Another day, another pibble mauling

69  2018-05-10 by Oh_hamburgers_


Cool story, bro


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Damn, the comment section "All Pitbulls must be destroyed"

He's not wrong tho

We can reuse them for deli products and dog food :)

*cat food

Cats are the biggest victims of pitbull attacks aside from little wild critters. I'm sure there are no statistics regarding this but I know it in my heart to be true. The kitties need reparations.

Works with me, gotta punish the dindu dogs

πŸ‘† πŸ‘† πŸ‘† She tell the truth πŸ‘† πŸ‘† πŸ‘†

wtf I love pitbulls now

All dogs must be destroyed. Prove me wrong.

Pitbulls delenda est.

r/dogfree was right

For all sad words of tongue and pen, The saddest are these, β€˜/r/dogfree was right again’.

You need to go b-

Oh wait

The attack was so brutal she has had to have an arm amputated - and may also lose a leg

Why do they use this exact line three times in the article lol

Because the attack was so brutal she has had to have an arm amputated - and may also lose a leg

Is "has had to have" correct?

Also, the attack was so brutal she has had to have an arm amputated - and may also lose a leg

But what about her leg?

Well, you can make a nice stew out that still

Because the Daily Mail is written for mongs who need to be reminded what they're reading about every three sentences. Notice how they also keep telling you what emotions you should feel?

Have you considered the fact that pitbulls are often neglected and instead of being against them you could advicate for better treatment of them?

Better treatment would mean everyone who has ever been on government assistance being permanently banned from owning them

Throw yourself off a building.

Well that's nice of you

Better treatment is keeping them refrigerated after euthenasia so that they don't smell as bad when the biowaste disposal truck comes to pick them up.

There fucking name literally comes from the blood sport they were bred to engage in

Here, I'll save you a click:

Pit bulls were created by breeding bulldogs and terriers together to produce a dog that combined the gameness and agility of the terrier with the strength of the bulldog.[3] In the United Kingdom, these dogs were used in blood sports such as bull-baiting and bear-baiting. These blood sports were officially eliminated in 1835 as Britain began to introduce animal welfare laws. Since dogfights were cheaper to organize and far easier to conceal from the law than bull or bear baits, blood sport proponents turned to pitting their dogs against each other instead. Dog fighting was used as both a blood sport (often involving gambling) and a way to continue to test the quality of their stock. For decades afterwards, dog fighting clandestinely took place in small areas of Britain and America. In the early 20th century pit bulls were used as catch dogs in America for semi-wild cattle and hogs, to hunt, and drive livestock, and as family companions.[3] Some have been selectively bred for their fighting prowess.[5][6]

Same story goes for other breeds of dogs yet you decide to single out pit bulls

Except other breeds don't kill 80-100 people each year.

And how about Rottweilers and german sheperds?

I'm not here to teach you how to use Google.

But here is all of the information you need:

Good job only listing 1 website, and also having the 1 website me strongly biased against pitbulls


Imho; Boxers, Rottweillers, Mastiffs and similar bull and terrier breeds are just as dangerous, there is just a smaller population.

Meh. Every other dog that bites gets called a pit bull.

>defending pitbulls

Im questioning the statistics you tard. People dumb enough to get bit by dogs aren't exactly dog experts.

Maybe for a normal dog, but a dog bred for its aggression will bite anyone when they snap.

No u

Wow XDDD OWNED like and share

Oh, was I supposed to argue with copypasta?

It would have been funnier than "no u" so yes as long as it is fresh

Emotional support animals just sounds like a sham so people can bring their dogs into public places. Like get over yourself if you can’t go a few hours without it.

Decent, but there's gotta be something more fittibg

Tell that to the comment I said "no u" to. Neither one makes any sense as a reply to what was written because they were both random comments from /r/dogfree.

Yeah but some can be funny and make some sense

Ban assault dogs.

The only thing I love more than pipples is listening to chumps cry about pibbles.

Let's play pitbull owner Bingo

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Link Text: Bingo

Link URL:

Preventing misleading links on reddit by providing the links behind the markdown. Why? u/reallinkbot/comments/8igale/why_do_i_exist/

bad bot

dogs distorted and abused by insane nogz. horrifically ruins another nog.


The dogs are the only victims here

Nah, I'm the victim because no Mayos were taken out

You know you can order shit without mayo at burger king right?

I want to order society without mayo tbqhwyf

This is why this sub isn't on the watch list. A bunch of cuck posters talking about mayo. Only fags talk about mayo.

MDE illegals OUT OUT OUT

the left still can't meme

The Daily Mail and all UK tabloids unironically have anti-pibble stories on the front page all the time. They were fighting the menace decades before we were even born.

Sounds like a job for the Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles.

Sounds like a job for the Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles.

I can't wrap my head around how 170 - 250lb apes get fucked up by 90lb rats.

Defensless and domesticated mushy-skinned human vs 90 pounds of pure muscle that has been bred over countless generations to kill bulls, has extremely high pain tolerance, 235 pounds of pressure in its bite and 3 buddies of equal size to back it up. Good luck winning that one without at the least a machete or baseball bat.

a machete or baseball bat but preferably a shotgun.

I think we could beat it with a pibble shoah.

I would be pretty interested to see if a pretty fit guy with a spear could take them, this is why we need gladitorial combat.

Bronson is a really great movie

One of my favorites.

If they were trained or had done something like that before then sure. Average dick off the street my money is on the pitbull.

What if the guy with the spear knew what he was doing though?

Then the guy sure, fuck people kill lions with a spear pretty sure a pibble wouldn't be an issue.

Just fall on it.

preferably a shotgun

Aren't shotgun single shot ? Or did video games lie to me ?

Depends on the model, some are full auto but if not it only takes half a second to cock it and put a new shell in the chamber.

Almost all (99.99%) are pump or semi-automatic, and it for sure wouldn't be a long enough pause between shots for the dog to be a danger

A 175lb boxer would probably fuck your 400lb ass.

Since now reddit loves the koreans maybe they should reach the heights of Bernie "Bread lines are good" Sanders by eating all the Pitbulls

Pitbull advocates need to be put down.



She definitely antagonized the poor pibble in some way, probably by making eye contact for a split second like some kind of savage.

This wouldn't have happened if she also had a pitbull. The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a pitbull is a good guy with a pitbull.

Pit Bulls are the best dog in the world. I train them to attack babies.

Babies are a very important food group for pibbles

Pebbles are so cute, they love to eat anything with a face that can scream

Why did you kill this woman?


Why has this subreddit become so pitbull obsessed all of a sudden?

dogs distorted and abused by insane nogz. horrifically ruins another nog.


The dogs are the only victims here (drama sub being btfo by the word nog. Top kek)

Gas all pitbulls

They're just trying to help us control the human population. Good doggos. RIP.