ShoeOnHead DISAVOWS Lauren Southern

71  2018-05-10 by normie_girl


Contra is an edgy man in a wig and Lauren is only popular because she cakes herself in makeup while racist neckbeards masturbate to her.

Anyone promoting a genuinely right wing agenda is going to have a following, because there aren't very many of them (since they get continuously shut down and "no platformed")

No comment on the Cakeface Canuck

She's a retard who panders to racist misogynist then wonders why her base is full of racist misogynist.

You say that like it's a bad thing though

Well it is.

Centralists must die

Masturbating to the gussy instead of the bussy


While true Lauren still deserves some sort of Canadian of the Year award.

Didn't Contra go full-on mental illness? I liked him queer and fabulous, now he seems about to chop his dick off.

Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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Why should I care about Boxxy 2.0?

Looks like you upset some of her admirers.

Boxxy, more like doxy

Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time.

This bitch literally tried to stop migrant boats from arriving in Italy with far-right groups. She'd rather watch them drown in the sea than set foot in a country that isn't even her own. She was at the same kind of "gathering" in the UK and France.

"ShowOnHead" DISAVOWS "DrownInBoat"

Obviously the best way to prevent drowning is to encourage people to put themselves in danger of drowning so that they get a prize at the end.

Time: Don't Blame Rescue-at-Sea Organizations for Migrants Coming to Europe

When 22-year-old Mohammad left Libya’s coastline in a decrepit wooden boat headed for Italy in August, he had no illusions about where he would end up.

Unlike many smugglers in Libya who lure clients in with false promises of reaching Europe within hours, his agent was brutally frank. It would take about three hours to reach international waters, he explained. Once there the boat would drift until spotted by one of the humanitarian rescue vessels plying the central Mediterranean, at which point he and his fellow passengers would be taken aboard and transferred to Italy, where they could apply for asylum.

To Mohammad, a Syrian refugee who asked not to use his full name for fear of harming his asylum chances, it was a reasonable risk. “We knew that there were rescue teams," he told TIME. "We knew that there were people out there saving people. I believed that I had a better chance of making it.”

To Frontex, the European Union’s border and Coast Guard agency, such instructions are proof that the dozen or so nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) currently running rescue operations in the Mediterranean are contributing to Europe’s migrant crisis, according to confidential reports recently obtained by the Financial Times. (The newspaper later retracted claims Frontex had accused NGOs of collusion with smugglers.)

Since then the government of Italy has attempted to mitigate the issue by demanding NGO search-and-rescue operations agree to a code of conduct, but so far 5/8 of the NGOs have refused. The Libyan coast guard has also barred NGO search-and-rescue ships from entering Libyan waters, and Italy seized an NGO's ship after finding evidence they were colluding with people-smugglers. However NGO ships continue to act as a draw for migrants who can evade the Libyan coast guard long enough to reach international waters, with predictable consequences:

Hundreds of migrants picked up between Libya and Italy

Rescuers on board the Aquarius said the migrant boat was on the verge of completely sinking when it reached them. More than half the migrants on it were Nigerians, with the rest from other sub-Saharan African countries as well as two Palestinians.

"All but one of the five balloons holding the boat up was either completely deflated or deflating and there were still about 120 people inside the boat, so a very, very precarious condition," said one of the rescuers, Max Avis.

One of the Palestinians was thrown into the water by other migrants after trying to convince them that they would be better off being saved by a nearby Libyan coastguard boat than drowning, rescuers said.

Damn that sounds like if needle exchanges were providing a needle filled your drug of choice to replace your used needle.

Aren't Zionists like the ultimate ethnonationalists even cucking other nations for lulz?

Exactly correct, they haven't survived as a distinct people for 5000 years by "embracing diversity"

But enough seriousposting, show me ur bussy already

Aussy instead

For some reason I trusted you enough to just dive into that blind, glad to see my faith in you was not misplaced

Why do alt-righters always link to these random YouTube videos. Nigga post a summarized comment so I can quickly read through it, I have a life and as a result aren't sitting through that shit.

They did that in Amsterdam. Crime went down.

I don't know what you are referring to but knowing myself if someone was like hey dude here is this card to have free liquor for life I'd probably end up on dialysis. Couldn't imagine my average Mainer H junkie getting a hit every time they ask.

Well, it is only for the hopeless cases. The ones that have been addicted for so long that improvement is higly unlikely and only results in a heavy burden for society (because it is not like they can hold a job to pay for their addiction). So they get free heroine and they stop stealing shit to fund their habit.

I suppose it's not that insane given Europe's weird desire for legalized suicide for even the non-terminal.

You're right, it is better to have heroine inspired crimes in the streets.

I'm not saying the perfect solution to drug a addicted populace is tight gripped authoritarianism, I'm just saying a Netherlands model is absolutely going to kill nearly every American junkie including anyone who may have otherwise decided not to be a junkie. Fuck it, legalize it but don't give it away wtf lol.

I'm saying that this shit works if combined to a comprhensive detox program. Even for the american junkie. We had similair heroine issues in the 70s til early 00s and these kind of programs helped whittle down the number significantly. I cant even remember the last time I saw a heroine junkie beggin for money while this was a normal thing to see in the bigger cities when I was growing up.

Sometimes you have to think outside the box and controlled drug distribution isn't that weird of a solution, especially because it is proven to be effective after more than a decade.

How can you oppose legalized suicide after having spent any time amongst the users here

Only if it lowers the price of McDonald's Quarter Pounder®* burgers made with 100% FRESH BEEF

Because of the taboo, you kinkshamer.

I have a right to end my life.

There actually are programs like this in the US for severe lifelong alcoholics. They give them rations of booze to ward off withdrawals but not enough to send them into a belligerent bender.

They should mix in fentanyl so the druggies OD and die.

As if junkies aren't used to switching suppliers after getting bunk.

Put enough in the first hit and it doesn't matter.

What percentage of the druggies are milkos?

I unironically think they should do that except the drug should be pure fentanyl

Go June!

Literally who?

Lauren southern is a Canadian libertarian journalist who use to write for rebel media. Legally a man now

June aka shoeonhead is a youtuber who blogs about social issues. Liberal but against many feminism stuff.

She's so fucking hot. How is shoeonhead so ridiculously hot.

imo if you not into large women with neon hair, GTFO

Fake neon hair. She wears wigs.

How is shoeonhead so ridiculously hot

learn to love yourself.

A. I don't get your comment

B. I don't wanna love myself, i wanna love shoeonhead and by love i mean a passionate night of sexual activity.

Then you are lost

Why tho? Even with makeup on she just looks like an average girl with mousey features. The only thing that sets her apart are her imitation boxxy mannerisms and that she talls about stuff a demographic of boys and some girls already agree with but because in a public video and using 'humor' that can even be found on the tumblr.

Even with makeup on she just looks like an average girl with mousey features. The only thing that sets her apart are [boxxy + politics]

lol someone not getting her appeal should be the internet’s go-to test for having a Y chromosome. Working title: Voight-Mein-Kampf.

It’s very simple, snally. Look at Naxxy, Southern, Youcis, von Degurechaff—all 100% Grade Adolf gap moe.

idk who any of those people are except Southern.

Even with makeup on she just looks like an average girl with mousey features

That's the appeal. I'm not autistic in the way the guy you responded to is but I too can appreciate that look.

Fair enough. After seeing what reddit and /b/ will salivate over, I will never, ever understand what guys on the internet think is hot.

I dont give a shit about her politics. I dont wanna have sex with her politics. I wanna have sex with her. I dont even watch her videos. I just like her emo alternative look. And she doesn't look average, if shr is average looking then i wish i knew more average looking girls.

I just like her emo alternative look

It's barely even alt tho, she just wears heavy winged liner and black clothes. I thought that shit was all over tumblr and everywhere else notliketheothergirls dwell.

if she is average looking then i wish i knew more average looking girls.

Damn man where do you live where she isn't average?

There is literary nothing wrong with liking a "imnotliketheothergirls" girl. Zero. The only thing better than a "imnotliketheothergirls" girl is an unironic real life MPDG.

There is literary nothing wrong with liking a "imnotliketheothergirls" girl. Zero.

Yeah there is. They're just like every other girl but with different superficial tastes and gaping whole where their self-awareness should be. They're usually just boring, usually unattactive or painfully average girls who try and find a niche that's traditionally male-occupied so that they can get attention because they can't compete in the normal spheres.

is an unironic real life MPDG.

How so?

Also where do YOU live that she is average.

Literally every city or suburban area I've ever lived in.

MPDG are the closest thing to IRL anime waifus, that's why.

How is shoeonhead so ridiculously hot.

Makeup and slim pickings off the dinner table rather than an entire entrée

She's so fucking hot.

holy shit the incels have truly taken over

Ew, 3D girls


Boxxy for alt-righters.

Was there any proof ever they are separate people?

they look the same i dont think so


>not knowing who bawxy is.


Some /b/ idiots decided on some girl as a waifu.


Nobody important.

Aren't they the same person?

It's amazing how similar neckbeard waifu bait people look to each other.

I knew they weren't the same person, boxxy is now a voice actor in a cartoon, but I learned a few months ago that this girl was a fan of boxxy, a member of a boxxy only forum and based her style after boxxy.

this girl was a fan of boxxy, a member of a boxxy only forum and based her style after boxxy.

should be illegal IMO

She's a self-proclaimed leftist who hates conservatives though...a leftist who is disavowing Lauren Southern because of the latter's support of racial collectivist groups like Identity Europa (in part).

The phenomena of vaguely attractive alt-right women regurgitating alt-right talking points for views reminds me a lot of all those videos of attractive girls doing mediocore acoustic guitar covers of songs with a million views. Kind of pathetic.

We leftists don't have to do this because every just about every attractive celebrity you can think of is liberal already. I really like Alison Brie for instance, a 5 second google search shows me she is indeed a liberal.

Well there's a reason why there's such a vitriolic response from certain elements of the alt-right towards "e-celebs"--especially the attractive women. They're often accused of being "trad thots" who don't actually hold any political or moral convictions and want to make bank off of the admittedly thirsty element of ostracized basement dwellers who also lean right.

Having attractive women as pundits seems like a right-wing tradition at this point. Fox news definitely preferred anchors (and then pundits) who looked good on screen. Basic bitch conservatives typically have zero issue praising anyone who agrees with them. Doesn't matter whether it's a woman, a trans-woman (Blaire White), a black person (Thomas Sowell), a gay man (Milo Yiannoppolous), etc.

I tend to take people's opinions at face value and assume that they're not stating beliefs just for views. Because doing otherwise is the path to paranoia, purity spiraling, and bigotry (i.e. accusing people of "tokenism"). I think you can make a living expressing either right-wing or left-wing ideology.

They may be politically different, but they look pretty much identical; milko and with eyeliner.

But one is fat and one is anorexic

holy shit she needs to cut down on the fluff when she types, that's four paragraphs of mostly bullshit


What did shOe or southers do?

I think that it's an amalgamation of things stemming from Shoe's opinions on Lauren's more radical right wing beliefs and associates.

I'm waiting for the full SJW u-turn for shoeOnhead

It's the least we could as for as radical centrists after Laci Green's turn into an anti-SJW gremlin.

Did she actually? I know she reached out to right-wingers and even dated one or something, but I hadn't heard anything about her since.

Yeah her twitter is like almost exclusively REEEEEEE ESS JAY DUBYOOS and shit (aside from shilling her own stuff).


Literally the only thing Laci disagrees with "SJWs" on is free speech/no platforming stuff. She's still very left-wing, very anti-gun, very pro-LGBT, very much in favor of universal healthcare etc. etc.

I mean, I have no horse in this race because I find both her, her friends, and her enemies all super obnoxious, but she's done way more than just speak out against anti-free speech people.

Like what? I'm just going based on her twitter posts here. Maybe she disavowed "Cultural Marxism" like the Feminist concept of "Patriarchy" and stuff like "Cishet White Male privilege" or something.

There was some stuff about her cavorting with alt-right types and saying some TERF shit, and almost all of her soapboxing nowadays is about REEEEEE the left is attacking meh!!! But like I said, I don't pay much attention to that part of internet culture. The sooner all Youtubers are gassed the better.

Did she actually?

Nah, she just decided she can make more bux off of anti-SJWs than SJWs.

Same thing with IMC, none of his views actually changed.

Laci green is anti-sjw?

I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet considering most of her fans hate all other women

Is it just me or did she not actually day anything of substance in that tweet

It definitely could've been more succinct.

Did he say anything of substance ever? I thought her only value was either as a mentally ill lolcow, or from her incel fanboys getting mad she had a boyfriend or something.

I've only ever seen a couple of her videos but the ones I did see were fun and at least quasi-substantial. Your run-of-the-mill Culture Wars stuff.

Then again I agreed with the message so I'm not exactly an impartial source

How could ever tell from your name

Hey what can I say, I wear my heart on my sleeve (in the form of a swastika armband)

What is your opinion of her now that she opposes letting africans drown?

If I made the kind of money she did from this shit, I wouldn't want to risk my position either. She's making the safe "Sargon-style" play and I can respect that. Even if I'd prefer her to take the risk and move right because she'd be the only one risking anything, ya know?

  1. closing the borders

  2. no incentive anymore to get into a rubber dingy and hope for NGOs to pick you up 10 miles off the Libyan coast

  3. no more drownings in the sea

I was asking about people's opinion of Shoeonhead?



Not at all surprising, considering she's a mudshark.

I swear to god if you say one more bad thing about Shoe I will unironically white knight this thread to death.

This grill is dum

Whore who is popular for the same reason Lauren is popular

Blame the dudes.

This but unironically

Her boyfriend is not...I'm only gel he's not fucking me.

Besides lolcow? Doesn't seem apt since she's not a drama generator bit just mocks them and often does both sides ..seems more like your average drama user....some of her fans and all of her haters are lolcows though.

Somehow pictures of text on Twitter never seem to have more than 140 characters worth of content no matter how long they are

Yeah I thought she would we would say the specific reason but no it's just "we're not friends anymore"

Girls smh

i'm tired of being harassed about being her friend daily

Specific reason is: "I'm a fickle backstabber"

do girls ever amirite

so just a normal tweet then

Imagine being at a point in your life where you contact someone's family members over political twitter drama.

A lot of Shoe's fans are like 15 year old girls, some of the most insane people on earth.

Please take your Misogyny elsewhere.

Speaking from experience

Yes, I have a lot of experience calling out Misogynist such as xerself.


>Yes, I have a lot of experience calling out Misogynist such as xerself.

i'm a feminist

Feminist is a weird way to spell compliment handmaiden of the patriarchy who belittles young women. As a true feminist myself I know that 15 year old girls have the maturity of the average 50year old male.

They linked a pic of Contrapoints; that isn't a female. It's a male whose dick gets hard to the idea of being female.


way to uphold the stereotype that 'true feminists' are bitter man haters.

way to go!

You can't hate men, because men are the dominant power structure

oh right my bad


Please take your Misogyny elsewhere, and maybe stop and listen some boo, history not gonna look kindly on your type.😊

no idea wtf u are even fucking talking about

That's because you're busy mansplaining and won't take any time to stop and listen to women. I bet you frequent r/Braincels a lot. I've already got you pegged.😀


'lol' maybe if you showed women more respect you could comprehend a higher level of discourse than simple abbreviations devoid of any real meaning, and respond accordingly. 🤗

Terf detected

I’m a future dinosaur 🦖 who will join them in the plasma fold convergence

that's cool as hell

Don’t worry you can become a top quality lizard person when the convergence begins

Well being a lizard person comes naturally to me

I’m sure you’re natural sweetie. Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe it’s lizard cream.

You're a girl and girls have eggs, so you're already a lizard.

Fucking rad.

internalized bigotry is the worst kind

The rest of her fans are overweight middle age men with full beards

We can't grow full beards.

I always thought it was mostly 15 year old boys with a strong core of 'littles', who knew?

A lot of Shoe's fans are like 15 year old girls, some of the most insane people on earth.

Wouldn't it in this case, not be a fan, but a detractor that was contacting her family and threatening them?

Perhaps some sort of person who pursues justice, of a particularly social kind from the comfort of their bedroom?

No, they just have 15 year old girls as the avatar picture

Wait what?

The only right move for a radical centrist like her. You go girl!

everyone who disagrees with me is wrong.

Is this a parody or something ?

We live in a post ironic world.

Without even noticing.

Which makes it fun...

E-celebrities are a symptom of mayo-fluenza, the only cure is of course, mayocide now.

Change is why you need a wig, implants, and 35lbs of fakeup u/knightcocklovar92. Change is bad, and perfect, adjusted people don't do it.

It's crazy that Lauren Southern is only 23. She's caused so much chaos in such a short period of time.

It's crazy that Lauren Southern is only 23. She's caused so much mayhem in such a short amount of time. I wonder what's next for her.

She's a mining town, once she has nothing left to offer they will pack up and leave. Only the worst off will remain.

Its weird, I met her and had a conversation at a trump rally during the primaries before anyone knew who she was. I was just trying to hit on her cuz she was cute, had no idea. She seemed nice

This sounds like the beginning of a "I fucked Anne Coulter's asshole"-style pasta.

Man I wish

laura southern a got dang thot


Is this about Southern being on board with those people who tried to stop the NGO taxi service for rapefugees?


oh my fuck who gives a shit

Fetal alcohol syndrome girl has always been a big fat pile of nothing. In my opinion literally the only things interesting about her are she uses a webcam from 1997 and half her subscribers think she's actually boxxy.

I hate to see members of the Intellectual Dark Web split up like this.

Is this another one of those feuds where if everyone participating died, the world would be an objectively better place?

This is a stupid post and you should be ashamed for know- oooh, it's normie_girl, that explains the shit-tier content.


Y'all need jesus

KIA says she is an oil driller

What does that mean

she bangs black dudes

I know this may seem like tasty drama, but someone litterally contacted her family over it, bringing more attention to the situation just rubs me the wrong way