/r/trans is on the warpath because /r/pcos considers that men can't have ovaries (for once they're not REEEing that women can have penises)

40  2018-05-11 by IAintThatGuy


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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Snappy understood that it's about PCOS and transmen.


terfs are so much more common in women's communities than people think


I'd prefer the TE without the RF.

Fuck it, I'll happily admit that trans people do exist, but they're like AT MOST 0.5% of the population. And actual "nonbinary" people, as in the ones who aren't just lost and going through a weird phase, are probably about as common as people with cystic fibrosis. The solipsism of someone from a tiny niche population to demand that a gender-based community radically change itself to accommodate them is astonishing.

Most trannies just want to live their lives like normal people, though. They want people not to notice their transness; unfortunately that means that they have less obvious online presence than the more vocal ones..

TBH if society agreed that passing as your gender of choice was the best possible outcome that would be perfect.

I think actual trans people exist, but they're a tiny subset of "trans" people. I think most of these assholes are just trending or satisfying fetishes. And of course, those types are the loudest. The real trannies I've met fucking hate these people for making them look insane.

Transgender people definitely exist, because gender roles and gender identity are heavily based on brain development and there are a lot of stages in fetal development where the brain can go one direction while everything else goes the opposite way.

This is why TERFs hate transgender people so much. TERFs hate the fact that gender roles exist, and actual trans people (the sane ones, at least) are proof that there is a hard biological basis for the gender binary.

I think gender roles are entirely made up bullshit. It makes sense to me, though, that someone might be born with a brain map for the wrong body. Like how amputation victims still have the brain map for their lost limb and keep trying to move it or feel pain or whatever.

Nobody has a brain map for the 'wrong body'. No person with gender dysphoria feels phantom pain for their missing breasts or ovaries. What does exist is gender non-conforming people (very effeminate men and very masculine women) whose brains are probably more similar to women and men respectively. People with gender dysphoria should get treatment that teaches them that gender non-conformity is ok and that autogynephilia is a perfectly acceptable paraphilia to have. Instead these gender non-conforming kids (and adults...) get bombarded with trans propaganda that they must have been born with the wrong brain/body combo and that you can really change your sex. Absolutely ridiculous.

Tbh I think you're absolutely spot-on for like 99.9% of trannies. But I've met the very rare person where I'd believe something neurological/medical is going on.

Not sure where you're pulling this from, but it certainly has no basis in reality. I'm a Trans woman, I was far from effeminate, completely accepting that gender non-conformity is fine, and I have no such paraphilia. Your explanation might make sense and sound good to you, but it's just not true.

Yeah trans issues getting chucked into the culture war maelstrom (once gay marriage was legalized and the LGB part of the group no longer really had institutional oppression to campaign against), really brought in a horde of bandwagoners who allies unfamiliar with trans issues kept promoting over the reasonable transpeople.

Tbf having two people of the same gender is far more advertiser friendly than batshit insane people who chop off their privates and replace said privates with weird masses of cow meat.


Oh yeah these people totally aren't mentally ill

About fine the trans men stepped up to the plate, trans women had a monopoly on stupid drama recently

Exactly. All those trans"women" sperging out loudly almost makes people think trans"men" aren't retarded.

Picking up the slack for pizzashill here; theya re mentally ill, but transitioning is the best treatment. Source. Some other sources.

Are you saying people are putting in actual effort to keep trannies from killing themselves?!

/u/peddlesbutterflies using the term "womyn" makes you look stupid.

On top of that, wifman does not mean "wife of man". It's the female counterpart to "werman". You're either lying, or misinformed. Either way, don't say shit you don't understand.

Reading sources is hard, I know.

You know what's actually stupid? Thinking that submitting to patriarchial stereotypes and taking hormones makes you the opposite sex.

You know what else is stupid? Treating a mental illness by telling someone that their delusions are reality.


This, but unironically.

Except the "patriarchy" part though, that's still retarded. You probably have more common ground with me than you realize.

You're correct about everything except the etymology. You have a source? Post it.

Why do you hate trannies so much you piece of shit

Is it because daddy didn't love you?

Daddy came out as trans and made a more attractive woman.

Bussy is the best kind of hole

Thinking that submitting to patriarchial stereotypes

Gender is biologically innate though, so from a certain point of view it does.

the patriarchy doesn't exist


Treating a mental illness by telling someone that their delusions are reality.

Incongruity detected. The Patriarchy is the boogeyman of plenty of delusional people.

Stereotypes aren't patriarchal, they are just reality

And for the second scoop of retardation, here's GenderCritical's opinion on that issue


They're being melodramatic as usual but they mostly seem to be hitting the nail on the head there tbh

They're usually right. Just insane too.

if he's a man then why's he crying like a lil bitch

checkmate gender studies

What if he's trans numale?

/u/thecloudkingdom What kind of man cries at this shit? The kind with ovaries.

Learn to suppress your feelings, then let it out in a mass shooting like you're supposed to.

So that South Park episode where Garrison gets a sex change and thinks he is a real woman is based on these people

reminder that something like 99.9% of women who experience pcos are also obese and therefore not worth your time

Also they're women, so not worth much to begin with.

Wait, I'm confused, this is a man claiming to be experiencing something only an actual woman could experience?

A delusional woman (AKA "transman"), you could call it a man with ovaries too, has PCOS. Got mad at /r/PCOS and started whining because it's called a "women's disease". /r/PCOS didn't really love getting lectured.

Still confused, is this biologically a man?

Nope. It's a woman. With ovaries. Who is whining that other women won't consider her ovarian issues as a male problem.

Ok whew, could not translate all the gender speak in there.

If you assume everyone speaking there is retarded, delusional, and belligerent, it's easier to interpret.

Technically, some men can have ovaries - but they are non-functional and usually just floating bodies unconnected to the rest of the reproductive system. It happens in some of the more severe disorders of sexual development. However, since those ovaries can produce hormones, it usually fucks them up.