MDExtremists write some copypasta

75  2018-05-10 by freet0


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Highlights include

an older gentleman of means

I saw two decent-looking caucasian males in dress shirts and slacks engaged in agreeable conversation. Had I been an older gentleman of means, I would have given them some money and shook their hands, thanking them and apologizing on behalf of the society they have to live in.

the bumble bees

Spent the next day at the botanical garden, watching hundreds of bumble bees furiously collecting pollen. It was the only thing that still seemed to make any sense.

the dressing jew

A patrician majority (salad leaves) carry the weight, maintaining order and balance.They're actively wilted by the Dressing Jew, which is a fattening agent for the weak-willed.

ride the tiger

Embrace the degenerate techno-hell that is the inevitable downward spiral into the preliminary stages of cyberpunk America. Ride the tiger. Guard your soul and purify it as best you can while the world and the minds of it's denizens rots around you. Act forthrightly so that you do the most possible good for the people that deserve it, and everyone else will certainly get what's coming to them.

We need medical intervention for this redpilled overdose.

Lead injection?


I love you! 😍🙈


The kind Old Yeller got.

Embrace the degenerate techno-hell that is the inevitable downward spiral into the preliminary stages of cyberpunk America. Ride the tiger. Guard your soul and purify it as best you can while the world and the minds of it's denizens rots around you. Act forthrightly so that you do the most possible good for the people that deserve it, and everyone else will certainly get what's coming to them.

He's done the opposite of convince me. Techno-hell cyberpunk america sounds badass.

right? i cant wait to live in neuromancer or altered carbon or whatever those books are tight

"Shadowrun" style future hell yeah

u/ElegantLordOTheManor, the Jew-mods won't let me tell you what I think you should do.


This is the cringiest thing I've ever read


You have the cringiest username I’ve ever seen

An overwesternized and aposematized Asian thot with blue hair and tattoos waits for her obviously umpteenth caucasian boyfriend.

u/ElegantLordOTheManor, why don't you post as u/EurasianTiger anymore?

I saw two decent-looking caucasian males in dress shirts and slacks engaged in agreeable conversation. Had I been an older gentleman of means, I would have given them some money and shook their hands, thanking them and apologizing on behalf of the society they have to live in.

Wow, that's autistic.

Like really really autistic. Can you imagine some dinky looking mother fucker walking up to you and your friend, hands $100 each and stutters out; "T-T-Thanks for being based..." and then walks away like an anime character?

I wear slacks and dress shirts in public all the time and if some sperg came up to me and gave me $100 for upholding western civilization, I'd take his money and laugh in his face.

Slacks are really comfortable

ride the tiger.

Is this related to Kanye's dragon energy?

Embrace the degenerate techno-hell that is the inevitable downward spiral into the preliminary stages of cyberpunk America. Ride the tiger. Guard your soul and purify it as best you can while the world and the minds of it's denizens rots around you. Act forthrightly so that you do the most possible good for the people that deserve it, and everyone else will certainly get what's coming to them.


>being more than an observer on planet earth

Fake and gay

Faggot MDE shill thinks people care about his subreddit.

I see normal people everywhere. Maybe there is just something special about MDE posters that attracts retards near them

There's actually something to be said of fuckups forced to live around other fuckups, which then skews their view of society because they're literally living in squalor.

See: Rural America.

Yeah, honestly I have a pretty similar view of society to these kids, probably due to growing up in New Orleans. Whenever I travel literally anywhere else in the country, I'm always blown away by how normal and fancy everything seems.

Lol they complain about normal and fancy people too. Isn't that what bugman really means? Someone with a job?

Idk I just read the op. Bug man are more Silicon Valley types

Oh so people with good jobs.

As a retarded person I take offense to this post.

I saw two decent-looking caucasian males in dress shirts and slacks engaged in agreeable conversation. Had I been an older gentleman of means, I would have given them some money and shook their hands, thanking them and apologizing on behalf of the society they have to live in. "Dude did that old man just pay you money?!" "Yeah some disgusting old gay pervert no doubt. Took the cash though. Said something about all the degenerates in the airport. I don't see any other gay creeps paying cash to strangers, though do you?" "No, I don't. Now lets dash, we are going to be late to Pride"

Oh no I actually enjoyed something posted on MDE. Time to kms

I had a similar reaction to this post I saw.

That guy's whole channel is a hoot.

MDE is one of the most amusing subreddits, but everyone here pretending to not get the jokes. Why? Political correctness gone mad :)

I don't usually enjoy their type of humor. Humor is subjective and it's not political correctness to simply not find something funny.

I call bullshit, most MDE kids are too poor to afford airplane tickets and too pussy to leave the house.

Don't worry though. They're the only ones who can truly see what is going wrong with western civilization.

No that's exactly why we should worry. If only they were older gentlemen of means, they could put the world to right...

Honestly, kind of a shame what happened to that sub, it used to be a nice place to talk about mde, joke atound and have interesting discussions with people who didn't all have the same opinion on everything, but when sam retardo hyde got his show canceled by saying retarded shit on his twitter, harassing Tim Heidecker, and having no filter the sub slowly went to shit and got infested by incels, /pol/tards, and conspiracy theorists.

It fucking sucks because MDE's classic videos and world peace were amazing and some of the funniest shit i've seen.

Nick collabed with Sam for a video only a couple weeks ago. They're still bestie bff's

It could have easily had a 3-5 season run on AS if Sam wouldn't have sperged out during the election/articles about MDE. And because he went ultra-right tard, he attracted the same type of userbase that attracts shitty ultra-left shows, comic books, etc: a minority that looks like a majority because of the Internet with a total spending power of $22.45.

That all happened after the show got cancelled though.

Spent the next day at the botanical garden, watching hundreds of bumble bees furiously collecting pollen. It was the only thing that still seemed to make any sense.

I'm picturing the bag kid from American Beauty, yeah definitely "That guy"


I wanna see him visit a Greyhound terminal

I used to have to pick up idiots picked up for being UA (navy speak for AWOL). The Greyhound bus station in Norfolk was arguably the most depressing place I had to go to on a semi-regular basis.

Every time I went there, no matter the hour, either someone would OD, someone would vomit and then pass out, or someone would just haul off and just start smacking the shit out of someone.

That whole sub is inbcompetition to see who can do the best "Catcher In The Rye" fanfic and cosplay.

I got more of a "Confederacy of Dunces" vibe.

What is MDE?

Sketch comedy group. No where as good as kids in the hall.

Or wkuk

No where near as good as kids in the hall.

No one is.

Tim & Eric if they had no talent

u/ElegantLordoftheManor what the hell is a bugman

Closest I've been able to gather is it's people who read reviews online and live in affluent areas.

And have Amazon Echoes and Apple Watches. So normal people that MDEtards are jealous of

There's some top irony in that thread, these guys are so hilarious, they don't take anything seriously. Glad the right has such a good sense of humor.

Foreigners? In my international travel hub???

When you're a total fucking degenerate, you start projecting it on normal people

/u/freetO we call them MDEgenerates now (thx Snally)

Well they do occasionally get it right.

mosiac. some parts of the country completely white, others completely chinese, toronto half pajeet or terrorist, manitoba full of drunk indians and whites pretending to be indian, then quebec which is a parasite, a country within a country that drains the shit out of it. alberta, sask and other oil producers the only thing fueling this dumpster fire

Going to be funny to watch in the next 15 years when the college kids of today hit the wall that has moved back a few years but is still waiting on them.

This poor kid has no idea what's coming for him.