/r/politics puts a jihad out on Trump supporters. An anger so bright it had lit up the eyes of Allah

100  2018-05-08 by KateUptonsCumback


Avoid parenthetical insults—they just diminish your authority. Throughout the post, you're best points seem to be lost in a sea of self-aggrandizement and scattershot thinking


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Don't worry folks! The ☝️️Best👐 Brain™ 🧠 will use his stable genius powers to not fuck up this deal BIGLY! We are in small great hands atm 👐

/u/Risley why even worry tbh?

Don't worry folks! The ☝️️Best👐 Brain™ 🧠 will use his YUGE negotiation powers to not fuck up this deal BIGLY! We are in small great hands atm 👐

Lmao a Jihad on Trump supporters? Really? Making people aware of their own actions is Jihad now? JFC and these guys act like liberals are the special ❄️.



You make a really good point. Tell us more.

Lmao a Jihad on Trump supporters? Really?

Yes, Jihad is the holiest and most reeeeeefficient form of warfare against the scourge of Trump and his followers. Coming in a close second is making hyperbolic statements in r/politics regarding Drumpf and the infidels that back him.

Well liberals are do nothing pussies. They just moan, at least leftist and right wingers fight. You’re just down with finger wagging.

Lmao keep telling yourself that. Leave it to a Trumo supporter to praise actions even when they are the wrong ones bc “it’s getting shit done.”

Bruh, im waaaaay further to left of trump and you. It’s cute how mad you are tho

But she said a storm is coming!!!!

I really wish she squirted after she said that, for dramatic effect and to underline just how serious she was.

maybe she did?

It is hilarious how much shit Cohen is in over a porn Star. Of all the things, this is what takes him down? I’m willing to bet he never saw this happening in his future. He should have just cut his losses and left the country after Trump got elected bc he had to know people would scrutinize everything Trump did.

Now that’s rich and frankly it’s the same old story.

Step 1) says some obviously Trump supporting comment

Step 2) claims he/she is actually a Democrat/Bernie Bro/Clinton supporter/liberal/leftist to make it seem that OP is off base with calling out the obvious Trump support.

It’s a playbook really, and it’s a predictable as Trumps weekly tweetstorm at this point. God you guys need to try harder man, it’s just not working anymore. Do yourself a favor, go eat a snack to get the blood sugar up and try again in about 39 minutes.

this is a centrist safe space, respect our values (we dont have any) or you can fuck off bucko

Lmao imagine being this much of a Hillary shill in 2018

How am I a Clinton supporter? Check my history son, I hate Hillary Clinton. Why can’t you just admit who you support?

I’ll admit it you got me. I still low key support Jeb!

Shit, even I support Jeb over Trump.



Jeb! 2020

Not only can it happen, but it will happen.

Jeb! will lead the worker's revolution to form the USSA in 2020

KYS from all the drama peeps

I am an actual Trump MAGAtard and I can assure you that Kate is a colossal leftist faggot.

Can confirm I am a colossal leftist faggot



u/KateUptonsCumback wtf has trump gotten done? Asides from Korea which I give him credit for, at the same time it was not his or America's intention for those countries to unite. Seriously you elected a loud mouth, perverted, idiot, and you praise him like he some god send. Your the fucking joke of the world.

wtf has trump gotten done?

He made you cucks so mad

Seriously you elected a loud mouth, perverted, idiot, and you praise him like he some god send.

Sounds /r/drama-approved as fuck

Your the fucking joke of the world.

Stay pressed queen

Please, Trump is so mad at Obama since he was butchered at the Press banquet that he has to remove any and all decisions regardless of whether it’s a good or bad idea. How can any American be a bigger ❄️ than Trump?

Please, Trump is so mad at Obama since he was butchered at the Press banquet

Pretty sure it's called the White House Correspondents' Dinner, not the "press banquet," you stupid edgelord

has to remove any and all decisions regardless of whether it’s a good or bad idea

Yeah, because this is a white country and that Basketball-American was trying to make our legal language ebonics, don't you fucking read?

How can any American be a bigger ❄️ than Trump?

I dunno, but you Antifags sure do try your darndest

Lmao your comments read like some serious satire. I’m tempted just to upvote you just bc it takes some serious skill to come off as such a hot fart.

And god damn son, I can see you literally pushing up those glasses as you “correct” me by providing the full banquet name. Boy did you get me there!

And if this is really a white country, you better get to breeding and fast, bc nothing you are doing so far is stopping the demographics changing. You’ll become a minority whether you like it or not. And the fact that it makes you so salty fills me with joy.

Lmao your comments read like some serious satire. I’m tempted just to upvote you just bc it takes some serious skill to come off as such a hot fart.

Welcome to /r/drama, please stay

And god damn son, I can see you literally pushing up those glasses as you “correct” me by providing the full banquet name. Boy did you get me there!

I'm a girl you sexist pig

And if this is really a white country, you better get to breeding and fast

Can't knock up bussy :-(

You’ll become a minority whether you like it or not. And the fact that it makes you so salty fills me with joy.

Mayos being unironically excited about the mayocide is the funniest shit

Mayocide? Lmfao

Are you gonna post bussy or not

Later my youngin, pappa is earning his $5.50/hr.

Get dat paper daddy

I dunno dude, I hope, I really hope your not some right wing faggot.

I'm a right wing roastie like Toemeat Larping

Why? The right wing is the most retarded bunch of weak willed faggots I have ever seen. There whole platform is I'm white fuckin respect me. It is the most absurd thing I have ever seen.

There whole platform is I'm white fuckin respect me

Where is the lie

I thought you were about that there mayocide?

Seriously though how about you work hard, make something of yourself and quit being a little faggot ass bitch. Talking about asians being genetically superior and shit. We put in the work. Respect is earned not given.

You're not as convincing of a troll as you think you are

Why are the right wing such cowardly faggots? Serious question.

You're not as convincing of a troll as you think you are

Stop hurting my feelings.

Mayos being unironically excited about the mayocide is the funniest shit

no, we’re unironically excited about white genocide. a similar concept that stems from us knowing we’d look better if we were half-mexican

I read somewhere he used to donate lots of money to democrats until obama got elected. Like wtf?

Okay, I concede for our purposes he is a literal god send. However, outside of this sub, words cannot describe how badly this person should not be president.

outside of this sub

Not a thing.

I voted for Hildawg my dude

You sound right wing. Maybe my autism got the better of me.

No you’re right, I come across as right wing but Really I’m just hyper critical of the democrats after Trump.

Be critical of everyone. Trust me at least liberals want the country to move forward conservatives don't. However, this is a sub not meant for political discourse.

" I'm strapped to the gills, I'm gonna beat so much cuck ass they'll be shitting soy fo-


Someone photoshop me a picture of Diane Feinstein swinging bike lock

Not anymore, the Bike Lock Bandit is on his way to being raped in jail by the proletatariat.

They'll respawn, it only took the one guy to have them shaking in their MAGA hats. Get some in better masks next time and that'll be the end of the centipede infestation for sure!

Yes, leftist protesters attempting actual murder on camera is definitely what we don't want.

What they need to do is upgrade to Chargers.

The list of what antifag retards need to do is very long and not likely to be finished.

we wouldn't even know he existed if right wingers were Real Manly Mentm

they talked about him for what, three years?

how come we haven’t run over anyone with a car yet?

Those aren't the liberals though. The people that go out and hit people are usually anarchists/communists. Liberals change their facebook status and complain that Trump is rude.

And also organized/continue to organize the insidious Deep State that, in tandem with the Gnomes of Zurich, has its fingers on all the levers of global power. Never forget that Adam Weishaupt was a liberal, you rascally rabbit.

GTFO our of r/drama. Fuck off back to r/the_donald. Faggot

Sorry you hate FREEDOM

Freedom was mistake, slavery is the answer.

slavery is the answer.

I knew Democrats loved illegal immigration for a reason.

Well to be fair, I'm saying the vast majority, including whites would be enslaved. It kind of is like that when you think about how little the working class get as opposed to the uber rich.

Liberals already enslave Mexicans. There is no need to bother with fantasy.

James Field agrees

If anyone dies bc of this, make sure you point out how Trump supporters are to blame, that they have blood on their hands. Remind them everyday all day and never let them forget.

Let me take a wild stab in the dark. These confrontations you envision will happen on Twitter and Reddit, but not IRL.

And if it did, it'd just fuel more anti-Islam sentiment and then associate these faggots with Islam.

all that stuff’s fake anyway, it’s all printed by /pol/ and russia

The Jihad on trump supporters is trump.

Use this against them, call them out completely, say they are cheering murder which makes them as bad as the terrorists. Throw their religion in their faces and say how their god would be ashamed of them. If they want to cheer, make them know what you think that cheering means. If they deny it, ask them WHY THEY LIKE MURDER. Put THEM on the defensive. When they say they don’t like murder, hit it again, “I never would have thought so-and-so would be for murdering families. Hey mom/dad, did you know so-and-so Is for murdering families? How do you sleep at night? Do you ask for God forgiveness for wanting to murder people.”

What this really translates to:

Wake up. You live alone. Go to work. Don't talk to anybody on the way. Make small chat if engaged at work. Go home. Don't talk to anybody on the way. Get on your computer, you can post faster there than on your phone. Eat something out of a can, or the freezer. Go to bed too late, again. Do it all over again tomorrow.

Pretty close, amirite

You left out the 🐈, failwhale.mp4

My wife and I both voted for Trump. We would both vote for him again were the election held today.

The Iran deal has always been retarded.

And I voted against him. I’ll vote against him again. The Iran deal was better than anything trump will ever do. Remember, they can fund the Iran war with your tax dollars.

Sorry we didn't want to hand another rogue state atomic weapons when they super pinky swore to not make them, remember when Clinton did that with NK? I member.

how scared are you? like they would do anyting with them. I find it hilarious we worry about that when Israel has them and probably so does Saudi Arabia.

My wifes grandfather was in a bomber over Europe and WWII.

My grandfather was a marine on Iwo.

How soon the kids forget.

You're stealing valor from not only your own grandfather, but also your wife's grandfather? I can only imagine what you'll do to your wife's son when he grows up.


It’s a religious state of peace, why is everyone convinced Iran will nuke us all?

Peaceful Muslims guys. Chill.

on the bright side if Iran and Israel destroy themselves, then is there even a need for us to be there? Can't we just waltz in take that oil? I don't really see a downside.

“Y’allmindifwe... TAKE THE OIL?”

-United States If America

That is one polite american, I would think you would take shit.

on the bright side if Iran and Israel destroy themselves, then is there even a need for us to be there?

the 4D chess in action

yeah boyee

I come to /r/drama for all my hot takes on geopolitics

It's the only based place. I do see a lot of agenda posting and those faggots should be called out.

It would be a win even if the US didn't get any oil out of it.

For the Saudi's or Russians, who could move in and pick up the pieces.

We need peace with Iran so we can nuke Russia for hacking the election.

i thought we were gonna nuke them, not vice ersa

They are unironically the master race

Every time someone spends this much time arguing it’s not them…

They have no reason to be smug. The Shia crescent (Iran et al.) will try to teach Israel a "lesson" very soon. It will be the biggest loss of Jewish life since WW2.


His source is the righteous prophet Muhammed, Inshallah, ((they)) will pay

Who is ((they))? Do you mean (((they)))?


The Israelis have killed dozens of Iranian soldiers and Shia militants in Syria. Revenge will come soon enough.

Israeli soldiers are a group of rich spoiled Polish, Ukrainian and Russian Jews. They have no chance against modern well-trained forces like Hezbollah and the Iranian army.

I am not sure if your joking or being serious.

Remember when the war started, how the media kept talking about the Elite Republican Guard? Like these guys were the fucking boogeyman or something. Like they were 12 feet tall desert warriors who’ve never lost a battle. Yeah, well, after a month of continuous carpet bombing and not one reaction at all from them, they became simply the Republican Guard – hahahahahaha – not nearly as elite as we may have led you to believe. And after another month of bombing they went from the Elite Republican Guard to the Republican Guard to, the Republicans made this shit up about there being guards out there. We hope you enjoyed your fireworks show.

Bill Hicks

12.0 feet = 3.66 metres.

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The ultimate radical centrist philosopher.

He is a great, but he was only the penultimate. He had to go undercover to become the ultimate.

That was in Iraq, fam.

They have no chance against modern well-trained forces like Hezbollah and the Iranian army.


They have no chance against modern well-trained forces like Hezbollah and the Iranian army.

Not in a donkey-fucking contest, no.


Let’s be honest, an Israeli-Iranian war wouldn’t probably even last six days, occupying the whole of Iran would be a bitch but Israel would win the actual war in like a weekend. Iran wants nukes so they don’t inevitably get their asses kicked

Unironically written from some office building in Tel Aviv.

You guys are working overtime on this one..

This concerns us why?

It should't. They deserve it.



I dunno man, I have heard the first one, but not the second. I have heard fuck israel, and honestly I can see why. Israel is like a fucking gold digger that never gives you anything for the money that you throw at her.

Israel is like a fucking gold digger that never gives you anything for the money that you throw at her.

You know for being an Antifag soyboy douche, you have the same perception of women as any given /r/The_donald poster

Your saying women don't marry guys or date guys for money? GTFO. That is absurd. Also how dare you assume what I am you turd munching faggot.

Just go to /r/worldnews. It's there a plenty.

no man that requires way to much effort

lol :p

as a liberal I just want to confirm this is what we all think

Blacked , Black Cube what is the connection? Are (((they))) using mayo shikshas to subjugate and emasculate the working class so that we will be fodder for (((their))) wars

They’ve been waiting for their Rapture, and really don’t care if half the world has to be destroyed so they can leave. :/ I’ve noticed that trying to make 45 supporters understand what they’ve done only makes them dig in deeper. They just do not care, and get quite a lot of satisfaction in making everyone else (ie. all those damn libs) angry.


Use this against them, call them out completely, say they are cheering murder which makes them as bad as the terrorists. Throw their religion in their faces and say how their god would be ashamed of them. If they want to cheer, make them know what you think that cheering means. If they deny it, ask them WHY THEY LIKE MURDER. Put THEM on the defensive. When they say they don’t like murder, hit it again, “I never would have thought so-and-so would be for murdering families. Hey mom/dad, did you know so-and-so Is for murdering families? How do you sleep at night? Do you ask for God forgiveness for wanting to murder people.”


Wow, you guys have really good arguments (for why anti-psychotic medication should be payed for by the government, why it should be mandatory, and why it should be issued rectally).

/u/Risley happy to field those questions my dude

Throw their religion in their faces and say how their god would be ashamed of them

Jesus loves Daddy, soyboy


Thins the herd

“I never would have thought so-and-so would be for murdering families. Hey mom/dad, did you know so-and-so Is for murdering families?"

I don't get this, are you always accompanied by your parents? Or my parents? Whose parents are you tattling on me to?

How do you sleep at night?

Fine, in my own apartment far away from my parents. Jealous?

Do you ask for God forgiveness for wanting to murder people.

A huge segment or Iranians think that Allah supports their murdering of infidels. Go ask them that question.

Take you political bullshit with a dose of cyanide.

You seem grouchy. Think it's time for your afternoon Soylent, comrade.

I apologize man. I thought you were an outsider. Fuck trump, fuck trump supporters. Fuck hillary clinton.

I apologize man

I'm a girl

I thought you were an outsider.

"An outsider" imagine being this autistic

Fuck trump, fuck trump supporters.

His name is "Daddy" and I unironically voted for him

When you think not having a candidate makes you enlightened. Imagine being this much of a faggo

Its more important that you be able to blame someone else for anything than actually making your own decision and accepting the consequences.

Its a hallmark of the participation trophy generation.

Yep, it allows them to completely be absolved of guilt in politics and also be on the high chair by ruling through hindsight. It's peak soytier douchebag

"Hah I can attack you for who you support but I don't support anyone so checkmate!!"


Jealous much?

There are so many things you could have said that would have been better comebacks, and you think of one of the few that are trash. You suck ass

I thought this sub was inclusive of all kinks.

Just genocide against whites. If you are a cuck or soy you aren't allowed

That is discrimination...

Whyte "people" can't be discriminated against, sweetie

big if true.

You don’t talk to your parents on a reasonably regular basis? That explains a lot.

I do talk to them on a regular basis, I just don't tattle on random people to them for having a different opinion than I do.

You're taking this a little too seriously lol

Its hard to get a word i between the H nod and the meth psychosis.

I'd like to congratulate you on finding out about our apocalyptic cult. It must have taken some real tough detective work. And we would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you level-headed progressives!

/u/Risley is the type of guy who thinks he's the main character in some shitty drama. He also enjoys the smell of his own farts and likes to watch his wife get plowed by his black neighbor so that he doesn't appear to be racist. How is your girlfriend's son?

They actually want this, some are even prepared to die themselves as long as the world is destroyed.

If Donald Trump supporters are in some purposeful apocalyptic cult, it kinda makes me wanna join.

They think god is sending them signals to start the Book of Revelations. I read into their philosophy one day out of curiosity, and I left as scatterbrained and terrified as I did after reading Kurt Cobain’s journals.

These people talk about Republicans like an 80 year old talks about Democrats.

But theyre right. Republicans are a neutered mayo ISIS

I'll never get over how disgusting a political party can get once it got a little TOO confident.

Liberals are inconsistantly throwing shit at everything like the "Think of the children" Republicans of the 90s.

Can't beat happyology.

At the very least there won't be death camps.

I think.

me too thanks

Throw their religion in their faces and say how their god would be ashamed of them. If they want to cheer, make them know what you think that cheering means. /u/Risley

My religion is the Olympic Pantheon and I honor my gods by destroying the enemies of the West.



The only thing the feral, sisterfucking retards in the Trump camp honor is a long tradition of intergenerational incest and being used as subsentient bags of fuckmeat by the next guy looking to get a quick buck.

Haha, the libs are very triggered today!

lol, you pansy faggots think you're Western ubermensch while Trump gargles the sweaty balls of the latest Saudi Prince or rich guy to take a turn ass fucking your collective pack of Quasomodo basement mutants. If America is going to be great again we have to start by deporting your lot into a burning pit.


I dunno. That was pretty good. u/FewYogurt should stick around for a Chobani or two. You can have one of the special batch with TB.


Yes pls, go back to whatever foetid white swamp you came from.

I am already here, motherfucker! Now it is time to DEPORT ILLEGALS and RAPEFUGEES!

Fine. But why do you have to be so boring and unfunny about it?

Deporting is never boring.

It's a dramatic affair rendered dull by your writing. Caps lock is cruise control for cool, my young basement frog.


Bussies can get too loose, you know. I hate to be the first to bring up what we all feel.

Damn I was just asking for it with that username, but I don't need no Chobanis, as my hatred for Trump is not born out of extreme liberal ideas, but just pragmatic neutral desire for America to actually be great.

The special batch was meant for the other dude. You are welcome to either a pineapple or a pomegranate chobani.

This but unironically

Christianity is a Jewish slave religion unsuitable for a warrior race descended from Mars and Odin.

That's why I am a follower of Vioarr, the Viking god of shoemakers and revenge.

I knew you couldn't trust the shoemakers!

Christianity is a Jewish slave religion

It is an Egyptian/Jewish/Greek/Roman hybrid religion and its friendly god makes a decent addition to the Western pantheon.

They actually want this, some are even prepared to die themselves as long as the world is destroyed.

What a beautiful description of /r/drama's commitment to the mayocide, wonderful job /u/political_politic

Hateful ass liberals.


Blame each and every Trump supporters. If anyone dies bc of this, make sure you point out how Trump supporters are to blame, that they have blood on their hands. Remind them everyday all day and never let them forget. Trump supporters will be responsible for the greatest diplomatic disaster in the 21 century. Make them remember this. Make them furious with it. They deserve it and so much more.


Except congress never worked with him lol. So in the one year they had a super majority, they were supposed to fix Iran, Bush’s economic disaster, healthcare, criminal justice reform, and on and on? Bc once Republicans were in office, that turtle McConnell said he wanted to make him a one term president and Boener was against him too. Look at Trump, he barely got tax cuts through. Tax cuts. It’s a year plus so why isn’t he fixing anything? The Iran deal itself took more than a decade to get. It’s easy to just scribble your name on a paper and take things away. Where is he actually doing something constructive?

Now that you understand how the Congress works, why do you think Trump should uphold a terrible deal obama knew had a good chance of being scrapped by the next administration?

I think the latest Q drop claims Obama has joined the Trump/Mueller team to finally bring Hillary to justice. So, with that in mind, what probably happened is Obama made the deal so that Trump would be able to use his super deal-making skills once he became president. Trust the plan!

it was a good deal though


This type of talk belongs at a left wing version of the Donald.

Oh you sweet summer child

/u/political_politic do you really think your political opponents are trying to destroy the world?