May want to check your privilege. You could have just googled for it.
You belong here. This community is 99% PoC and we respect and honor each other’s personal pronouns. We need more people to help privilege check when things get out of hand.
CA has more white privilege by a lot. They have a larger income gap and a larger education gap. This leads to more casual racism, as there are less counter examples.
CA has a huge income gap by race (48th) WI is a lot better (9th)
CA has a large education gap by race (39th) WI is better but still not good (28th)
1 SnapshillBot 2018-05-10
No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 rationalhuckleberry 2018-05-10
You belong here. This community is 99% PoC and we respect and honor each other’s personal pronouns. We need more people to help privilege check when things get out of hand.
1 coranos2 2018-05-10
1 SamWhite 2018-05-10
Join us and help bring about the mayocide.
1 Cdace 2018-05-10
Post dinosaurs 🦖 exclusively
1 whenweriiide 2018-05-10
You already know what it is brah
1 Cdace 2018-05-10
My (lizard)man!
1 PrayTheFayAway 2018-05-10
1 KikisBombDelivery 2018-05-10
A black man just finished wiping out the Raptors. He’ll wipe you out too.
1 Cdace 2018-05-10
We have Spinosaurus! We’ll be just fine
1 pitterpatterwater 2018-05-10
He's being ironic, but we semi-ironically desire the peaceful extinction of the milko race.
1 coranos2 2018-05-10
I googled it and am confused.
A horse race?
1 pitterpatterwater 2018-05-10
1 KillAllCentrists 2018-05-10
rhythmically challenged individuals
1 ffbtaw 2018-05-10
The melanin-challenged.
1 voicelesshoodwinker 2018-05-10
"Please, check your privilege!"
"Idi nahui"
1 NoMoMoneyNoMoHoney 2018-05-10
Пресылай мне бусиии
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-05-10
/u/coranos2 which group has more white privilege? White people from California or from Wisconsin? 🤔
1 coranos2 2018-05-10
Good question!
CA has more white privilege by a lot. They have a larger income gap and a larger education gap. This leads to more casual racism, as there are less counter examples.
CA has a huge income gap by race (48th) WI is a lot better (9th)
CA has a large education gap by race (39th) WI is better but still not good (28th)
A hard one would be who has more white privilege: Roma or Irish Travelers. That’s a good way to get a thread locked once the Europeans wake up.
1 The_ButterChimp 2018-05-10
That's like picking what kind of poop you want on your sandwich.
1 TheRootinTootinPutin 2018-05-10
Irish, cause they're easy to starve. Gypsies are proof that a Holocaust 2.0 is in order
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-05-10
Fucking lol
1 coranos2 2018-05-10
There it is. That’s what I mean by the Casual racism.
Good luck finding the Roma anywhere around if you try. The ones that were closed to civilization learned their lesson the last time.
1 coranos2 2018-05-10
So if a Roma and a Irish Traveller both applies for a job in CA, would they get it instead of a POC just because they are white?
1 ffbtaw 2018-05-10
They are both POC
1 coranos2 2018-05-10
How is an Irish Traveller, 80% genetically Irish, white as the driven snow, a POC?
1 ffbtaw 2018-05-10
One's status as a person of color isn't dependent on their melanin content.
1 coranos2 2018-05-10
Ok you are either trolling, or really far off the deep end of liberalism.
1 ffbtaw 2018-05-10
Doesn't matter, neither of them are white.
1 coranos2 2018-05-10
Irish Travellers are white people. Outside of Ireland you can’t tell them from any other native of the British isles.
I’ll still bet you in CA the Irish Traveller gets picked over an African American or a Hispanic.
That’s what white privilege is. you get treated with respect and preference over anyone with more melanin, solely because of your low melanin content.
1 ffbtaw 2018-05-10
Bullshit, nobody respects micks.
1 coranos2 2018-05-10
They don’t know what they are!
Can’t tell em from a wop dago, or Falun Gong.
1 dogDroolsCatsRules 2018-05-10
Travellers cultures unironically are just one step better than neo nazis.
1 Leitos 2018-05-10
Given that Roma are descendants of Pajeets, that's not a hard one to solve.
1 coranos2 2018-05-10
So you are saying they aren’t actually white people, but are from the Indian continent?
If it’s so easy to solve, you could have put the solution in your comment instead of making me guess.
1 Leitos 2018-05-10
My bad for assuming you'd be familiar with the usage of Pajeet as a derogatory term for people from the Indian subcontinent.
1 boyoyoyoyong 2018-05-10
u/coranos2 why do I get the feeling you haven't really experienced true diversity and are more a diversity tourist
1 boyoyoyoyong 2018-05-10
u/humidifierman something tells me you really haven't experienced cultural vibrancy you're more of a diversity tourist
1 casualrocket 2018-05-10
1 BrushingHisTeeth 2018-05-10