Claire Lehmann is accused of aggravated crying while white and female in the first degree

143  2018-05-08 by xjapxn


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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If mayos vanished from this earth overnight, I wonder who uppity black women blame next? Probably Asian dudes cuz they cant fight back lol

At some point it'll be the jews (lots of blacks already low key blame them).

A while back in New York some Jew crew was going to some holy place (I forgot most of it) and they ran over a black kid then kept driving. Tendies went flying and there were riots.

Any keywords for a search? I'd love to bring this up to my black friends while playing basketball after work.

Gimme a day or so I'll ask some oldfags

Yakub acquired the nickname "big head", because of his unusually large head and his arrogance. At the age of six, he discovered the law of attraction and repulsion by playing with magnets made of steel.[4] This insight led to a plan to create new people. He "saw an unlike human being, made to attract others, who could, with the knowledge of tricks and lies, rule the original black man."[4]

It pretty much already reads like a description of a Jew from /pol/

just when you think life can't get more retarded, you read something like the above quote, and realize that the frontiers of retardation are still wide open to any brave soul who wishes to claim their own homestead


Okay but...

It stands to reason that the forensic evidence of superiority would first manifest in cellular DNA, which is the BLUEPRINT of every life form. THOUGHTS initiate at the cellular level. Therefore, it is in the Cellular DNA we look for the SOURCE of a problem or solution.

Given that Black women (XX) are the first conscious life forms to appear on this CARBON planet that travels in 3rd orbit of a BLACK SUN...many, MANY ages ago, how are you able to intellectualize the superiority of white women over Black women? If you're so OBSERVANT, please identify any facts in eternal nature that validates the superiority of white women over Black women.

Can you explain how the Caucasoid female, the mother of the HUMAN APES (Type A/B/AB | Type A=Chimpanzee | Type B=Gorilla) is superior when she was formed through a violent mutation of the mitochondrial DNA sourced within the BIOLOGY of the INDIGENOUS Black woman???

How is a BY-PRODUCT superior to its ORIGINAL??? Only in Caucasian logic.

If there was a catastrophe that wiped out ALL of the world's population, Black OVARY-occupants, original XX Queens of a CARBON Black Universe, would re-appear!!!

The INDIGENOUS Black woman was first to invoke CREATIVE INTELLIGENCE and demonstrate through her own biology/physiology how energy (carbon magnetic waves) forms matter (electrical particles). According to AfRAkan records, Black women were the FIRST high priestesses, physicists, astronomers, scientists, chemists, Ma'athematicians and are responsible for our culture of PURE NATURAL NUMBERS and the technologies we enjoy today!

If you are a lice-prone straight-haired mutant genetic recessive with Type A/B/AB ape-protocol blood and your ancestors were cave dwellers in Asia with alabaster skin, flat buttocks, tails and body fur, you are a SIMIAN! Your greatest grandmother was an APE!

Type A = Chimpanzee Type B = Gorilla

Cellular DNA and blood types don't lie...

As indigenous origins our genes are non-recessive, completely coded and biologically efficient, by default.

Those with permanent gene defections aka recessive DNA are not completely coded and biologically inefficient. This has been documented extensively in medical journals and science periodicals. Gene defections among the HUMANS--the APE BLOODS--is what drives research and development.

Indigenous Blacks are the predecessors of the HUMAN RACE whose members are genetically hybridized with APE PROTOCOL BLOOD CODES A/B/AB (Type A = Chimpanzee | Type B = Gorilla).

Indigenous origins are AUTOCHTHONS whose genetics are non-recessive and PRIME BASE and are the TRUE OWNERS of Type O or Zero blood.

As the genetic parent of red, brown, yellow and white peoples, autochthons are SUPPOSED to be BLACK.

We are NOT derivatives. We are PRIME BASE.

Recessive Caucasoid groups (from Asia) delude themselves by thinking they are THE prototype for conscious life forms. There is no accountability for their criminal pathology through which they espouse WHITE HEGEMONY.

It is NOT a coincident that BLACKS are nature's representatives. Nature is encoded throughout our entire physiology. If you want to know and understand how the universe functions, we possess the codes within our cells. No other race has them.

Gay white men are already persona non grata in a lot of these circles

Please, please, fucking please SJWs keep it up. turn white women against your cause so you lose literally all power.

Are you alt right again? I can't keep up

Pizzashill is the most radical of centrists.

Eat shit

He's a centrifuge.

he's the pol_invictus of radical centrism

What ever happened to that guy?

He started posting again in /r/FreeDrama when /r/drama went private temporarily a while ago, but went mostly inactive again a bit later.


You can be left without being an SJW, similarly you can be right without supporting drumpf

Right and Racist both start with R. That's not a coincidence.

Left and Lunatic?

Centrist and Charming?

God damn right

I thought it was "Cunty".

I was gonna say "centrist" and "cunt", but that's just because I'm from cuntgaroo-land.

Sure, if you're a boring twat.

In the USSR he would be ratting his neighbors out to the KGB and sending them to the gulag.

In Nazi Germany he would be ratting his neighbors out to the Gestapo and sending them to the camps.

SJWs will help unite the whites. MAWA.

Not sure what you're expecting, but this didn't stop white males from turning into masochistic soy-addled bugmen.

Name ist Programm.

Those white males were already pussies, they became that demographic in hopes to get close to women.

Lol, white women ARE the SJWs.

This is more like everybody else finally getting fed up with basic ass white bitches.

I'm a white woman who does this and I've recently been called out on it by my WoC girlfriend, and over the past several months I've been trying to understand why I do this and change my actions. She actually referenced this exact article when talking about it with me. What has helped me the most is separating my emotions about being criticized from the criticism itself. I often feel attacked when she brings up something that I'm doing that's hurtful, and because I feel attacked I reason that she actually is attacking me, even though that clearly isn't true. Understanding that I feel the way I do because of past emotional abuse from my parents helps me reorient those feelings towards what they're actually about, and it gives her space to not have to defend herself or console me. It's been difficult actually doing that, though, since the emotions themselves are overwhelming in the moment. I'm currently seeing a therapist about it.

I'm wondering how helpful my perspective is, though. I value self-criticism a lot, and I suspect that a big reason this is a widespread issue is because most people don't. And I think a lot of WW genuinely don't care about the opinions and perspectives of WoC, since they don't have any real power over us. Also I was about to share this on my FB page, but I shied away because it could so easily be twisted into misogyny. I'm thinking about redpill-type people reframing this issue as a "pussy pass" or a form of female privilege, and I don't want to get into arguments about that. It's very difficult to talk about this issue in most spaces, I feel.

Does everything you care about hold power over you?

I mean, yeah, to varying degrees, I guess?


no u

if you care about something to the point where it holds power of you, the only thing to do is stop caring. that is why i'm not a completely celibate NEET with no goals in life.

look up this guy Buddha he had some interesting things to say about that

That's kind of the definition of caring.

I often feel attacked when she brings up something that I'm doing that's hurtful, and because I feel attacked I reason that she actually is attacking me, even though that clearly isn't true.

What I find interesting about this is that defensiveness and hostile responses to criticism is a fairly universal thing. But what isn't universal is crying as a result of that.

I personally cry a lot in basically any kind of confrontation. Even if I'm not feeling hurt, the tears will come out. It's a frankly embarrassing direct physiological response, I don't know why it happens. When it happens I can see the people I'm talking to take me less seriously and it's very frustrating to watch, because it's something that I try and fail to control but I still get judged for it.

I feel like the response to a white woman crying comes from patriarchal views of the fragile, unstable woman. I feel like we need to redefine tears from this kind of... context altering thing and just accept them as what they are - a response similar to a facial expression. If we stop giving tears undue weight then I feel like these issues would go away.

because it's something that I try and fail to control but I still get judged for it.

Part of where I'm coming from is that for me, and many other people, we had the same reaction as children and we forced and retrained ourselves out of the habit. I still can get a bit teary in emotional confrontations. But I know that, so i watch myself and work on backing off the ledge or holding it in. So it seems a bit suspect when people claim it's impossible to change.

I feel like we need to redefine tears from this kind of... context altering thing and just accept them as what they are - a response similar to a facial expression. If we stop giving tears undue weight then I feel like these issues would go away.

The problem, though, is that tears DO mean something in dire situations. It's not possible to just say "well, ignore the tears" when at the same time, when something really bad happens, you'll get excoriated for doing so. Like if someone's mother died, and they start crying and you just ignore that, it's not cool.

Keep going, I'm gonna cum again

Hey, she pulled the same quote from that article that I did right here on r/drama. See you later, virgins.

In this context, downvoting /u/The_Reason_Trump_Won is an act of emotional and psychological violence

Warning people that downvoting /u/the_reason_trump_won is an act of emotional and psychological violence is an act of emotional and psychological violence

We need to end the desecration of /r/drama bodies.

Why Did College-Educated White Women Vote for Trump?

Also, white people crying is LITERALLY an act of violence.

You know at some point this people have to look at themselves in a mirror and say "maybe im just an asshole"?


And by "this people" I assume you mean white women?

and by "white women" i assume you mean women?

God damn. Reading that twitter comment chain just gave me cancer. Wtf is wrong with people.

Outrage addicts getting their fix of the good shit

Read a book.

i mean im currently rereading mein kampf for the fourth time this year but i dont see what that has to do with crying mayo women

You've gotta read a different book sometimes. Try "The Turner Diairies" instead, sometimes a happy fictional story is a good way to unwind after reading something too heavy.

You should have read "Culture of Critique"

Time to mix it up

The top reply to her is a black woman who says "read a book."

It's tough to get cuntier and more smug than that.

black woman: "read a book"

twitter: "yass queen, destroy white privilege!"

yass queen

really invalidates everything after

Especially when blacks would still be illiterate without whitey.

Whiteys are disgusting scum and you need to gtfo back to mde and CA.

implying milkos have ever done anything

"White women whine too much"

White woman: whines

White women are very shrill


Richard Morgan


Science fiction and fantasy novelist, occasional moonlighter in video games and comics. Feminist, atheist, meritocratic egalitarian. Zero tolerance for dogma.

@people I never want to meet

His novel Black Man was pretty good

Feminist [...] Zero tolerance for dogma

Shoggy doggy

he actually writes great books

what possesses people to write those awful bios is beyond me



But if we deleted twatter then /r/drama would lose so much material it would be destroyed! On second thought, yes lets do it.

Twitter bickering gets old fast. I want proper drama, like the old school Facebook fights

Zero tolerance for dogma

You know these are the types of people with the most rabid opinions who are unswayed by evidence, facts or reason

Feminist [...] meritocratic

meritocracy don't real, shitlord

Do they honestly think alienating all White people from their cause is going far? It may be true that Whites are taking up less percentage each year, but non-Whites are not at the point they can straight up put Whites into the gulag with overwhelming majority votes yet.

They really need to think this through. Why don't they just stop at having more mixed babies first?

Maybe all of the Alabama and Mississippi blacks should just mass migrate into Georgia. With a black majority in Georgia they could create a black supremacy state (probably best to be hotep at first because you need to appeal to the single men in any revolution).

I'm gonna use the "weaponized tears" excuse next time my wife cries

If you don't want her to cry just don't hit her so hard.

or hit her so hard, that she passes out and can't cry.

or hit her harder

slip in "emotional labor" too

Honestly, i'm hoping that the one benefit of this whole kerfuffle is women finally admitting that they need to sack up and stop crying at the drop of a hat.


Really makes me think.

Women versus white males

Women versus white females

MRAs versus women

MGTOWs versus themselves

Incels versus any socially functional human being

and us Radical Centrists against all them

She also beefs with the author of the article here.

Black Americans seem very racist.

Akilah Green should unironically kill herself now for thinking "Read a book" is a fucking argument.

[Note: I am not targeting her Reddit handle if it exists, so pls no ban.]



Why would anyone hate insane SJW culture?🤔

In that thread: Lenin, Pol-pot and Stalin are ring-wing.