Alt-Right Femcel spergs out after recieving attention

62  2018-05-11 by ArlenBilldozer


It's shit like this that makes my life worse as a Eurasian because even if you look amazing you're still a subhuman because Asian women happily marry guys who look like they've been in industrial accidents over an Asian guy. It makes Asian looking males look like the worst fucking losers on earth. The guy is absolutely offensive to look at. Like his face literally makes my stomach churl because he's so ugly. I'd even be mad if he had a white girlfriend People feel they have the liberty to say of course your dad is white. Because white guys see shit like this where some fucking quasimodo looking freak can get Asian girls and they use it as ammo as to how shittyy asian guys are...


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According to the news outlet, Ades called herself the “new Hitler” in another text.

I would love to see these texts

I'd love to receive these texts. Why can't I find a woman like this

She's certainly passionate

You're in luck. PM me your number.

"Ayoooo babyyyy i'm the new hitler wanna fuk xo" - her probably

Those are not the eyes of a sane woman

id probably still hit it tbh


You make me sick.

Best $20 you'd ever spend at a 7/11

I'd smash, but only if I was in town for like two days and had the foresight to give her a fake name and #.

In other words, I'd smash and get myself murdered within a week.

Who wants to know the location of Atlantis!?! The coordinates of Atlantis are 33,33 Atlantis is INSIDE THE EARTH. it is the SOUL of the earth. The earth is ALIVE IT HAS A SOUL, THIS IS WHERE ALL CREATION IS BORN! The Dead Sea is actually the battery to Atlantis. And Atlantis is the battery to the earth. The earths water is supposed to be the battery of the universe. Every planet is supposed to be alive!!! But because we are under a death frequency, everythingg is DYING... the universe is ALIVE TOO.  THE FREQUENCY OF WATER IS OFF THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE IS ESSENTIALLY OFF! WE ARE IN THE APOCALYPSE RIGHT NOW!!! WE ARE THE LAST ONES LEFT AND WE HAVE BEEN ENSLAVED BY MONEY AND FREQUENCY!!! WE ARE ALL SUPPOSED TO BE GOD'S THERES NO SEPARATE ENTITY AS GOD. WE ARE ALL THE UNIVERSE HAS! CHOOSE LIFE! 

I ain't saying she is crazy

But that's only because she has a knife


Get out.


I want to hear about that first date...might be a tip in it for the rest of us blokes.

There's a reason why we call men "men" and women "women".

Why? I don't get it.


Because we're a fascist totalitarian society where people's inner gender identities are forcibly suppressed into arbitrary boxes?


Where can I find a women like this?

We're out there! I'm taken 😊 but dont give up you'll find someone

It's too bad society and parole officers never seem to "get" true love 😔

What a shame 🔔🔔🔔

I'd still pipe that without hesitation

but then again I have a real weakness for anyone who is even moderately attractive and willing to do a sex to me

The whole "new Hitler" thing kinda gets me going too. Sometimes I like a dominant woman and sexy shower time is definitely a plus

sexy shower time is definitely a plus

yes but on the other hand she wanted to bathe in his blood...



This is exactly why you don't fuck gussy.

I did shitty math. "Over 65,000" so 65,500

"less than a year" so 350 days

Assuming she sleeps 8 hours (arguable but I went with it), I have her at sending him a text roughly every 6 minutes for that whole span.

Son... that's love.

“Oh what would I do w ur blood! … Id wanna bathe in it,”

She's just a very creative woman with the soul of an artist.

Ades called herself the “new Hitler” in another text

More proof of my point here.

One way ticket to wife city.

The irony is that New Hitler was a marketing scam to get people nostalgic for Old Hitler, so it would sell better when they inevitably brought it back.

As if people weren't already nostalgic for old Hitler

She's a solid 6/10 in photos so he was probably eager for a quick lay, but then backed out as soon as he met her in person and saw her insane person eyes.

The perfect woman doesn’t exi-