18  2018-05-10 by kaluk0


This, but unironically.


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Is Snappy Jewish?


All I see is you getting destroyed in the thread you linked us to.

I'll always enjoy the aesthetic look of my snipped dick and you can't stop me

And I’ll always hate the fact that my snipped dick looks like a dildo, and you can’t stop me

Yea I really hate that my penis looks like something women buy to stick up their vaginas. I mean who would want that!

Pussylovers would want that.

no sex bitch i only want the neck BITCH 😅😅😅

rly wish my dick looked like a buttplug le sigh

women overwhelmingly prefer circumsized men

eww gussy gross

Circumsized dicks are a lot less fun to suck on, tbh

women overwhelmingly prefer un-circumsized men

Whatever you need to sleep at night.

women overwhelmingly don't really care either way.

lmao so many downvotes in half an hour

you can tell the americucks are awake

You spelled Inventors of the Internet and Masters of the World wrong.

Women overall don’t really give a shit.

Chicup confirmed faggot.

You want it to look like a busted condom?

There's no cure for retardation.

OP is super happy about his dog dick

Me or guy in the Reddit post that the linked drama is from? FTR I actually have a dildodick :(

They should have circumcised your head instead

I would have taken a mouth without lip skin over a dildodick. But ofc, hes just a baby, he can’t decide

you don't deserve a dick at all if you define yourself by how it looks. the eunuch life is for you.

Well I mean, circumcision does turn the dick into basically a dildo. Is it not wrong to call it such?

oh no! your dick looks like a item people buy for pleasure? how horrid!

Yea it is horrid. It’s extremely degrading and makes me feel like I’ve been reduced from “that autistic gay kid” to a sex slave

Yore joking, right? A dildo looks like a dildo, because most penises where they are produced look like that. I am 200% you can get a dildo that looks like an uncircumcised dong.

No I mean the entire “penis” area LITERALLY looks like a bad dragon[tm] dildo with balls and a base. Would send pics but minor.virginbussy

The bait was irresistible to this fish. Good job


I- wai- what??

Just send em to resident pedophile /u/DarqWolff and he'll be able to confirm your story

I'm not into bussy

U ever lob off ur foreskin just to dab on pig-in-a-blanket niggas?

This isn't drama but I guess this is a good time to remind everyone to wash their dicks

I never got the extra layer of skin on the penis. Looks so unnatural

"Unnatural" is the last thing it is, if you give it a moment's thought.

I feel the same way about eyelids and ear lobes.

extra layer

Found the yank lol

"Drama on demand boys"

Fuck. I cringed so hard. This isnt 2008 4chan and nobody is your personal army. Please keep yourself safe

Uncircumsized dick look like it got hemorrhoids.

If you cut off your hands... you come in contact with far fewer germs.

They used to think is makes sex bad but the lack of another pointless layer between the object and penis actually feels better.

Um, it gets pulled back when you get erect, unless you have phimosis.

> expecting americans to know how a penis works


the lack of another pointless layer between the object and penis actually feels better

look at this guy who doesn't know how a dick works