This is America

46  2018-05-10 by cryptnonospot


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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And /u/gallowboob the fun police is right on schedule

what a cunt. It's hilarious reddit thinks they should just say this is normal fucking behavior and worth a casual laugh.

It's hilarious reddit thinks they should just say this is normal fucking behavior


I seriously hate that humorless cunt. He was quiet for about a month and now he's flooding the FP with lame ass reposts again.

I like how he bitches about shitty behaviour but sent a teenager a picture of his dick because the teen made fun of him.

So he's literally a pedophile lol fucking degenerate

I think the teen was barely legal

he's the epitome of "can dish it out but not take it"

/u/Gallowboob ... lame ass

Kinda rude, man. He can’t help not knowing how to deadlift.

u/gallowboob, can you and u/10gauge fight to the deth? Who would win?

u/gallowboob is the master, I am but the student.

great. you're both well versed in douche. I predict you've surpassed him in this regard.

A guy can dream.

The worst mod action there isn't even GallowBoob's, imo.

Check this out:

Does it really take more than 2 neurones to tell that this was staged?

/r/Iamreallysmart, but you can't spell neurons.

Jesus Christ man, get some education or at least learn to use google for more than just looking for midget porn. Illiterate fuck.

"I'm going to be a dick to a top mod"... bold move Cotton. Banned.


This is the sort of diversity liberal mayos don't get to experience, truly a beautiful and vibrant culture

If you think that video wasn't fake then you are a retard.

u/GallowBoob is such a brave defender of the glorious Chocolate-American culture. It really inspires me to encourage my children and loved ones to rob the pizza delivery guy.

Thanks u/GallowBoob for reminding us all it's perfectly acceptable to act like those beautiful Chocolate-American would-be pizza thieves.

Hey u/GallowBoob if you hate this platform so much, why don't you leave? The site would be beter for it <3

It’s racist that You just assume there’s racist things to say about this video...

It's pattern recognition.

/u/Kelossi I agree. I read somewhere that right-wingers are only 14% of the reddit population and yet they make over 50% of racist comments. Patterns and statistics are simple facts, and recognizing that shouldn't even be controversial... leave it to conservitards to ignore reality smh

Gallowboob just locked it because someone else is getting karma. He'll repost the fucking video to 16 subs next week.

Who the fuck would shoot someone over pizza?

Toxic masculinity smh

Toxic whiteness created the laws that allowed him to carry that gun in public. When will toxic whiteness finally be dealt with?

A pizza deliveryman must always see the mission through to the end.

Imagine if the pizza guy was also a cop, it would be watermelanin-cide

Pizza delivery gets robbed of their pizza all the time in ghetto areas. This is why most pizza chains don’t deliver in “certain “ neighborhoods. Not really a surprise that this could happen.

It looks fake and gay

Fake and gay

/u/Kelossi til that noticing things is racist, please whats your taken on fbi statistics

bloody yanks can't even order a pizza without turning it into a hostage scenario

You think pizza isn't a serious matter?

Black people generally seem to live a more exciting life than the rest of us

I enjoy subtle racism the best.

Sounding like feepo is fucking retarded.

Every pizza deliveryman should be held to the same standards of armament as their local police. You can't let anything keep the pizza from its destination.