines, Wake, Guam, Savo Island and the Battle of the Kassarine Pass in Tunisia. both Britain and the United Stattes entered the war unprepared and this led to defeats during their early encounters with the enemy. This in no way reflects badly on the American or British fighting men but rather on the politicians who refused to modernize and who sent them off to war unready and on the generals who used outdated tactics.

11 - He claims that the Americans saved the British twice from the Germans, how? In both World Wars the British navy was the most powerful navy 8in the world, just how was Germany going to ship an army across the sea in the teeth of the Royal Navy? During the First World War, after the Battle of the Marne the front had stagmented into trench warfare, with neither side advancing more than a few thousand yards at a terrible cost. The Western Front had become a war of attrition which Britain and France with their massive man-power source from their empires were better suited to fight, even after Germany was able to transfer divisions from the east to the west after the surrender of Russia. In World War Two the British won the Battle of Britain, flying British designed and built Hawker Hurricane and Supermarine Spitfires in 1940, the Lend Lease Bill was not passed until 1941, in any case documents recovered by the Soviets in Hitler's bunker in Berlin in 1945, show that the Germans never seriously contemplated invading, they were hoping to bomb the British into submission, so that Churchill was recognise the German control of mainland Europe.. The whole of Operation Sealion was a mask designed to take eyes away6 from the build up of axis forces in Poland ready for the attack on the Soviet Union (Operation Barbarossa, 22nd June 1941) and to intimidate the Britrish into thinking an invasion was coming. Hitler said to Field Marshal Von Runstedt.

"I have no intention of going ahead with Sealion, there is no bridge over the sea. On land I am brave but at sea I am a coward."

The Germans losses of experienced crews during the Battle of Britain would effect their performance in the Soviet Union, when a number of German pilots and crew were killed because they fell asleep at the controls of their aircraft having been worked to a point of exhaustion in an attempt to make up for the shortages of aircraft

12 - He hypes on about the fall of Singapore whilst ignoring the fact that the British were mostly raw recruits as the better trained men were already in action in North and East Africa or were kept an home waiting for an invasion that never came, some of them had never fired a rifle, even in training. The Japanese however where hardened veterans from their war in China, the Japanese also had complete air superiority and tanks. Type 80s and Type 97s, the British not believing that tanks could be used effectively in the jungles of Malaya did not have a single tank in the area and very few anti-tank guns. At the same time the Americans lost in the Philippines and they did have tanks, M2 Stuart tanks which were superior to the Japanese type 80s and Type 97s, at this time the Japanese tanks in the Philippines did not have armour piecing ammunition, only high explosive which could not penetrate the M2s whilst the Americans did have armour piecing rounds and could penetrate the Japanese armour.

13 - He made a video called - Ottoman victories over the British - mainly Kut Al Amara and Gallipoli whilst ignoring the fact that the British and Commonwealth forces beat the Ottomans more times that the Ottomans beat the British and Commonwealth.

14 - He hypes on about the British defeat at Arnheim, even going as far to say on one channel that the Paras would fail under pressure because they surrendered in a battle that took place 70 years ago. He ignores the fact that the Paras went into Arnheim lightly equipped, mostly with infantry weapons. The Parsa were expected to hold out for three days against normal German resistance. The Paras however found that they had landed on two SS Panzer Divisions, equipped with half-tracks, self-propelled guns and tanks, including King Tiger tanks, yet the Pars hold out for NINE days. The German commander, a veteran of nearly four years of war, whom had fought against the Americans and the Soviets said that the British Paras at Arnheim where the toughest foe that he had ever fought against, a fine tribute indeed.

15 - He claims that many British Paras at Arnheim were rescued by the Americans, what utter rubbish, that claim is nothing short of a lie! The Paras came out of Arnheim into the sector hold by XXX Corps under Brain Horrocks. I know this because my own father was in XXX Corps as part of a tank recovery unit of the REME (Royal Electrical, Mechanical Engineers) and he was there, the Americans were further south.

16 - He made a video on Irish victories over the British, whilst ignoring the fact that the British defeated the Irish more times than they lost to them, the 1692 Battle of the Boyne immediately springs to mind. He also ignores the fact that Ireland was very much a civil war with Irish Protestant against Irish Catholic.

17 - He hyped on about a battle Nelson lost, BIFG DEAL. Nelson had been fighting for most of his life, since he had been a young midshipman, there are very few commanders, whether generals or admirals who have been fighting for most of their lives who have not lost at least one battle, even Wellington did, he lost a battle vin India when a night attack failed. One Commander who never did lose a battle (Whilst he was ion commander, so Lewes does not count as he was not in command) was English and that was Edward1st, the 'Hammer of the Scots.'

18 - He made a video called Boar victories over the British, whilst ignoring the fact that the Boars had gained a lot of experiencing fighting various African tribes, including the Zulus, they learned to shot at a very young age and where therefore expect shots. He hypes on about how small numbers of Boars tied down large numbers of British troops with hit and run tactics whilst ignoring the fact that the Apaches under Red Shirt, Cochise and Gernimo did just that with the United States cavalry.

19 - He keeps on posting statements and facts about USMC personnel who did very brave things and won the Medal of Honour. Whoopy-doo!! so there are many British and Commonwealth soldiers who have won the Victoria Cross but you do no6t see people boasting about it all over Youtube.

20 - He claims that the British did very little to defeat Napoleon, claiming that the British army was tiny compared to those of Austria, Prussia and Russia, which admittingly did most of the fighting on land. However he ignores the fact that British money was pouring into these countries. Without British money Spain and Portugal could not have carried on fighting and if they had fallen large numbers of French troops would have been free to fight elsewhere. Also Napoleon said he would rather face three battalions of Austrian, Prussian or Russian troops than one battalion of British regulars." A fine tribe, especially when one things that at one time Napoleon did not have much regard for the British army.

21 -- He made a video about the British surrender at Yorktown in 1781 to the Americans and French during the American War of Independence without mentioning the fact that the British were outnumbered and low on supplies at Yorktown.

22 - He claims that the British Empire was dismantled by Roosevelt, what hoppy-cock! The Americans played no part in the dismantling of the empire which fell apart mostly because the British realised that they were entering a new age and that the age of imperialism was over. Compared to the French and Portuguese the British withdrawal from Empire was relatively peaceful, many of Britain's post World War Two wars were a result of Britain helping her former colonies gain their feet, IE Malaya, where it was deemed necessary to defeat the CTS (Communist Terrorists) before giving Malaya independence. A couple of colonies were given independence against their will, Guyana and Belize who did not want independence.

23 - He claims that the surrender by a force of Royal Marines to the Iranian coastguard was an act of cowardice. When in fact the Royal Marines were ORDERED to surrender by the by the British naval commander in order to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. He denies that the USMC would have done the same thing when of cause they would have if ordered to, unless the United States Marine Corps are in the habit of disobeying orders. Of the American commander gave never gave that order and choose instead to fight then lots of blood would have been shred for no reason. It would have proven that the British were more concerned in saving lives than the Americans. Of cause I cannot speak for USMarineRifleMaon0311 but I do not like the idea of depriving women of their husbands, parents of their sons and children of their fathers if it can be avoided. I do not believe however that the Americans would have acted differently.

24 - He claims that the Royal Navy was impotent during the War of 1812 yet by 1814 the bankers and merchants of New England were begging President Madison to make pace because of t5he Royal Navy's blockade of the eastern seaboard.

25 - He said that during the Battle of Peiho, during the storming of the Turku Forts during the Opium War that the British were losing and that the Americans abandoned their neutrality to help the British out. What utter rubbish another bare faced lie. The Americans offered to take off the British wounded and care for them which was kind of the Americans but that is all they did. The Americans certainly did not abandon their neutrality, for by the rules of war at that time, indeed it still applies today neutrals were and still are allowed to care for wounded from any combatant nation, as that was seen as an act of humanity and was certainly not unknown. Maybe USMarineRifleMan0311 has not heard of the role of the Swiss Red cross during both World Wars? The Battle of Peiho was won and the Turku Forts were taken by the British without any US military help.

26 - He claims that during World War Two 40,000 British and Indians defected to the Japanese. First there were very few if any British defectors, the 40,000 were all Indian. Second these men were all Indians who had fallen victim to Japanese propaganda who told them that they, the Japanese would drive the British from India and give India its independence. The INA, the Indian National Army was therefore formed, but it performed badly in combat, many of its men had joined to escape the brutality and hunger of the POW camps and as soon as they got into action many of them deserted back to the British. In fact in one battle several hundred deserted all in one go after killing their Japanese officers, after a brief period of screening they were allowed to fight again as part of the British-Indian Army. Meanwhile the Japanese gave up on the INA and used it as a labour force.

27 - And now on the War of 1812 channel, he says that the British lost the war of 1812, he must have a very bad memory because on another sight, 'Al Murray, Britain has defeated every country bin the worlds' (A while back now) he says that the war ended bin a stalemate. Even Wikipedia , an American sight says it ended in a stale mate.

28 - He claims that the Royal Marines at Peking (Beijing) during the 55 day siege there during the 1900 Boxer Rebellion were under the command of the Us Marines, when in fact all the embassy guards, British, French, Italian, Japanese, Austrian, Russian and AMERICAN were placed under the command of Britisher Sir Claude McDonald.

29 - He Hypes on about Britain's lost wars going as far back as the Roman invasion of AD 43 !!! and compares them to the United States whilst ignoring that British military history is 2,000 years old whilst that of the US is less than 250. The law of averages dictates that Britain will have lost some wars, after all you cannot win them all. Yet considering the number of wars that Britain has fought in those 2,00e has lost surprisingly few.

30 - Under the alias of 373. W. Div he finds a web sight saying that some British soldiers (A small number) are too fat to fight, whilst ignoring the fact that that same problem plagues the armed forces of the United States, there are two web sights about this, both saying that at least 20% of American service personnel are over weight.

31- Again under 373 W.Div, he claims that Britain lost the First and Third Afghan Wars when in fact Britain WON all three. Though the first started very badly, when up to 40,000 troops and camp followers (Mostly Indian) evacuated Kabul, but out of all these people only one man made bit to Jalalabad, the rest were either killed or taken prisoner,.. Surprisingly due to their fierce reputation the Afghan hill men treated the captive children with great kindness, saving the lives of a number whom had been left behind to die in the snow. But it did not end there, the British re-entered Afghanistan with what was called the Army of Retribution, freed many of the captives, (Others managed to escape) and re-occupied Kabul. They then ousted the Afghan leader Akbar Khan and put their own man back in power, this being Dost Muhammad. The Third Afghan War, after a few set backs also ended in a British victory

32 - He claims again as 373. W. Div that the British lost the First Ashanti War (I would really like to know what history books or web sights he is reading if any) when in fact after some success at the start of the war the Ashantis (A warrior people from what is now called Ghana) were defeated.

33 - He votes up his own posts either as USMarineRifleMan0311 or as 373. W. Div. When I clicked onto the latter's channel it had USMarineRifleMan0311 at the top of the page as plain as you like. If you are going to open up another channel and pretend to be somebody else, at least get rid of the name of your previous account., He has now done this, but it is too late, I have noticed it has have several others.

34- He mentions Britain's defeat in the Anglo-Spanish Wars of the 1770s, these were in fact part of the American War of Independence, Britain at that time was fighting against the American patriots, Spain, Mysore (In India) France and the Netherlands and it was not WAR(S) but rather war, there was only one with Spain at that time, the one mentioned.

35 - He claims that the British invented friendly fire. CRAP!!!> With the confused nature of war, any war, friendly fire probably stated when one caveman throw a rock at a rival and missed and instead hit a relative or friend.

36 - He is a coward who will not let me comment on his threads because he knows that I will drill holes in them with knowledge and hard facts.. He know2s that they are valid arguments which he cannot counter so he blocks them. He is a coward who deletes because he is too yellowed bellied to get into a serious debate with a true Brit. (Some marine he would make, probably shitting himself at the bottom of a foxhole whilst hew mates do all the real fighting)

37 - He claims to have served in the United States Marine Corps, but looking at his posts he is too disrespectful of his allies and full of the wrong attitude to have served I do not believe that he served in the regular US Army or even the National Guard let alone the USMC, he is nothing but a keyboard warrior pretending to be something that he is not

38 - He claims that the bolt pull length on the SMLE Lee Enfield (See 7) was not a factor, yet it bloody well was because it vastly increased the rate of fire and rate of fire has always been a factor. Let us consider Stephen Bull's words author of Osprey Publishing book ' COMBAT, British Infantryman against the German Infantryman, Somme 191`6.'

"The Gew 98 Mauser was one of the most accurate rifles of its days and its length gave it a long reach however its five round magazine, longer bolt operation and overall length gave it a rate of fire slower than that of the SMLE and it was not easy to handle in the confines of a trench. The SMLE short bolt pull and charger loading magazine gave it a rate of fire of over 15 rounds per minute. Designed as a universal weapon and weighing 18lb 13oz it was relatively short at 44-in and thus reasonably handy, even in the confines of a trench."

39 - And now he goes on about the surrender of the Royal Marines in Port Stanley during the 1982 Falklands War. (Now he is really getting desperate here) Lets look at the facts, 80 men, 57 Royal Marines, 11 sailors and the rest Falkanders Territorial Army., invading Argentines, 3,000 with warships , including a bloody destroyer, supported by Armstracks APCs and helicopters and attack jets. The Royal Marines resisted against these overwhelming odds for 24 hours before being ordered to lay down their arms by the islands governor. Yet USMarineRifleMan0311 condemns them for surrendering!!!. Given the odds weighed against them I do not believe that any fighting unit any where in the world could have done different.

40 - He hypes on about the Turks beating in the First and Second Transjordan Campaigns, where the Britain lost around 3,000 men whilst ignoring the fact that the British won the Third Campaign where they destroyed a whole Turkish-German army

41 _ He makes a list of wars that the US won, on its own and mentions the Cambodian Campaign, yet I remember reading that the elite South Vietnamese Tigers and Rangers were heavily involved in that which was in fact part of the Vietnam war which the US lost.

42 - And now he claims the British Empire controlled mostly desert and tundra, when I point out to him that India, along with Pakistan and Bangladesh are the world's second highest population, he hypes on about the Indians being equipped with Matchlocks when at Assay the Maratha was equipped and trained by the French 10,900 regulars whom Wellington said were as good as any European regular force. The Marathas also had 100 cannon while Wellington only had 17, outnumbered and outgunned Wellington still won the battle.

43 - He made a video on 'A history of Royal Marine Blunders,' whilst ignoring the fact that the Royal Marines have been involved in a hell of a lot more battles and wars than the US. The Royal Marines were created in the 17th Century, over a hundred years before the US even existed. He also ignores the blunders made by his beloved Marine Corps.

44 - And now he claim that the British adopted the M1 Garand, hoppycock, the British never adopted that rifle.

45 --- He also tries to steal credit from the Belgians, saying that the Browning HP was an American gun. WRONG, it was based on an American design, based is not the same as copying, by that logic the McDonnalled AV8 is British because it was based on the British Harrier. No, the Browning HP was designed by Belgians and produced in Belgian factories, not one gun was made in the US. It is a Belgian gun. Made by FN ..............................................................................................................................

.................................................................................................................................. So there you have it, 45 anti-British posts, videos and rants, all with falsehoods and lies, lies invented by USMarineRifleMan0311 AKA 373 W..Div to make the British military look bad, stupid, incompetent and cowardly, in spite of their fine reputation that they hold around the world. My summery is that USMarineRifleMan0311 AKA 373. W. Div is full of shit. Read more Read more


Mods plz sticky.


as a well read military history buff and as a British patriot I feel it is my duty to expose a fraud, first so that no one gets the wrong idea, I am not anti-American, I even drink with Americans in Britain's smallest pub, the Nutshell in Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk and I have the utmost respect for the United States Marines Corps. The fraud in question - USMarineRifleMan0311 --- AKA--- Anthony Gadway AKA - 373.W.Div- - KE Prus Curassier .He hates the British and has made numerous anti-British videos. Though I admit he knows a lot about military history, he often twists the facts and even lies in an on going effect to make the British and its military look bad and incompetent and his beloved United States Marine Corps up to be the best fighting force in the world, lol. I am not trolling or lying let us consider the facts. Finally all the information below can be verified by doing a little research on the web

as a well read military history buff and as a British patriot I feel it is my duty to expose a fraud, first so that no one gets the wrong idea, I am not anti-American, I even drink with Americans in Britain's smallest pub, the Nutshell in Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk and I have the utmost respect for the United States Marines Corps. The fraud in question - USMarineRifleMan0311 --- AKA--- Anthony Gadway AKA - 373.W.Div- - KE Prus Curassier .He hates the British and has made numerous anti-British videos. Though I admit he knows a lot about military history, he often twists the facts and even lies in an on going effect to make the British and its military look bad and incompetent and his beloved United States Marine Corps up to be the best fighting force in the world, lol. I am not trolling or lying let us consider the facts. Finally all the information below can be verified by doing a little research on the web

...are you threatening me?

Your post took effort to read. Delete your account.

Please England has been sucking american hind tit for a century and with the exception of monty python and mr. bean really have nothing to add to the conversation.


It's quality drama. It's funny because this old guy got in an internet argument about longbows and took it way too far.

Actually I mustered up some courage and read it. You're right. It's hilarious lmao

Reading is for fags. If I wanted to do that shit I would go to school.