A drag queen performed at the Day for Freedom. Freedom enthusiasts suddenly would "rather accept tyranny."

18  2018-05-08 by Snowayne2


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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Fucking beautiful. There's a contingent of the 'alt-right' that genuinely believe it's all about freedom of speech and that they're being unfairly tarred just to shut them up and all that. And then stuff like this makes them face that the people they've been hanging around with on the internet are a bunch of ex-combat 18 wankers who'd probably glass them if they met them in a pub.

The libertarian left has enough experience getting backstabbed to know that if you give the tankies an inch you're going to be the first ones in the gulag.

On the other hand, the alt-lite don't have the historical literacy to realise that when the deathsquads start kicking around you being an internet free speech warrior isn't going to stop your BASED gay or black mate from getting a bullet

The starvation death count doesn't help.

If you're going to count famines though it's not like capitalism has been better, Something like 50 million died of starvation in British India and 5 to 10 million die every year from malnutrition even when famines aren't happening. Something like 40% of all food grown is wasted.

5 to 10 million die every year from malnutrition even when famines aren't happening.

How many of those deaths happen in first-world capitalist countries?

Why do commies act like every death in whichever backwater shithole is the fault of the Great Satan America when trying to excuse communist countries killing tens of millions of their own people?

Because commies are genocidal misanthropes who know they need to be dishonest.

The famines in British India were result of government action, not capitalism; without that the problem wouldn't have happened in the first place as the markets would have solved it as they normally do. Markets are not perfect (the problem with food waste is real but solving is another can of worms) but messing with them too much is even worse.


The british forced India to export some stuff, I'm not sure if that counts as capitalism.

Have black people ever produced a civilisation, David?

Well shit @MillennialWoes really went from 0 to 100, On a related note someone should make a bot so we can ping twitter users

we can ping twitter users

/u/spez plz

And like they have so that's not really a proper racism from any angle

Piss off the leftoids with a pro-free speech rally with "alt right" speakers.

And then piss off the far right nuts in the audience by putting a drag queen up to speak.

Radical centrism in action, /r/drama should be proud.

2018 trollathon rolling in backwards ahead of the behind schedule.

Freedom rally lets right wingers talk

"Freedom of speech is great. The left needs to stop being so sensitive."

Freedom rally lets a drag queen perform


Hot take: Free speech is just a convenient issue for the far-right to latch onto because it gives them propaganda wins against a political left that isn't smart enough to see what's happening.

Any pretense of "free speech" would vanish instantly if any of these "pro-free speech" warriors actually had power.

Imagine being so emotionally delicate that you melt down over a guy in a dress. Or don't, because the alt-right already exists

As an Islamist, I fully support trans people. As an Islamist, gays and the rest of Reddit need to go.

TBF, i've seen some pretty weak drag shows at 2 a.m. At that point you'd accept most anything.