Overwatch decides to support boob cancer research and inadvertently creates a new generation of MRAs centered around the rallying cry of "what about my dick and balls?"

28  2018-05-09 by Oh_hamburgers_


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Around 12% of women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime

The numbers for prostate cancer are similar, with roughly 11% of men diagnosed in their lifetime

I can see why some men would feel breast cancer gets an unfair amount of exposure and funding. It's not something that bothers me much, but I'll admit it would be nice if my prostate got some attention outside of leather bars

It’s cause when it comes down to it prostate cancer is typically not nearly as bad as breast cancer. You’ll die from breast cancer, you’ll die with prostate cancer.

It's actually because titties > dicks in the public mind.

Thanks for the facts.

Prostate cancer kills more than breast cancers does

Instead of admitting to the insane amount of deference women(especially white women) receive, I'm going to instead get angry and blithely deny facts while insisting that breast cancer is actually that much more important than all other cancers.

It's not even a female privilege thing. It boils down to titties > dicks for both men and women.

Boobs are hella lame anyway. Like, shouldn't you be stoked they chopped off your gross fat lumps and made you look more like a proper person, a male person?

If they actually gave a shit they'd advocate for funding the really deadly cancer like pancreatic

I completely agree. This whole argument is beyond retarded and I honestly don't know why I'm even still talking about it. People are gonna start thinking I care.


I can see why some men would feel breast cancer gets an unfair amount of exposure and funding. It's not something that bothers me much, but I'll admit it would be nice if my prostate got some attention outside of leather bars

Maybe these men should stop voting for politicians that want to aggressively cut the budgets for federal funding efforts like the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health, which fund a lot of medical research for cancers like this. That way research focuses don't have to compete for charity dollars. Oh wait, nevermind, they don't actually care about these issues and only pretend to care about them to drown out discussions on womens issues.

u/0ooo, I wish you wouldn't womensplain to me while I'm having a discussion on men's issues. Classic derailment, smdh 😑

Guys get breast cancer too; just far, far more rare and only if they have not shagged yer nan m8

If girls shagged his Nan would they be safe too?

Nah, girls gonna get the bewb lumps no matter what

Shame tbh

Those figures only really tell half the story. Prostate cancer has a higher mortality rate than breast cancer. Also added fun fact - men can get breast cancer as well.

Anyway, this is all pretty standard stuff for our society. We bend over backwards protecting women from everything, including accepting responsibility for their own poor decisions, but men are as usual expected to "figure it out".

I'm way too old and past the point of caring about this kind of hypocrisy any more, but yeah, it does exist.

past the point of caring about this kind of hypocrisy any more.

posts about feminism all day.

No matter how much you stalk me, I'm never going to give you the bussy. Go find some womens studies majors to rape collect 'deescalation blowjobs' from.

haha bussy milkocide.

It's not so much that breast cancer gets way more funding and exposure.

It's that ALL women's health issues get way more funding than exposure.

I remember reading there are like 25 departments related to women's health and like 3 for men.

It's just a pattern.

It's a pattern in the education system.

It's a pattern in the justice system.

It's a pattern in the healthcare system.

have you thought about changn your flair

I have to say that Pizza's journey from joke to woke to bespoke has to be one of /r/drama's top 10 animes.

I'll check your prostate bb

I saw this exact comment on SRD WHAT'S GOIN ON HERE

I posted it there too. Figured they were more likely to start a fight over it, and I was drunk and feeling argumentative

I was drunk and feeling argumentative

this sounds like 95% of my Redditing

Look, if breast cancer hasn't been cured by this point then it's never gonna happen. How many fucking trillions of dollars have been raised by this point? Nature wants women dead and they should accept it.

There is a vaccine for it -- chop the tits off.

Would help if they actually spent that money on breast cancer research

The Susan G. Komen foundation is a scam. Only about a cent of any donation for breast cancer actually goes towards breast cancer research. Those pink ribbons are a business, not a charity.

Overwatch was such a colossal mistake I'm close to thinking Blizzard was a mistake.

wow should have already led you to that obvious conclusion decades ago

What's more likely:

A feminist conspiracy to get all that sweet cancer $$$$

A combination of women being motivated to fight breast cancer because it disproportionately affects them and men's love of titties motivating them to save the tatas

It is a shame they didn't use this opportunity to fundraise to fight a cancer that gets much less funding/publicity tho

Yes, like Digital cancer.

Although Overwatch actively funding and supporting a cure to their existence, might, admittedly, not be the best plan of business.

There's just something or more that's so "Safe" with "Woman's ______ charity" events. You've got a multi-billion dollar company with expert marketing teams that can pin point exactly what works best and doesn't. And it sure ain't "Men's painful death by butthole awareness".

Certainly helps drive up attention when you have an MRA vs SJW pissfight with an obvious winner.

Breast cancer research has huge amounts of funding and massive charities. This money is as helpful as pissing in the ocean to raise the water level.

Better off donating to causes that actually need the money.

My donations only go to funding the mayocide


Throw these people some money and quit being so fucking triggered that this thread becomes just as annoying as the one in SRD. You all should be ashamed of yourselves right now.