Is PETA a terrorist group trying to influencd your child? Discover the truth, as gamers REEEEEE in unisson

4  2018-05-11 by Ramol0ss


Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.


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Mfw you give money to save animals but instead they make a shitty game.

PETA is probably the worst advocacy group in the world imo. No other group blatantly lies as much as they do. Veggie fucking, soy chugging, coasties just eat the shit up too and have never been within a hundred miles of a farm. PETA fuckers also kill people's dogs.

This, so much

I can't believe people are siding with them just to shit on random gamers for bringing attention to their shitty propaganda game