POLL-TITION: Make NP. Usable Again

0  2018-05-10 by grungebot5000

in light of reddit’s awful new attempt at introducing a modern inferface to an entrenched, markdown/css-normalized userbase, most people (sensible and otherwise) have switched to using the old.-prefix for the sake of linking and personal use.

the old.-prefix doesn’t persist reliably. i don’t know if it’s server thing or w/e but after some kind of timeout, the next link you click will return you to www.reddit hell.

but behold! the nepalese have already given us a solution to this problem. one that had been much-maligned by the authorities on this very subreddit.

we feared it for its participation-locking power. its ability to temporarily silence jeering onlookers was seen as most unsavory by acolytes of the dramatic.

as anyone who knows shit, or even just read the title knows. i’m talking about the dreaded np.reddit%20in%20Your%20Face-bigch&searchToken=nutz) extension.

currently, it renders this subreddit more unusable than the rest, as part of the ongoing and assuredly not at all forced feud with SRD.

but try it for yourself! CSS returns, alongside that cutting-edge 1999-except-with-CSS UX?

and as those of us who have made the mistake of clicking on an np. link in the past know, the only way out of the np.-prefix is by replacing it woth another prefix. which is a pain in the ass. just like having to click a non-keyboard button to use boldtext

so, to summarize: do you support replacing hannah montana with the fully userable hannah montana interface!?

vote “[YES]” for yes

vote “[YES]” for NO

to vote “no,” vote YES


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. np.reddit - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

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the SRDinians will come anyway, if anything this encourages it