Kylie Jenner Tells Blac Chyna: You’re Not Getting a Dime of My ‘Life of Kylie’ Money!

0  2018-05-09 by ThomasJenkins5777


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As The Blast first reported, Blac Chyna filed documents last week in her ongoing feud with the Kardashian clan. She claims that since “Life of Kylie” took up the space left on E!’s network schedule after the network bailed on a second season of “Rob & Chyna,” Kylie’s money should be hers.

Chchchchcyna is batshit crazy lmaoooo. Also I wonder what kind of brain dead retards will watch a show based on Kylie Jenner (Life of Kylie) 🤢🤢🤮🤮

I hope that shelf in Hawaii slides into the ocean and a mega tsunami wipes out all of LA with every member and acquaintance of that family in the vicinity. I often think of how amazing it would be to see all of Hollywood wiped out by a natural disaster, the effects on the entertainment industry and a fresh start in entertainment that hopefully moves away from cape shit and reality shows centered around gold digging whores and beta males.