Yogi girl gets mad because she gets called a terrorist for meditating in public, while mayos get all the praise for it. Namaste!

18  2018-05-10 by ElectricalPudding


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No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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who tf downvoted snappy?

/u/seasonofcunts is scared of the cultural pratice of the World's second most second most populust country, and third largest religion being corrupted by having one symbol being painted on some random person's wall. LOL

pratice of the World's second most second most populust

phoneposters OUT!

What a cute downvote troll account, here have an upvote.

Now you make me shy!

Don't worry, I have that effect on most Women I meet. 😎

It's a cultural practice for far more than Hindus. Buddhist, Jains, and Sikhs use it as well. It also has completely different meanings depending on who is saying it. It's a completely retarded thing to get angry about.

It's an utterly retarded thing to get angry about.

Welcome to religion, get a free picket against [gay/abortion/mohamet drawing/religious symbol painting/...].

Sikhs use it as well


Sikhs use Ik Onkar which originates from om but has a different meaning. It's the first line in the Mul Mantar.

Justified, last time mayos took one of our symbols it didn't end well.

Over 60 Million ppl died, but they were mostly Mayo, so....


Are jews and slavs really mayo though?

Even accounting for that there are still a lot of dead mayos



wait till he finds out that yoga was appropriated from british callisthenics

it may not be offensive but it is very retarded. you know those people are insufferable.

the plants are nice though.

Fucking mayos first they took our land, then swastika now this. Genuine Reeeeeeeeeee.


Lexicon of an opinionated cunt who cannot process the idea that some people beg to differ.


Go fuck yourself, street shitter.

Hinduism isnt even a real religion. Its shit tier with greek mythology and they don't really even hold anything sacred. Its all superstitions and ghost stories to keep your kid in line, except the morals are all terrible. Hence why hindus have terrible morals.

Greek mythology is shit tier. It's only nostalgized because it went out of vogue when the early Judeo-Christians took all the good parts from it.

Right? Really any polytheism is for the dumbest of dummies

Greek mythology was practised by filthy retards thousands of years ago. Hinduism is practised by filthy retards today. Spot the difference.

Hence why hindus have terrible morals

Literally nothing wrong with scamming dumb rich mayos.

Oh yeah thats okay, i meant more the acid throwing, wife burning, and refusal to poo in loos.

Hinduism is syncretic, it is basically cultural appropriation in religious form.