Check this Psycho out!

8  2018-05-08 by Merishone

(Pasted from my blog. Figured I'd share with all you Drama Addicts!)

Alright, alright, alright!

So here's a story that actually doesn't involve me for once, but damn is it ever some DRAMA.

No names will be used but if you know me you might be able to figure it out. Dun Dunnnnn.

Grab your popcorn, and prepare for legit rage if you are a mother.

One of my great friends is a single mom and she does it fantastically. I happen to have a great relationship with her little girl and she is smart, always happy, and just so much fun to be around. On top of this, my friend and her ex have at least a cordial relationship so the little girl gets ample time with both parents. Yes, sometimes relationships don't work out but two adults should be able to raise their child still without bashing each other or otherwise fucking up that child's early life. My friend achieves this on a daily basis and I really commend her as a mom.

However, she' struggled these last many years, not really being able to find a good enough guy that should would actually bring into her kid's life, or at all for that matter.

If you are single right now you'll know what I'm talking about. Dating in current times... wow. Just wow.

So anyway, over the last few months she was being very secretive about this new guy, and I know her well enough to know it was because she just wanted to keep this thing low-key so it wouldn't end up like all the others.  For at least 4-5 months she was happy. She didn't talk about him much but always she seemed in great spirits and smiled when she did talk about him.

For me, I was good to go with this. I love seeings my friends happy.

Then as of course you might have suspected the shit hit the fan. It tends to happen.

Here's how it went down.

1 day I'm scrolling though my facebook and BAM the status comes! She is in a relationship officially with this guy. There were tons of comments and likes and everyone, especially me, was super happy. Again she's been waiting for a while to meet a good one.

LITERALLY THAT DAY, I get some news.

They are fighting.

But why, you might ask? Yes, it was because of the status, but plot twist - he ASKED her to do it.

No, no, there was a much deeper issue going on.

Turns out the guy has a psychotic ex (perhaps even a bit more vindictive than the women I have dated), and she saw the status.  What did you she? Make some calls, bitch to her friends?

Sadly, this girl is fucking institution worth crazy.

First, she somehow managed to get the guy's Facebook banned. This is what caused the fight, cuz clearly that's my friend's fault that you have a psycho ex you didn't tell her about.

It really should have ended there. She has a kid and quite frankly doesn't need the drama.

But it didn't.

Over the next few days the girl (I am going to drop her name at the end by the way) did the following acts. Keep it mind this is simply because the guy was dating someone else - they had been broken up for a while.

 False assault claim against the guy. Sent him to holding cell over night. THEN retracted the charges. She did this by showing a tiny bruise on her knee and they accepted it.Contacted friend's baby daddy starting shit with him. Called my friend's work making up a story that she was stealing medicine in the hopes that they would fire her. They said, "We aren't getting involved in your drama" essentially, taking my friend's side. But that could have gone both ways. Took to Facebook and Text messages, LITERALLY Slandering my friend's name saying she stole from her, beats her kids, etc etc. Just making up psychotic stories to destroy her reputation.And the kicker. This bitch legitimately called Child protective services - we call it FACS here - on my friend, saying she was beating her child.  I'm not a parent and typing this out right now still brings my blood to a boil.  This girl has kids of her own and she would do that to someone.

It's mandatory for them to follow up, but luckily as I said the little girl very happy and has a great living environment. The woman came and left in 2 minutes saying sorry, I don't know why I'm even here - the phone call did sound malicious. But again, that could have gone both ways.

Since then my friend has received many messages from fake numbers and profiles, and messages from people she knows who the girl has contacted who have sent screenshots of the lies this girl is saying. ANYONE who knows my friend knows damn well she isn't capable of the shit this girl is saying.

So she of course has called the police.

Cop 1. "There's nothing we can do, sorry." With a demeanor of you are wasting my time.   Good job buddy, way to represent Niagara.

Cop 2. Nicer, but same answer. These messages are coming from fake numbers so we can't help.  Um, last I checked you can EASILY check the phone records, and run IP checks, and even check the girl's computer. At the very least go talk to the crazy person and lightly say, "We can't prove this is you, but if it is, you'd better stop before this goes any further."  How hard is that?  Take 10 minutes out of your lazy fucking donut stuffing day and do your job. (Sorry, in my experience no NRP officer has EVER helped me out when it was needed. But they will happily give you a ticket for 10km/h over.)

Cop 3. Nicest yet, but SAME ANSWER. (This is after this girl called FACS on her). I'll paraphrase what the cop was really saying. "Sorry, I'm too lazy to do the investigative work needed to actually help you out with this so I'm going to tell you it's not possible because really I don't care. He did offer the advice to get a restraining order though (we call them Peace Bonds).

And that's what she and I are doing in about 20 mins.

At least at that point if she breaks it, she will be charged. But really NRP? You can't just go talk to her and scare her a little bit? How many times have you used the "I'll take you down to the station right now!" line on me?  It would sure work on this psychopath. Fucking shameful.

Sooo to anyone in the Niagara Region of Ontario, best steer clear of Stephanie Hensen. 1. She is just a crazy person in general, but 2. I daresay she will be in prison soon.


Paging u/OniTan

I am sorry, friend. r/Drama is only your personal army if you post bussy.

I daresay she will be in prison soon.

I mean, it's good to hope, OP, but it doesn't seem like cops in your region are in a hurry to do anything about her.

The Cops no. But if she breaches a restraining order she will get actual charges. Better than this coocoo deserves.

Just to let you know, reddit is against posting personal details (such as names) because it can lead to doxing. It's quite easy to find their workplace by googling their name for example. I mean, it sounds like she has it coming but it's still against the sitewide rules.