user calls out resident Biblical prophet for failed prophecies and run-on sentences, said prophet enters the thread to defend herself.

109  2018-05-09 by snallygaster


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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How the fuck do you find this stuff?

whenever drama goes private, i get scared that i'll never have the privilege of experiencing this particular type of ancient internet detritus ever again.

Even if it does, I'll always be posting shit somewhere or other until I'm dead or close enough to it.

She'll be all around in the net- she'll be everywhere. Wherever you can look - wherever there's a lolcow milked, so drama-hungry people can eat, she'll be there. Wherever there's a threadcop beatin' up a guy, she'll be there. She'll be in the way tards sperg out when they're butthurt. She'll be in the way dramanauts laugh when they're hungry and they know a slapfight is starting, and when the people are feeding on the internal drama they cause and shittin' in the subreddits they inhabit - she'll be there, too.

the posters code

I wonder if reddit will still be around when we get to be 80 years old.

There's a good possibility. If our current communication paradigm doesn't change much then it very well could. If it does then reddit would have to change to fit it quickly. Though its simplicity and ease-of-use could keep people around. One of the earliest still-running online communities is called 'The WELL'; it's over 30 years old and moved from BBS to WWW in the early 90's and is still active despite its completely outdated communication structure and payment model. Though when its original users die, it'll probably die too.


There's a name I haven't heard in years. I wonder what juicy drama they're cooking up these days.

Do you know of any WELL drama? I'd like to investigate but am not willing to pay up.

I haven't been near it in about 420 years and I can barely remember what I had for dinner yesterday :-/

The notion dharma suggests that you'll be reborn as a seriousposter on far rockaway forums.

What did I do wrong??

How do I subscribe

/r/internetcollection is where my waifu Snally hangs out.

Google Groups contains a sizeable Usenet archive.

It's basically how most people post to nowadays.

OMG this is awesome!! 10 bucks says Dore's a Qultist now😉

At least John had the right idea lol

Hey, Dore, if you learn to "love yourself", as my sex-ed teacher called it, I'm sure that would get rid of a lot of tension....

Also some great pasta in there.

10 bucks says Dore's a Qultist now

Probably. She still seems to be active online, at least as of 2015. She thinks she's Jesus Christ.

Funnily enough, her old domain was hijacked by a psychic at some point.

Can I interest you in obscure bodybuilding drama? A more interesting and retarded group of internet dwellers you won't find

Of course. Is it stuff? That's always top-tier.

Yeah I haven't been on there in years tho so I'm not very current. Plus the mods there deleted a bunch of gems. I'm gonna make a malodrax post if I can find an archive

Oooh balcony brah would be your thing, sort of a murder-mystery vibe with a touch of red pill and roids. I think these are the pertinent threads

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

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Never heard of this one, thanks for the read!

So I just spent the last hour "researching" her. She's totally batshit crazy and has been for decades! This exchange was hilarious tho:

Hey Dore! How's it hanging?

The only thing that hangs, Tron, are those that are disobedient, complacent,hypocritical, sinful and evil, and they hang themselves.

I love her already. 😉

Unhinged people who don't understand humor are a treasure.

The only thing that hangs, Tron, are those that are disobedient, complacent,hypocritical, sinful and evil, and they hang themselves.

Who do I talk to about getting quotes added to snappy? cos that's fantastic.

Blessed be the fruit 🍉🍎 🍌

May the Lord open

Under his eye 👁

Can I post Dore's twitter or is that too doxxy for the admins.

I wouldn't chance it even if she does use her full name everywhere.


I think it is a he not a she.

If you look around, there are some pictures of her and some other sources referring to Dore as 'she'. Could be wrong tho.

Yeah, she is a she, I found out.

Hes definitely a he.

Hello My name is Dore Williamsson, a former psychic consultant and amateur historian, I’m a man of strong conviction about most of everything you can imagine. Hopefully you’ll find my writings interesting and educational!

He has a website at hisname dot com. Though the guys picture looks like hes mid forties max.

That guy sniped Dore's old website.

I thought he looked too young to be genuinely crazy in the late 90s, but I didnt want to rule out a troll savant. I'll have to keep looking for this Dore lady.

I AM God, I can say and do anything I want.

Jesus Christ Dore.

I mean, it's true; I have freedom to mold reality in my image as I choose.

If anybody on that forum read the Bible's description of what a false prophet is, they'd know that the "resident Biblical prophet" is exactly that.

That aliens were 'experimenting on your genitals and rectum area while God was watching and wincing in the background

There are so many things about that comment that are great

I like how you expect us to know what is. Good post though.

It's pretty self-explanatory once you look at the post, lol.

God created homosexuals as an experiment, and his experiment FAILED in the end. Hmm your God fails a lot doesn't he?

Thanks Yakub YHWH

Snally is raising the bar on all of us, rare earth deep core drilling drama; I'm running out of pages in my notepad.

I love these threads but end up getting sad when I realize all of these people are old now

They were born old. Old souls. To welcome Jesus down to Earth.

I guess it depends on what you define as "old". I was on Usenet in the mid-late 90's, and I'm not even 40 yet.

Christ, gramps, why haven't the Sandmen dragged you in for Carousel yet?

Obligatory up vote for. Obscurity despite how nauseatingly boring it is

nauseatingly boring it is

It's not boring at all. The bitch thinks she's God. It's great.

Terry Davis did it better. Facts.

Terry is a huge human masterpiece. It's a little to high of a bad to compare other crazies with.

I'm just saying, if we're ranking wannabe gods online, Mr. Davis takes the cake. It's just unfortunate he's ruined me, and probably so many other people, for any other wannabe gods online

Davis doesn't think he's God tho.

He certainly. Believes at the least he's a full time vessel

He believes that he talks to God, but he doesn't believe that he is God.

You've really only proven you never followed his livestreams with this comment

"agnusdei.midi" has finished downloading.

Oh man her Facebook is even weirder than that

Any highlights?

Lots of shitty bible pictures and quotes, mixed with haarp, pizzagate and other conspiracy memes

Holy shit, it this Usenet drama that we're talking about? How did OP even find this stuff at this day and age?

Goddamnit, if I had money I'd gild this post.

Google Groups has almost all of Usenet archived, so it's not too hard to browse or find something you're looking for if you know how to look. The search function and filters are GARBAGE though. You can tell that the groups team is underfunded and doesn't understand that people are using it for 'research'.

The search function and filters are GARBAGE though.

For a company that made their name on search, they sure do seem to fail at it a lot this case I get it because it's not pulling them in any money, but they could at least, you know, try.

I actually prefer "old yahoo" for search.

Holy shit, it this Usenet drama that we're talking about? How did OP even find this stuff at this day and age?

Goddamnit, if I had money I'd gild this post.


Aha! He said "rubbish". Dore/Jesus/thegod is British!

I heard her podcast and she doesnt actually sound British at all. I guess she just happened to use a British word.

Would love to know what is Dore doing now. If anyone knows, let me know.

It looks like John Kennedy was a tiny bit wondering if she was really Christ.

I think thats her.

God didn't invent usenet. Why are there so many crazy Christians on the internet? Can't they stay in their own church?

ahhh, Usenet. Where there were no mods and everyone was happy.