/r/Nofap's even more pathetic cousin.

15  2018-05-09 by IAintThatGuy


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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Snappy knows what's up

aren't these effectively the exact same things? like who watches porn for its groundbreaking acting lmao


they couldn't even get an alliteration

I'm currently doing meat murdering march. Each day I jack off twice as much as the day before.

didn't some guy deglove his dick during december

Good ol Dick Destruction December

every month has a good JO alliteration really makes the noggin swirl

January Johnson Jack-a-thon

Fuck-Free February

March Meat Murder

April Anaconda Annhilation

May Manhood Mutilation

Jimmy Jackin' June

Joystick Judgin' July

August Anal-Impaler Ascension

Schlong Savaging September

One-Eyed Snake Obliteration October

November Navel Navy

Dick Destruction December

These took me forever and they suck. Kill me tbh fam.

Navel Navy

sign me tf up admiral

If you started with once a day, You're masturbate 1073741824 times on day 30. In total 2147483647 over a 30 days month.

Unless you can achieve some kind of orgasm that doesn't involve any bodily fluids from mental stimulation, you would never be able to regenerate penis cells fast enough to not rub it to a stub on like day 7, and you'd be a mummy from the associated dehydration of even the slightest emission of precum.

The incel that nailed (then pried free) his dick to a board probably did less damage than a week of your idea.

So I'm not saying don't do it, but please document it for posterity.

That's the point dude, it's not called meat MURDERING for no reason.

Murdering would be like 5 or 6 days of that. A month is more like desintegration on a molecular level.

The first 5 days were easy as fuck you pleb.

You must have very soft hands and a very callused dick then.

idk, PornFree sounds like it comes up a step short of NoFap

I want to believe that it's radically opposite to nofap and closer to /r/tulpas, with people learning how to exercise their own imaginations to achieve epic jerk off experience. Some even go further and master the hands-free method!

Imagination porn is like VR porn for autists. It's great, but I stopped doing it in high school.

If my memory serves NoFap was derived from efforts to just quit porn altogether originally. But people had too much free time and stupid shit happened.

When you complain that fapping and porn take up too much time so you go nofap and come up with crazy ideas due to too much free time

I had started off pretty strong and was in the beginning of my third week of freedom when it hit me hard. I have never had temptation hit me like that before and I fell. Hard. But I picked myself up and started again. I was shocked at how bad it made feel to relapse and how much it changed my view of everything. I was generally more grumpy and depressed towards everyone and everything I love. I'm on day 2 since the relapse and I can feel the difference and I am excited.

/u/armchairjedi66 bet you're a pathetic cumskin you should try fent

he likes the broncos, honestly the best choice here

Heroin is pretty good to make masturbation more of a chore.

Calling it free is kinda ironic.

You have it the wrong way around. /r/nofap are the retards that think if they cum then they will lose their magic testosterone powers. /r/pornfree are just trying to kick their addiction to BBC which seems reasonable

But BBC is so good ;_; I wish I could quit it.

yeah, their documentaries are lit

I especially like their programme about Rachel Dolezal's transformative journey towards acceptance, Inter-Racial Pass


Lol prudes

Is it wrong that I want to post a porn gif there?

Please go ahead. They'll all guiltily jerk off to it before a mod removes it.

Aw, I thought this was going to be a link to /r/NoFapChristians or /r/MuslimNoFap.