For once /r/Blackladies does something cool : doxxing a mayo gussy snitch

4  2018-05-10 by IAintThatGuy


Jews did this


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Nope this time it's the jigaboos.

Her name is Sara Braasch and it’s not a dox because her picture and face are mentioned in a news article.

In the past the admits have banned people for posting articles that could be considered doxxing.


I think he's right and I think it happened here on drama some time in the past year or so, but I can't remember what it was about.

Maybe that turkish incel kid who admitted to raping a passed-out girl?

Doxxing is a thing made up by the current generation. It's not a real thing.

It's a good shorthand for 'unleashing twitter slacktivists on someone by revealing their real name'.

It's funny and I love when it happens.