Incel and inceltears argue over personality

22  2018-05-08 by keyandfeels


Cool story, bro


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Aww, look at you, all self-congratulatory.

I bet you were so proud the first time you used a potty all by your little self too.

Fuck off.

Imagine fantasizing about shooting up a school because your personality is too shit to get a woman to fuck you.

I wouldn't know about any of that, mostly because

a) I'm a woman, and not a lesbian, so not looking for a woman to fuck and

b) Not American, so I don't have gun fantasies. Plus I'm a bit too old for school.

Imagine being so brainwashed that you think all incels are like the guy in Toronto. I bet you think all Muslims are suicide bombers too.

Look, if you’re female and unfuckable, literally all you have to do to change that is bathe regularly. You won’t even have to lose the 300lbs your fucking worthless Chad doctor keeps ordering you to.

Also, if all Muslims aren’t suicide bombers, then why do I have a vest full of fertilizer in my garage, you kuffar bitch?

Did I say they were? You were the one generalising.

Have you thought that there might be other reasons to be unfuckable? I don't expect your tiny little pea brain could possibly contemplate anything beyond your most delightful scenario which was so inaccurate I nearly laughed. Nearly.

I have had the misfortune to deal with a few pricks on reddit, but you are a fucking cactus.

Have you thought that there might be other reasons to be unfuckable?

Please elucidate me, Ms. Bigmind Incel Infidel.

I have had the misfortune to deal with a few pricks on reddit, but you are a fucking cactus.

Maybe, but I am a fucking cactus, and that’s what’s important.

And you have all the brains of one too.

It never dawns on anyone that there might be medical reasons, does it? It's all the superficial crap that is to the fore of people's minds these days.

I’ve said like four times now that you’re fucking fat, I get it.

You only said it the once. It must have echoed round that space where most people keep their brains.

If not for getting fucked, do it so that you won’t die of a heart attack.

you kuffar bitch

Kuffar is plural, the singular male form is kafir. The singular female form is kafirah.

Ty imam, subhanallah.

I bet you think all Muslims are suicide bombers too.

so are we just sitting around stating facts, or what?

Well aren't you just charming.


Defending incels

Can the healing process begin? Are you her? Are you ... Incel Mama 😃?

You'd need to ask the other incels. I believe they think of me more as Satan with tits though.

lmao gotem

> You guys are about as subtle as a truck.

This was funny.

Do you think your terrible personality contributes to your inability to get laid, or is it just your looks?

0/10 for originality there. You really need to up your game if you're actually going to try to insult me.

If you're that used to being told you have a terrible personality, you should really consider the possibility that you actually have one.

Then, you know, attempt to fix it.

whats a good personality anyway? if you are nice you come off as nice guy, if youre not nice you come off as asshole, and the middle ground makes you look like a borderline patient.

The answer is always radical centrism.

the opposite of someone who posts regularly to incel subreddits

that's what a good personality is

thanks, i started posting on r/wholesomememes and now i have a gf:D its so easy lol

Ah, but I don't have a terrible personality, and it doesn't need fixing.

What you see here is my sarcastic and caustic side, brought out by wilful ignorance and stupidity. Don't presume to think this is the entirety of my being.

That was a terrible thread. The notion that attractive men are abusive is just ridiculous! They are handsome, by definition they can’t be abusive because: abusive = abuse + ugliness. It’s overwhelmingly unattractive men who are abusive. That’s just a fact! A highly believable, popular and probably true fact.

Not for nothing, but everything you said here is actually 100% true.

True that. Beautiful men can do no wrong.

A pretty boy physically and emotionally abusing me is honestly just kink for me at this point.

Never believe what a woman says, only watch what they do.

incels are right about literally everything