Straight white man (MtF "lesbian") feels disgusted by straight people

115  2018-05-11 by IAintThatGuy


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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someone who can openly talk about everything and be accepting of differing views

o the irony burns

there is a cream for that

Gosh, it's so odd how so many MtFs are attracted to women, have extreme white guilt and severe self loathing as males. It's almost like a pattern.

Really gets the noggin joggin šŸ¤”

And they all like Jap Crap and spent their youth playing computer games and being part of online communities

And they all like Jap Crap and spent their youth playing computer gamesĀ 

Fake and gay.

The term trap is like salt on smails to these perversions of the 2D dick girl. And they don't play games, not real ones, they just complain about them.

Both good points well made, I respect your knowledge of weird nerd trannies and will endeavour to learn more about them to refine my ability to be mean to them on the Internet.

severe self loathing

That's literally a symptom of gender dysphoria, m8. Picking up the slack for pizzashill here; theya re mentally ill, but transitioning is the best treatment. Source. Some other sources.

no faggot, its called autogynephilia

Referencing Blanchard's shit.

You might actually be retarded.

you know they whined to the dsm and got it changed right

You know that these are rigorous psychologists, right? They don't change shit because of whining unless they think the points the whiners raise are right and conform with reality.

You know that these are rigorous psychologists

L O L nice english mate.

Yeah, sometimes my phrasing gets a it awkward. You cna still tellwhat imean, though.

Rigor and psychology are mutually exclusive.

these are rigorous psychologists

lol imagine being such a blind bootlicker

The experts are wrong because I'm right and they disagree.

Was one of your Phds is psychology?

there is no political aspect to the DSM

haha, you are so right. and so wise.

Was one of your Phds in psychology?


you may lick my boots now, and blindly believe anything I say.

So, how do you have an opinion on whether their decision was correct, if you don't have training in the field?

I have training in the field, they didn't make that change on the basis of scientific advances.

It's just politics baby. Now why is there still dust on my boots? get to lickin' !

DSM is made by Psychiatrists, not psychologists.

I knew I was getting something wrong.

DSM is built by Psychiatrists...

i fucking love science

What if instead of pumping their bodies with estrogen and chopping off their dick as treatment we just sent these confused individuals out in the woods to live off the land for a week or so and make them take a break from all that weeb shit on the internet? I know this sounds an awful lot like those bad kid camps where they kidnap you and ship you off to utah to inevitably have their bussy blasted by some "counselor" but i am thinking it be more like what was the "boy" scouts except its all wannabe trannies.

That's not how mental illness works lol.

Does your proposed method have detailed studies like those I linked proving its effectiveness?

No i do not have detailed studies on the hypothetical proposition i posed in an r/drama thread. Also you will never be u/pizzashill so stop trying faggot.

Kay, milko.

Why would you unironically want to take up the u/pizzashill mantle anyway? The dude has no friends and spergs out constantly which is great for drama but has to take its toll on the soul.

I aim to be a better pizzashil, one who doesn't waste time with long effortposts but stays short and succint, because I have a life.

Whatever floats your boat mate. He will be back in a weeks time anyway.

Seriousposting in r/drama is no life.

I have a life though,


Don't you like have 2 Phds and a job as a lawyer?

oh sweaty... don't you.. like ..uhm.. have a bad case of lice and an internship as a janitor's assistant?


You have to go back.

did you know? your pores are visible from space. the more you know.

wrong retard, fam

Please make this covered by insurance. It would solve so many problems you see online...

I think most behavioral psychologists would agree that's not the best treatment. But idk, I personally am not a doctor.

I personally am not a doctor.

Nor am I. This is a proposal for teen trannies as it doesn't seem like a great idea to me to start a pretty permanent change in a teenagers body before they are fully grown. A little break from the internet and all the shit that is on here and some time in the wild to reset their sleep cycles couldn't hurt as kind of first step before they decide to go all in on the HRT and surgery route.

People who are teenagers and think they're trans are usually put on hormone blockers first, which just delays puberty until they're old enough to make a final decision and leave no permanent effects on their body. And getting put on hormones is a really lengthy process involving lots of psychiatric monitoring, as a professional has to give them the green light to take hormones/get surgery at all.

Fuck me, this is r/drama. Ignore all that above and just post bussy.

Right so maybe this is done in conjunction with the hormone blockers. Admittedly I know very little about this whole process as it seems to be a recent phenomenon so i am just spitballing here.

Transitioning isn't new, but it's coming into the public spotlight a lot more with people like Caitlin Jenner publicly transitioning and whatnot, so there's a lot of misinformation flying around on the internet and the media. I'm lucky enough to live in a city that's super liberal, so knowing a good amount of trans people and being able to ask questions in person has shed a lot of light on the phenomena.

I live in SF and spent a lot of time in Berkeley over the past 10 years so I am in a super liberal part of the country as well. It seems like it is a recent thing that has grown over the past 5 or so years even here though. As a true radical centrist i associate with both the gays and the right wing elements in this area and the uptick in trannies is a recent thing in my personal experience.

Could be more general media coverage. A lot of depressed people don't know what's wrong with them, they feel like something isn't right, read or hear stories about trans people and think it could apply to them. It doesn't always obviously, but I think seeing more coverage about it gives another possibility to people to try and find out what's wrong. Don't quote me though, I didn't go to school for sociology.

Since 2010 the number of trans teenagers has been doubling every two years.

"It's not a phase mom, this is the real me."

And the more coverage medical depression got through the years, the more it was diagnosed, too. Now you're using your noggin!

did it help?

Did what help?

all the diagnosing and self-diagnosing of depression, the prescription durgs etc

are people healthier now?

Well you can't get prescriptions by self-diagnosing, but it leads to going to a professional and getting prescriptions. And I think asking for help, mentally, is always a positive. Depression, and just shit with the brain in general, is so complicated that asking if people are "healthier" is a complicated question that doesn't have a yes or no. Mental health isn't like you can go to a doctor and get a test that shows concrete numbers like you would a blood test, and say "yes, I'm healthier." It's true there are cases where a prescription ended up making things worse, but that's rarer than a prescription not helping at all, or even better, actually helping someone. So in short my answer is that it's overwhelmingly better to try getting help for your mental issues than not going for help at all.

obviously therapy (as well as the right drugs) helps individual people.

but society as a whole. is the average person today healthier mentally than the average person 20 years ago?

In a vacuum? I think so. In reality it's like a societal arms race. With social media and the news so readily available we're seeing some new mental issues pop up that weren't around before. In my opinion, without prescriptions people would be way worse off. But would that be the case if society wasn't the way it is today? I have no clue.

Maybe instead of investing in psychotherapy and pharma, we should have been investing in traditional values and luddism.

lol traditional values are what made housewives pop those pills just to deal with the mind numbing boredom in the first place. Every generation has its pros and cons, but alluding to the 50's as some kind of societal oasis is a gigantic case of rose-colored glasses. Overall I do think we're getting better and better at recognizing and treating mental illness. Hopefully in the future we'll have the technology to nip the proverbial buds before issues even arise in the first place!

traditional values are what made housewives pop those pills

well they're popping even more pills now.

just to deal with the mind numbing, existential boredom

which is totally not a hollywood fabrication, but an accurate representation of life with a complete family in a high trust society.

There are still people out there that want that kind of lifestyle! You're definitely free to pursue it, don't let me stop you.

We weren't talking about either of us as individuals, but about society as a whole.

I get that. Your opinion is that society was better back then, and I think it's better now. I was just implying that the nice thing is you're not the only one with your opinion, so you can absolutely surround yourself with others of the same thought and emulate society back then, at least on a small scale.

you're not the only one with your opinion, so you can absolutely surround yourself with others of the same thought and emulate society back then, at least on a small scale.

This wouldn't make society better at all.

The degeneration keeps progressing, while we isolate ourselves and play make-believe in the forest. The consequences of it would reach us anyway.

No, the goal must be cultural change.

oh alright. Just make sure to keep your expectations low. Society's gonna move on with or without you, grandpa.

society's gonna move on with or without you, as well.

they're trans are usually put on hormone blockers first, which just delays puberty until they're old enough to make a final decision and leave no permanent effects on their body.

I'm going to call bullshit on that:

Right, it's a relatively new practice so there's no long term data. But there's nothing saying that it doesn't help, you feel me? Like with any new procedures, if there's data that arises in the years saying that there's actually negative effects and they outweigh the positives then that's a discussion to have then. But as of now that isn't the case!

Rolling the dice and unnaturally changing your body chemistry isn't a sound way to treat dysphoria, it's a way to appease a group of people who are deranged seeking validation.

Yeah, that article is arguing the exact same thing: we just don't know the repercussions, or if there are any. And that's okay! This is the procedure with every new medical treatment. Only time will tell what will happen. I just know that I'm a doctor, and I assume you aren't either, so we can argue all we want but our opinions don't matter in the least bit. Fun!

My opinion is that manipulating your hormones or blocking them is very likely to be damaging, regardless of the Schrodinger's box aspect of, "well hopefully it wont harm us."


i mean earlier you're implying there are no repercussions by saying they can just stop taking them and resume puberty

Since there's no data disproving that, yes that's what I was implying earlier. Excellent observation.



Saying "we don't know the long term repercussions" and saying "there are no long term repercussions" are two different things.

This comment chain is kinda bizarre.

"there are no long term repercussions"

"ackshually we don't know "

"well duh its new."

"reeeeee im an asshole and here's another article about how we don't know the "

"right, we don't know the consequences thats what I said the whole time"

"ackshually you implied its perfectly safe"

"yeah I did"

The current data we have shows there arenā€™t side effects. There! šŸ˜Ž

And honestly if your guysā€™ biggest rebuttal to my claims is ā€œactually there might be side effects, we just might not know about them yet,ā€ then it appears that Iā€™ve done a really spectacular job of trying to argue in this case. Pretty proud of myself, and proud of you for meeting me halfway. Todayā€™s an excellent Friday, friends.

I wasn't actually in any argument here with you, I was just pointing out that you were saying contradictory things like a retard.

Its really entertaining to see someone say 'thing one', get told its wrong and 'thing two' is ackshually right, and then pretend they were saying 'thing two' the whole time.

I wasn't wrong necessarily, just not completely accurate. "There are no side effects" and "there are no side effects that we know of" aren't contradictory, silly buns.

Lol okay

A disagreement coming to a respectful end? On MY r/drama??

Well not entirely respectful, I did say you were acting like a retard last comment

True, but 'round these parts "retard" has morphed into something so casual it's like "my dude". We're all retards on this blessed day.

Tru. Have a good day tard

Thanks, you too.

You're a retard Zachums.

Thanks, you too. #blessed

ok, even for you that's pathetic

I haven't even begun to peak.

I'll let you experiment with your mentally ill kids first, tell me how it goes.

Thank you for your support.

if there's data that arises in the years saying that there's actually negative effects and they outweigh the positives then that's a discussion to have then.

well its a lawsuit to have then

Yeah, possibly. Though part of the treatment is being fully aware that we don't know the consequences. Seriously, there's a huge legal waiver.

there's no reason to believe it would help, and plenty of reasons to believe that permanent negative effects would result from inflicting this stuff on kids. low odds of healing and high odds of causing harm = bad idea. lawgic

im not a doctor but id say just hold off on chopping that dick for like 10 years and theyll prob have a pill that cures dysphoria outright

can you imagine how fucked itd be to have doctors and professionals encouraging you to go through with invasive surgery and dealing with the aftermath and maintenance for the rest of your life

and then finding out a few years later you never had to do it

There have been cases of regret, yes, but like I said above you generally have to have pretty intense psychiatric involvement before you're given the green light to get the surgery.

And for many of these people they've lived their entire lives feeling like they're the wrong gender, so an immediate treatment is preferable compared to living in intense depression for another 10 years. It's really easy to sit back and say that there are better ways to treat something like this, but the reality is that you and I are super duper lucky to not experience psychological issues like this, so I can't rightly place myself in their position and properly empathize with exactly what they're going through.

And for many of these people they've lived their entire lives feeling like they're the wrong gender, so an immediate treatment is preferable compared to living in intense depression for another 10 years.

it just seems unfair to tell them itll make them feel better, the cases of regret that i saw were people who thought everything would suddenly be different because pop culture kind of celebrates it

and it turned out all that was different was that they had to perform a shit ton more maintenance and that ended up depressing them

I'll just say that for true dysphoria the only attempt at treatment is to transition. I think if anyone attempts to transition thinking it'll be the end-all and they'll magically feel cured without any issues, they're being horribly mislead. We're still figuring shit out about this, and I've mentioned in another comment that stuff with the brain is so fucking complicated that, with our current medical technology, we're basically like toddlers playing doctor. But from what we know, and all our current data, what we're doing to treat it right now is the best we can do.

we're basically like toddlers playing doctor.

this is the part that concerns me, especially as theres no long term data

theres a chance were going to have a massive rash of suicides in a couple decades for reasons we cant even begin to guess right now

Well you're damned if you do, damned if you don't. I just know that a majority of the people much much smarter than you or I in these kinds of things say that it's more beneficial to transition than not to, given circumstances. I don't have the schooling background to contradict them, so I just parrot what I read about.

I just know that a majority of the people much much smarter than you or I in these kinds of things say that it's more beneficial to transition than not to, given circumstances.

im inclined to believe that a lot of the official policy surrounding these terms has been hijacked by activists as they are wont to do

but pretty hard to prove either way

tbh, and this might sound unbelievable coming from me, i just want the least amount of people possible to be fucked up later in life

and it seems like a huge risk

I'm with ya, I just want the least invasive, damaging procedures to help the most people possible. I don't know why you'd assume I'd think that's weird coming from you, you're not a psycho lol.

I don't know why you'd assume I'd think that's weird coming from you, you're not a psycho lol.

its hard to tell who still takes stuff at face value man, i appreciate it

Remember the most famous part of the Hippocratic Oath: "First do no harm". Cutting off your nards and turning your pecker inside out might have some positive effect on the health or quality of life of a mentally ill person, but there's little reason to believe it's likely to, and its an incredibly severe and permanent thing to offer people who are confused, suffering, and desperate.

Not enough cases of regret to worry.

One of the few times youā€™re making sense

I think most behavioral psychologists would agree that's not the best treatment.

Given the suicide rates for post-op transsexuals, I'm not sure the agreement of behavioral psychologists is relevant.

You donā€™t think they factor that into their opinion? Lol

have you tried praying the dong away?

Tie a rubber band very tight at the base of the dong, it'll fall off on its own eventually.

Have you tried this OP? Seems like you may want to

Nah I want to be the kind of trans lesbian that still has a dick I can berate women into taking inside them.

It works on sheep.

oh man that story about the nullo guy D:

I think I've seen photos of that. How do they urinate in the mean time?

That's a good question. I haven't researched the subject all that far.

tfw you were a well-behaved kid and your parents never sent you to a boarding school with sadistic counselors and your bussy remains unblasted

Usually we treat diseases based on evidence. Do you have any data to suggest this is more efficacious?

Do you have any data to suggest this is more efficacious?

No i am just hypothesizing. I did not realize this sub was now r/science and you need peer reviewed research to pose questions.

You know how we tell kids there are no stupid questions?

That's a lie.

Gate keeping is for male feminists and faggots. Which one do you identify as?

Nice try officer, I'm not confessing to a rape that easy

Lol touche. Good answer as you chose wisely.

Camping is not a permanent and invasive treatment (unlike delaying puberty in children, hormone replacement, castration, etc) and most people could use a little more fresh air and sunshine.

Most things aren't permanent or invasive. Do you want to try some homeopathy or prayer too?

True, most things aren't as destructive and barbaric as sex reassignment surgery. Considering any positive effect on the mental health of someone from such procedures is placebo, trying other placebos like shamanistic healing or whatever would have a similar efficacy, with the advantage of being cheaper, easier to access, and less invasive.

Considering any positive effect on the mental health of someone from such procedures is placebo

I'm assuming you have a study to support this

GID is a mental disorder, not a disorder of the genitals, so removing and/or altering the reproductive organs is not going to be effective. Here's a recent Psychology Today article about sexual reassignment surgery that gives some sources for you to read if you want:

So that's a no

I provided a link that explains broadly whats going on and provides citations, read them or don't, but there they are. You can find many, many more by doing what I did and typing "sexual reassignment surgery placebo" into's search engine and looking at the results. Most of these kind of articles, scientific/medical papers/etc are really dry and wordy and its Saturday afternoon so I don't really wanna read a bunch of 888 about this and I doubt you do either. Ultimately it's obvious most of these people with GID are suffering because of it and in need of real help, I just don't think hormone replacement and reassignment surgeries are currently an effective treatment, based on what I've seen and read, and their being considered the standard treatment for patients with GID is hindering the search for more efficacious alternatives.

Apparently camping is the cure for GID.

It might be? I am assuming youngins that experience GID are probably pretty depressed and that some time out in nature would be beneficial for them as it would require them to get some physical exercise and not be glued to the computer where they are constantly googling if they have GID and watching anime.

I'm gonna probably lean no on this one.


I'm a little skeptical of the magic power of traditional values. If you've ever had the displeasure of trying to make a child do something they didn't want to do, it's an endeavor.

offer them candy to help you find your puppy next time, they'll probably be more cooperative. (āœæ ā—•ā€æā—•) į“„āœ‚ā•°Uā•Æ

Was marine, Iā€™ve done this before and still came back trans.. ineffective you stupid science bitch, couldnā€™t even make i more smarter..

lol owned

Trans people have existed since forever. But recently, possibly due to widespread NEET lifestyles and gender feminism, the numbers are doubling every three years.

the number of trans women is exploding much faster than of trans men, this is another hint as to what causes the rise.

Just like with obesity rates, this increase is obviously not due to changes in human biology, but cultural and environmental changes.

Living in nature for a month won't help the kind of trans people, who would have been trans 100 years ago as well. But it might help the others.

This is the r/drama that i love

theya re mentally ill, but transitioning is the best treatment.

Child screening can't come soon enough.

The male version of a political lesbian.

wheres the drama

The real /r/drama is in the /r/drama comments, as usual

There isn't, this is what happens when you let newfriends agendapost.

Well as a guy youā€™re not allowed to show emotions but itā€™s not like they would choose to anyways, they think it makes them look weak..


as a guy

think it makes them look weak.

not a trans person i dont think

He literally says heā€™s trans and posts in the MTF sub.

There isn't anything wrong with your post but people are being impressively dumb today apparently.


I just donā€™t see how gay men function. I think about doing stuff with a man and it is really off putting to me. Iā€™m sure thatā€™s how they feel about doing stuff with other girls, but guys are such.. well guys. Not saying they canā€™t be great but geez

Does that suddenly sound homophobic and bigoted? I didn't even need to just every instance of gender to make this apparent. Only the first instance, the rest is the same. You can not understand something and not be part of it without hating on and/or shaming it. It's an argument we've been making for decades, thanks for invalidating that.

Only colossal dimwit I see here is you.

Besides factoring in the fact its coming from someone who was brought up and socialised as male saying how disgusting it is to do stuff to guys, it becomes several more levels of problematic and indicating a behaviour in need of unlearning, a taught thing. You're so oblivious to homophobia because you don't have to deal with it real (straight guys cheering you on when you kiss is not the same), you trivialize it for the rest of us, no wonder no one likes you lesbians.

Does that suddenly sound homophobic and bigoted?

If on top of that you were saying it as a guy who likes dick it would be retarded.

Does that suddenly sound homophobic and bigoted?

Nah that just seems normal.

/r/actuallesbians ā€” a place for cis and trans lesbians, bisexual girls, chicks who like chicks, bi-curious folks, dykes, butches, femmes, girls who kiss girls, birls, bois, anyone in the lgbt community or anyone else interested!

Ah, yes. The actual lesbians known as gay men.

Trans lesbians means trans people attracted to women, though, aka biological males attracted to women, so what you said isn't true.

It depend on wether they cut of their dick or not. I am fundamentally a believer that if you changed yourself enough to fit whatever the fuck you want to be, you are whatever the fuck you want to be.

This is why Michael jackson for me is white.

Cutting off the dick is bad though; penises aren't necessarily masculine, and it's cultural conditioning which causes such feelings of needing to cut it off in the first place.

Personal thinking is that if you have a dick you are male, if you have a vag you are female.

What you had in the past doesn't matter. What matter is what you have right now.

Its because of culture that they think that way in the first place though, and unfortunately such deep-seated conditioning can't really be changed.

Its because of culture that they think that way in the first place though

Pretty much everything we think is culturally conditionned, so it's meaningless to talk about that.

Culture can be improved, though.

Except you dont really have a real penis or vag as a post-surgery trans..

Except you dont really have a real penis

Well, neither do you and you don't see me calling you a woman.

So ad homs with no proper argument? Nice.

So ad homs with no proper argument? Nice.

Ad hominem, fentanyl snorter.

Oh I see. Btw, trannies are circus freaks lol

no u

this is r/drama you dip

Trannies are circus freaks tho


MDErapefugee out, out, out !

My heart is here. r/mde is full of autistic people who exist to agendapost. I'm not like them.

penises aren't necessarily masculine

How could you not like trap bussy?

Cutting off the dick is bad though

Why would that be ? It's their body, their rules.

The feminine penis is o much better though.

The feminine penis is so much better

Not liking sweet bear penises. You disgust me fam.

Bear penis is nice, especially on cold nights, but otter penis is where it's at.

Can't even argue against that.

(((feminine))) penis

penises aren't necessarily masculine

I cannot for the life of me tell if this is ironic or not

Please define 'masculine'.

but penises are male

it's same sex attraction, not same gender attraction

Not wanting a qt trap penis to penetrate your bussy.

so wait... I can just say im a trans lesbian and NOT cut off my dick and bang lesbians as long as I dress up as a butch girl or something?

I would do it just so I could tell them I wasnt really a lesbian and they just fucked a straight dude. Id go to jail for rape afterwards, but it would be so worth it to deeply trigger them.

I mean honestly, Id think the dick would be clue enough, but apparantly not anymore.

Don't worry, even in a drag you won't be able to get laid.

leave it to /r/Drama to turn my joke against me

Don't worry, I don't need to turn your joke for you to be one. :^)

I'm MtFtM double trans. What are you?

haha lol libtard trolled.

Hulk Hogan is actually a non-op trans lesbian.

Lmao at the idea of welcoming "girls who kiss girls" aka straight girls who once kissed at a party. Isn't the whole point of naming a sub actual lesbians to have a community of real lesbians?

Sound unwelcoming to me fam.

well, obvs they want to try to fuck new girls.

/r/actuallesbians is run by predatory men, who pretend to be trans women, for the purpose of grooming, gaslighting and pressuring insecure teenagers into having sex with their feminine penises.

Isn't the whole point of naming a sub actual lesbians to have a community of real lesbians?

I'm pretty sure they just named it that because /r/lesbians is a porn sub.

Every once in a while an actual lesbian posts there asking for relationship advice.

Has only been a 'woman' for less than 6 months, has 2 kids, and is already writing shit like this...

How much do you wanna bet /u/slingbladerapture has a history of spousal abuse and/or rape that he feels is going to become public soon, which might explain the transition (only way remaining to him to get some protection from public outrage).

Lol wut?

Did you turn tranny (especially MtF lesbian) because you want to abuse women but fly under their radar, and be able to call people who'd publicly call you out "transphobic"?

Ohh for sure.. this is obviously the trans agenda well that plus gaining access to women only spaces

As a former /r/thephilosophyofrape poster, I admire your craftiness. Your rape strategy is one that didn't even come to mind of the people who posted there, and they spent a lot of time thinking about new ways to rape women.

Thatā€™s disgusting. Why does everything revolve around rape with you?

You post on a sub that is dedicated to making lesbians accept rape by deception, if not gaslight them into sleeping with trannies, and accepting to interact with penises.

On top of that, you managed to ostracize anyone speaking out against those things from the LGBT community, to the point that they get often get violently attacked if they speak up or show up at protests and marches.

I find it amazing to be honest, I would never have believed it would work. You people put in the work, I was dubious at first, but you seem to be on the right path. I hope you get to enjoy it.

This is laughable, no one is trying to gaslight anyone into sleeping with people that they donā€™t want to. That sub isnā€™t a hookup or dating sub. Rape seems to be your deal, really hope no one is ever subjected or forced to interact with your penis.

really hope no one is ever subjected or forced to interact with your penis.

Wait until I put on a wig and a dress, and any lesbians who refuse me is put on blast on all the local LGBT social media groups. Living in a small city and making friends all over the place will finally pay off!

Putting on a wig and dress then trying to rape women.. I really think that you need help. Your obviously a very disturbed individual

It's not rape. I'm convincing them that sleeping with me is better than being called a TERF and a transphobe. I'm in a small place where 15 is legal, so I imagine a young lesbian that age would rather take a dick that get labelled transphobic.

Especially since in local high schools and universities the "anti-fascists" are just looking for excuses to turn violent against anyone they can, so her not sleeping with me could mean she's putting herself at risk physically (and might have to drop out of school too).

Best part is I don't have to do anything illegal. I've been openly supportive of social justice groups and LGBT in my area for a long time so I have a lot of goodwill there.

Openly supportive of LGBT.... titles post ā€œstraight white manā€, uses ā€œtrannyā€ šŸ¤”šŸ¤”

Openly supportive of LGBT.... titles post ā€œstraight white manā€, uses ā€œtrannyā€ šŸ¤”šŸ¤”

Guess what, I use different social media accounts and platforms (anyway if I was seen as not "progressive" I'd basically lose my business and a lot of social opportunities, I'm in Western Europe). Keyword here is "openly".

Assuming that your way older than 15,

Way, way older. Between 2 and 3 times that.

why the fuck would you want to sleep with someone that young?

Sex feels good. And at that age they're much more scared of social consequences of their behavior (especially ostracism, especially in a small city).

But I'm not saying it has to be that young. Any woman between high school and college (the local one is SJW heavy) will be a good target for threats of being labelled a transphobe.

You have to be trolling at this point right? If not I never thought I would meet Dennis reynolds irl.

Nah it's even better because Dennis makes them fear for their physical safety, which in some places is beginning to be considered a form of coercion. But since where I am the same people who want new laws about consent are also the same who like putting people on blast on social media, there's no political effort to pass laws criminalizing what I described (because those could be used against people making accusations online).

So I could walk up to a 15yo girl right out of her junior high school, tell her "sleep with me or be labelled transphobic within the local LGBT community", and nobody could do a thing even if it was filmed in 4K and played back in court. Even though (since the "antifa" here is very aggressive, especially the high school ones) getting her labelled as a TERF would get her beat up daily. The baby antifas are super bold when it comes to open violence because here being judged as a minor means you won't get any significant punishment, and it's mostly rich kids with influential parents so it protects them even more.

wtf I love /u/IAintThatGuy now

In a way I admire those trannies for their cunning. But I respect the courage and the honesty of the TERFs. But I still think they're all retarded. I'm a radical centrist.

I admire your dedication to documenting the phenomena. Also pretty sure you found this browsing GC since the same thread was linked there yesterday.

GC thought it was a cis lesbian posting and there was drama because some of them learn to read, and noticed the OP was a "TIM".

I wanted to post that, but it was too retarded and boring to be good drama.

but it was too retarded and boring to be good drama

oh c'mon that never stopped anyone here! Shitpost your itty bitty black heart out!

Meh it's too much reading. It's mostly TERFs jerking off to find out someone hates "heteronomativity" and then stop liking it because it's a tranny. They must have been all REEEEEEEEEEE'd out from screeching at the article about white women's tears.

the LGBT community

it's TTTT community now.

People wanted to "drop the T", and make transgender issues separate. Trannies were offended. Now trannies are kicking out everyone else from the LGBT community, managing to actually "drop the T" better than anyone else could. That's impressive in itself.

We need to arm the dykes so they'll control the tranny population.

Sadly each time /r/gendercritical discusses weapon ownership they go full retard, will half wanting to do it (and listening to the stupidest advice), and half spouting that this would make them part of the problem.

no dumbass, it is YOUR agenda though, rapists man

Lol wtf. By saying that I donā€™t understand straight girls, Iā€™m suddenly a rapist? On the plus side, you really nailed your flair!

TERF uprising soon

Have fun with that

If you ever talked shit about gay men in front of me I would rape you on principle.

Thatā€™s... disturbing...

And to be clear.. i never said anything about gay men, just that I donā€™t understand straight girls attraction to guys.

I donā€™t understand straight girls attraction to guys

Yeah so you did the only thing that sounded reasonable in that situation. Start hormones and get your dick chopped off. Apparently that you can understand.

I think you think/talk about trans people more than trans people. Get help fam.

Are you calling me a tranny?

idk, whatever would be most insulting to you. Up to you!

You know what, I'm turning trans lesbian. I live in a small city with a surprisingly low age of consent, and I have a good social media presence (even in SJW/LGBT circles). Any 15yo lesbian will fear taking a dick much less than being ostracized by all the local SJW community for being a transphobe/TERF.


Thanks you're like my online therapist.

You wouldn't know it by my low effort responses everywhere online, but I give fantastic relationship/life advice. PM me anytime, not even joking!

I like the low effort responses. I can make them mean whatever I want in my head. Much better than IRL therapists.

post bussy and keep yourself safe, fam

You are really good at sensationalism and finding non creative ways to tie everything back to my gender.

I'm more like trying to tie it to mental illness issues, but to be fair I might be projecting some stuff.

I knew it, your very eggy..

Were you trying to say edgy friend? Or something else?

Nope eggy, as in heā€™s very interested in trans ppl and knows a lot about hrt and such like heā€™s researched mtf extensively, hence heā€™s still in his shell but not ready to come out

Ah so like closeted for gay people. Sweet term. Why not just use closeted though?

Cuz idk eggy is cuter and ppl donā€™t know about it? Plus is nice when they ā€œ finally crack their shellā€ so to speak

Hmm I guess. So is it meant as an insult? We here at r/drama are always looking for more weird things to call people.

No definitely not an insult but a way to call ppl who are obviously trans but not out. Like OP, he knows a lot about trans stuff and projects it but isnā€™t comfortable enough with himself to come out..

Really hey u/iaintthatguy you eggy bitch. We all know you are secretly trans and waiting for the hormones to come in so you can pop them like fucking candy. What's your female name gonna be. Vannesa or something dumb like Susan. We all know you eggy motherfucker this dude has called you out now and has recognized your inner secrets and revealed it to us all.

Such egg

I'm alright Bruv it ain't serious. I think eggy does work as an insult might put it in the repertoire.

But you mean it like being trans is bad, so donā€™t use it. Itā€™s not an insult

Nah I'm just using it to embarrass him. He's eggy and the shame is making him lash out at the trans community. I'm just trying to show him what he is so he doesn't cause so much harm.

Lol ok deal! Btw heā€™s super eggy, pls just bombard him with it!

Lol didn't think you'd go for it. You should call him eggy yourself too. Insulting peoples lots of fun you will find.

Which is pretty much this sub Iā€™ve learned haha

Yeah honestly totally join. There's like a few official rules to keep the admins from banning the sub but otherwise r/drama is anything you want it be. You can call u/iaintthatguy an eggy bitch as much as you want.

I donā€™t like being mean to ppl in general but sometimes itā€™s kinda fun, this is like roastme on steroids.. but Iā€™m still confused why u/iaintthatguy was on a lesbian sub and chose to single me out lol

I think we know why u/iaintthatguy was on a lesbian sub and got triggered when transgenders were mentioned. Little bit eggy. R/drama is lots of fun I got bored of insulting people on my old account and now mostly try to convert them on this one for the lols.

Nice use of eggy! Youā€™re learning!

Lol now I teach you ping u/iaintthatguy and say something mean about him. Now in a normal thread to get people in here the first ping has to be fairly innocuous once they respond we can insult them. If the first ping is super insulting/offensive that's "harassment" once they respond we can say anything we want mostly. That doesn't apply here because this is his post and he's already commented in here a lot.

U/iaintthatguy is a total serial rapist and deserves to be castrated and then his dick cut off, w/o anesthesia. U/iaintthatguy is a shitty human being who uses implications to rape 15 year olds. Fuck u/iaintthatguy

See now you are learning as well. Wasn't that fun/

Yeah but no, like u/iaintthatguy is truly a bad person

Nah he mocks r/gendercritical as well. Your worst enemies. He just follows the ideology followed over here which is radical centrism.

I wouldnā€™t say theyā€™re my enemies, I just feel bad that they have been hurt at some point in their life and take the easy road of blaming trannyā€™s for their problems

Lol I've been told tranny is a slur friend. Watch yourself.

Iā€™m trans...

I know and so is u/iaintthatguy secretly. Doesn't mean you can be offensive towards transgender people. He's still a bad person according to you.

I mean read everything he posted! And yeah sorry for using ā€œtrannyā€ I do hate it too, itā€™s invalidating and disgusting.. so sorry if I offended you or anyone else.

Lol I'm super offended but as long as you educate yourself and realize you were wrong and being transphobic. Let out all your feelings towards u/iaintthatguy tell him what you think of him and what should happen to him.

Umm I consider myself pretty educated on trans rights and I definitely donā€™t think Iā€™m transphobic. This is getting weird, almost like your on your alt and get off by ppl talking shit to you

Lol I'm just trying to get you to shit talk because I think it's funny to try and get people to do. I ain't that guy.


U/iaintthatguy is gonna have a lot of pings now

Well hopefully.. he/she is a bitch either way if he/she doesnā€™t respond

You need to ping in order for them to see it.

so is u/iaintthatguy secretly.

I get accused of it a lot to be honest.

He just follows the ideology followed over here which is radical centrism.

Praise be to the Sacred Horseshoe.

That's not a way to talk about one of your fellow trans lesbians!

deserves to be castrated and then his dick cut off

Isn't that considered a treat in your community? That people fight for the right to receive?

Iā€™m still confused why u/iaintthatguy was on a lesbian sub and chose to single me out lol

Because you're a straight dude expressing disgust at straight people, and I was looking for drama.

he knows a lot about trans stuff

To be fair : I also know a lot about animals I hunt for instance. Doesn't mean I want to transition into a quail.

I think he is tying back to your sex actually

I dunno, your idea seems pretty baseless and far-fetched. My personal theory is that prior to transitioning slingblade was running a massive Ponzi scheme, convincing elderly people to invest in "Internet Gold" (cryptocurrencies) and saying that they'd all strike it rich and be able to pay for their grandchildren's college while taking themselves cruises all the time. Things were going great for awhile.

When the bottom fell out of the Bitcoin market, slingblade lost all these people's money and realized they'd come knocking, asking how they were supposed to pay the nursing home fees for that month. With that would come heat from law enforcement. But maybe, just maybe, by changing the name on her birth certificate, no one would know she'd been the one defrauding elderly people out of their retirement fundā€”and she'd be able to get away with it scot free.

Now that I think about it there's a tranny lolcow (KatieCharm or something) who is heavily into crypto too.

How does it have two kids? I pity those baby's futures.

I've seen this before, and it makes me realize the normal media take of this as a human rights issue is mostly nonsense. How do all of these MtF lesbians who already had kids exist...and are somehow stupid enough to think they are going to have better chances after transitioning?

Why do real lesbians waste put up with these people? I can't feel bad for them because they choose to accept these guys as lesbians, but it's just bizzare.

They accept it or else they get called TERFs, then other people around them blindly accept that TERFs are nazis, and nazis deserve to die. Then those lesbians who speak up have to deal with men who think it's acceptable to threaten their lives :

The same people posted pictures of themselves with AR15s, and of them doing militia-style range days with their tranny friends. The same stuff people consider scary when it's alt righters doing it.

Actually, most people just act sensibly (even when confronted by non-sensible people) and stay off the internet. But that's boring.

I'm totally fine with those crazies having access to any weapon they want in the USA, because I don't live there, and from abroad the drama always looks awesome.

/u/IAintThatGuy confirmed TERF sleeper agent

I'm a radical centrist. I mock TERFs just as much as trannies, and I'm banned from all their subs.

if they ever need to use them it will be a slaughter. and they wont be the ones to survive it. real bad choice right there... the difference is, the alt-right may be filled with uneducated people, but stronger uneducated people, who are way better trained and equipped.

because theyre lower on the progressive stack and if they speak up theyd be nazis

they didnt realise until too late that they couldnt get rid of them lol

Literally, sneaky men have figured out how to invade women's spaces and impose a disguised version of the patriarchy where the men are on top and make all the issues focus on them.

Oh, a lot of biological lesbians hate this entire trend because its fundamentally a bunch of guys who couldn't pull off being attractive as a guy to their desire and tried taking hormones and putting on a dress.

They point that out and get called bigots.

But it's okay because muh dysphoria. And yet if biologically female lesbians say the same things they're TERFs who should be shot on site. Interesting.

Well trannies will tell you TERFs are nazis who they need to kill because they're a danger to their existence, but at the same time they think that actual Hitler would only deserve humane treatment (if he was trans) :

/u/slingbladerapture, I feel you girl

That is awesome. "Lesbian brothers" is the best way to summarize /r/actuallesbians.

I'm also grossed out by girls discussing doing stuff with penises too. I'm grossed out by the thought of myself doing stuff with penises as well. But I'm not at all disgusted by gay men talking about doing stuff with penises, In fact, I find gay male porn to be quite the turn on. I'm also not disgusted by sexual shit with transwomen

I'm grossed out by heteronormativity rather than male genitalia. I'm pretty sure it's because I resent society for pushing heterosexuality and heteronormativity on people. I hate the fact that societies and cultures expect people to engage in heterosexual behavior and reproductive sex

Yeah, because if you didn't there wouldn't be a society or culture.

"Human reproduction triggers me" - an evolutionary dead end

Imagine unironically being straight in 2018.

Do you consider that /u/slingbladerapture is ironically or unironically straight for being a "trans lesbian"?

I really wouldnā€™t say that Iā€™m straight..

Here I'm asking normal people not necessarily educated into politically correct speech in 2018 their opinion about that situation. I know that nowadays words have new meanings but some of us have a hard time keeping up.

Lol I finally looked at this subs description, prolly should have done it sooner... your pretty good though. I really thought you were a human bag of shit.

Yeah if you're a police officer or someone I know IRL, everything I post on /r/Drama is to be read in a sarcastic tone and totally not a reflection of my actual views on trannies.

Is the bag of severed genitalia in your closet also sarcastic?

I wish but severing female genitalia is complicated, and it looks weird even if you manage it.

Not if it's a female penis!

True but it would feel like cheating. Cutting off a woman's genitalia would be like coring an apple. Made of meat. With bones.

I'd hate straight people too if they had naturally what I had to pay thousands of dollars to cut off my penis and psychologically trick myself into thinking my plastic surgery made me "real."

Just like incels hate chads.

outright ban horse piss hormones, hormone blockers and transition surgery imo

these people need therapy not invasive surgery theyll regret

Wellll no... you have to go through intensive therapy to get on hormones to begin with and even more therapy for gcs.


Ok well obviously there are gonna be creepy ā€œtransā€ ppl just like there are really creepy non trans ppl. One little excerpt shouldnā€™t define every trans woman, but unfortunately it will for most ppl who read that and havenā€™t (knowingly) had interactions with trans women. Kinda like how now I believe every Western European is a child rapist because of you.

I donā€™t think you can OD from hormones lol

Kinda like how now I believe every Western European is a child rapist because of you.

It's not rape if they're of legal age. The legal age just happens to be quite low (14 in Portugal, Germany, Spain, 15 in France...). I think Spain raised it to 16, or they have some "Romeo and Juliet" law in some cases pushing it down to 14 (because depending on sources it says 16 or 14, and I don't speak enough Spanish to check the law).

I know that in France the 15yo limit is unconditional. Anything goes as long as you're not related or have legal authority over someone.

I donā€™t think you can OD from hormones lol

They can fuck with your health. Especially if you have other issues. And your doctor is treating you without knowing you're on hormones.

TIL Europeans are kinda gross and find underage girls attractive..

Everyone finds underage girls attractive. Or else who should people try to make it illegal to fuck them? I think Canada is similar to France (age of consent is 15, no limitations on age difference or sex acts).

In France there are some other limits : no group sex, and of course you can get in trouble travelling with a minor, or having them at your place if their parents object (more as a custody issue).

But you can psychologically torture them with threats of making them a social outcast (threats of violence would be illegal) into letting you go tie them up and go ass to mouth on them, and be on the right side of the law.

Jesus Christ, I can't even make jokes about this. This is a legitimately mentally deranged moron who is being holier than thou than 97% of the population(straight people)

This is your brain on social justice and bootleg hormones.

Wow Iā€™ve never heard that before lol


Kinda faggy

I'd bang.

Iā€™m good

Women have much more in common with women

Big if true.

Well as a guy youā€™re not allowed to show emotions

I expressed emotions once, I'm doing 18-20 in Pentonville now.

That's an acceptable sentence if you cried in public.

U/Iaintthatguy you such an egg

You unironically convinced me to go the way of trans lesbian. Which is like a male feminist on steroids.

Meh Iā€™m good, heā€™s just gonna talk about raping 15yr olds like to stay away from that

It's not rape if they do it not to feel transphobic.

The sheer prevalence of this is absurd. Actual biological women, once finding out the raw percentage of MtF "lesbians" (aka dudes who thought they would not be attractive as guys so decided to take female hormones and put on a dress) no longer support bathroom integration for incredible obvious reasons.

In the dominant culture, MtF are gay guys who are making a decision that's kindof dumb.