Pizzashill goes the way of PK.

109  2018-05-11 by pitterpatterwater


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The problem is that future rapists come here, think its Nazis and leave.

Daddyfuckers come here, think it's Nazis and stay.

And then you have milkos like /u/pizzashill, who alternate between coming and staying.

We need the powerful bikelockers of Antifa here to put these Nazis in Their proper place.

u/pizzashill In, out, and spray it all about.

implying feminists are future rapists smh

Is it that time of month already?







no u





/u/PizzaShill see you tomorrow

The last time he quit he only made it like 4 days. Can he beat his previous record?

It was actually 12 days (from November 27, 2017 to December 9, 2017).

Rip. How many must fall before we kick out the MDErs and the trumpets?

/u/pizzashill How does your Asian wife feel about this?

if i knew how to post a giant ascii penis without spending all sorts of time i don't have formatting, that is what would be here instead of this post

> time you dont have

> still posting on /r/drama


His HAPA son texted me telling me not to go to school tomorrow. I’m shaking.

This is great! He was getting kind of boring anyway.

It's the predicatbility that makes it boring.

Like, you can start any thread on any topic and a fucking bot could write a comment and you wouldn't even need to check username... you'd know right away.

No U

What the fuck did I just say?

Not an Argument

go clean your room, molymeme

Professor Memerson holds no power over me.

What, do you expect us to actually read your comments?

It was a speech device rather than invite to peer review.

Harsh. I like his commentary even if he is in need of some therapy.

much like your posting

He'll be back, they always come back for the bussy

Another angel lost his ipod.

PK and PS are one and the same.

One brave soldier goes down, but the fight against chads and thots continues.

P!nk sucks.

she ain't even pink no more, false advertising, time to go incel

Fam no! Your pain is painful and it's tearing me down. ;=;

Gas MDE fags, /u/pizzashill you will not be forgotten.

I am so fucking sick of these MDE faggots it's unreal.

MDE tourists GTFO, you're subhuman unfuckable rejects, and your lack of social experience and your violent autism mean you are incapable of nuanced humor. Fuck the fuck off to 8chan or something, you don't belong here

Anyone who came here from MDE can eat a hot geyser of greasy, mustardy butt piss straight from my booty hole. Trumptards and Pizzashill come back, MDE fags pound sand or I'll kick your dicks in the dirt

This but unironically.


They all deserve the gas chamber

Yeah I'm pretty sick of these morons too.

damn guess i need to step my game up

you have to go back

I will not step shyly back from your subreddit, but look upon it always as my subreddit, in which I respect nothing. Pray do the like with what you call my subreddit!

Could you tell the mods to unban me? I demand justice!

Must go back

nuanced humor

Is this copypasta or something?

Not even 8chan wants them.

If they had even an ounce of courage they'd be running at top speed to hurl themselves unceremoniously into the nearest International Harvester wheat thresher. I fuckin hate these broke fuckin offbrand MDE virgins


/u/pizzashill please stay, I unironically think you fill a necessary void in this sub

Nice, my #1 favorite r/drama poster left.

(((THEY))) won.

1 upvote = 1 prayer

This is the second time he’s done this. He’ll be back within a few days at most.

Is he quitting to finally put time aside for his version of Kent State at an all-girls school?

tbh if you're the type of person who lets internet comments get to you, r/drama is the exact opposite place of where you should be.

I mean pizzashill is the supreme sperg but he was one of the few people here willing to fight in the mud with the MDEfugees. This sub is starting to get overrun by these types so if he does decide to leave forever (won't happen but still) it's an overall negative for this place.

I just view it as the worst of the crowd here is obviously not of an age/life placement to actually do anything with their views, so them angerposting in here doesn't actually change anything.

It makes this sub more annoying to browse 😠

Find some good drama and post it! Preferably off-site!

Are you expecting me to actually put in effort? Reported

how dare u

But off-site drama never really gets more than 10 or 20 comments (see most of snally's hard work). And if it does get more, it's usually because it's an agendapost (see evergreen college shit).

They downvote non agendaposts. Threads saying "women are dumb" and with no drama gets way more upvotes than anything else.

Where are these mystical MDEfugees?

They are, at least in spirit.

Lmao why are so many people jumping on this retarded mde bandwagon that ed started. What are all these posts that have been made by mde'ers

theyre boring enough to think ed is an interesting poster

This sub is starting to get overrun by these types

nigga ive posted here forever and theres like 5 other people

like 3 of which are prob older accounts than me

who are you even complaining about lol

"overrun" lol its overrun with normie twitter level memes if anything

The anti mde vastly out number any mde there allegedly is.

Only one side is obsessed about this


I've seen endless whining about them, haven't actually seen them though.

There's plenty around if you look. I don't know if there was an actual influx or people just decided to start shitting on them recently, I just go along with the may mays.

if you're the type of person who lets internet comments get to you, r/drama is the exact opposite place of where you should be.

but theres people that might go to a sub i dont like posting! how to deal

Why do you always have multiple comment spergouts whenever someone insults MDE?

when i find a topic that people get irrationally worked up about i like to post a lot about it and encourage them

like trump trans people nazis and most recently mde

i never denied sperging myself

He just wants to ban people. That’s how anyone that stakes a serious claim on either side gets ime.

tbf I banned people when I modded here, but only when they displayed pug hate, and it was only for a day or so. Also I banned people one time when they didn't post their bitmoji.

Well I can understand banning for that, pizzashills reason for banning would be very mayo in nature.


heh, another one bites the dust 😏

i remember in jr high having flamewars this was before reddit oh man i logged back into the forums with such trepidation, preemptive rage building. Ready to quote line by line and utterly dismantle the so-called argument of whatever cretin dared disagree with me next.

I was the most autistic faggot ever. Still am, but I was back then, too.

ha, part of growing up is having the confidence to spurg out in an online forum and not care how you're received. If I cared about downvotes or people not liking me I wouldn't have ever come here lmao. But dammit, these days I just assert myself with a sociopathic disregard; feels good man.

these days I just assert myself with a sociopathic disregard


you're the type of person who lets internet comments get to you, r/drama is the exact opposite place of where you should be.

No, we need lolcows like that. R/drama runs off butthurt.

He didn't stop, he just moved into worldnews with this humdinger:

If I saw a Trumptard burning on the side of the road I wouldn't so much as piss on him.

These people are a vile cancer on society. Under no circumstances should they ever be tolerated.

The GOP is not a political party that should be considered normal. They're a proto-fascist white identity politics party that has 0 respect for our laws or institutions.

They are actively engaged in racial voter suppression.

Extreme gerrymandering.

And smearing the FBI/law enforcement to defend Donald Trump.

There can be no "unified" here because the GOP is a bigger threat to this country than Russia or China.

The second we stop pretending these 3rd world crazies are normal, or they have valid opinions is the second this country can move forward.

Maybe they could have been walked back into reality before they elected a deranged reality TV star that speaks at a 3rd grade level, but that time has passed.

Is pizzashill a dadddyfucker or a leftist today?

lmao removed. r/worldnews is a bunch of pussies

I mean, interesting mix of ideology, facts, and autism. I've been there.

Kind of disconcerting that he advocates for basically no-platforming Trump supporters in the same way 'radical' leftists want to no-platform anything they don't like.

The only real issue I have with him is his weird misogyny. It's kind of creepy, yikes, gross, and problematic.

interesting mix of ideology, facts, and autism

sounds like most of the serious posters on here tbh


Lmao too many people made fun of him and the he couldn't take it. Hey u/pizzashill the reason people make fun of you has more to do with the type of person you are than your politics. Don't give yourself an out by pretending it's just a bunch of alt right people who can't take your "superior" intellect.

For all his faults at least he was semi-coherent unlike most alt-right haters.

This will not stand. This will not stand, this aggression against /r/drama.

I will take it! I will take the ring to Mirror. Though... I do not know the way.

Who will join my fellowship to cast this MDE back into the hellfires from which it was spawned?

The Radical Centrist Fellowship

/u/pizzashill how many times have you left /r/drama you whiney faggot

/u/PizzaShill is just saying that to generate more drama. It’s actually genius. Surprised everyone here didn’t realize that. Must not be high IQ ubermensch like me and Pizza.

This is my moment. It's finally time for me to claim my rightful place as Drama's top incel.

Does Pizzashill run the Pizzashillbot?

Will we lose the bot if he goes? That is like 31% of the reason I come here.

I really hope not the only people who lose to PizzaShill are DDF & tankies hes our pitbull except not as racially inferior to other breeds