Dear Black People, the mayos are too busy arming themselves like Terminator and occasionally mowing down crowds of white people doing white people things to worry about a bunch of moon crickets shooting each other's asses off in the ghetto.

29  2018-05-09 by PM_ME_UR_SUSPICIONS


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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Black people shooting other black people in droves

Why would systemic racism do this?

DAE pride themselves on missing the point entirely lol?

DAE pride themselves on missing the point entirely lol?

calm down Miltank there can be multiple points

You're just asking to get rolled out son

tryin to hop on those Whititties

idk what a miltank is, sorry im not an idiot who speaks in memes. also 'there can be multiple points' and DAE pride themselves on missing them all in favour of trite internet meme comments?

chappy seriousposters huh 100% miltank engage your brain it makes sense

DAE pride themselves on missing the point entirely lol?


The whites have spoken. Embrace the mayocide or face the mayopocalypse.

mmm that one was justified tho

spicy af

You have to go back.

I don't understand.

They're not sending their best, folks. /u/ed_butteredtoast could you please relay the /r/drama immigrant policy to this filthy invader.

check my personal subreddit, its MUCH worse

Oh I get it. You're a cheeky bastard aren't you.

It's okay to be white. Please don't shoot up my school.

Don't pay the Mayogeld

>Doesn't understand our language and culture


He's agendaposting ironically.

I'd suck off a whole sorority of dick girls for a Moon Cricket flair.

I can grant you this flair, but only if you admit my mac and cheese recipe is probably among the best you'll taste in a human lifetime.

does it have peas in it? If no it's objectively the worst

user reports:
1: white people nonsense

damn wypipo wanting texture in their mac

Do I have to do so naked?

The offer is rescinded because you weren't hasty enough to sound like a true believer. Sorry!

This is literally all that I got out of this video.

You're probably not a real deep thinker. You should let people more educated and imaginative do the heavy lifting.

that music video is like the lowest effort ever of pandering and it's sooo irritating that it's getting such extremely (predictable) praise.

If producing a music video required the amount of effort that goes into a reddit comment Mr Gambino would still be living in his mom's basement.

(predictable) praise

Whereas grouchy mayos reeeee-ing about it on message boards is fresh as fuck

it's just so boring. so so boring.

At least you still managed to muster up the energy to whine about it.

gotta do what you're good at amirite

for funsies, i would like you to name a music video you like produced within the last two years that you feel is appropriately stimulating.

i don't watch music videos

so you're the perfect person to comment, then.

"This ice cream is pandering and low effort."

"Oh, what's good ice cream?"

"I hate ice cream."

kys, fam.

Why are you so agitated?

By the way great comparison with the ice cream, I really liked it

your reading tone wrong. I very pleasantly wished you to kys.

I really want some ice cream but all I have is bourbon. Life is hard.

Why is everyone talking about this song I listened to it and it sounds like ass

I don't know about everyone else but I'm just using it as an excuse to say something incendiary.

I've already got my copy of the song bronzed and I intend to quietly contemplate it for the next week or so.

I haven't felt this reverential about something since Beyonce changed my world by saying "Becky with the good hair."