it's white women vs literally everyone else in ghazi, someone wrote about how white women cry to shut everyone else up and suddenly the white women there are tripping over themselves to wonder WHY IS THIS ABOUT RACE????

160  2018-05-11 by Booawee


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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It's a retard rebellion.

Hahaha holy shit:

Whiteness is a disease.

EDIT: I didn't mean to make anyone uncomfortable. I'm sorry.


We CAN cure whiteness through a cultural revolution. A revolution that respects people of color and their lived experiences. A revolution that erases white privilege. A revolution of radical compassion.

My God, I knew they were insane, but this is high level shit right here.

We're falling behind in the quest for mayocide.

Ghazi isn't though! Though there is a bit of a stutter in this thread.

It seems they are covering that ground for you, don't worry.

We cannot have a mayocide gap!

They should get together with some natsocs and issue a joint request for Racial Holy War now

Mayocide is the only way bruh

Funny that Spez will never ban these assholes. That's as racist as most of the bullshit on the coontown subreddits and it's fucking upvoted.

Jesus GamerGhazi is getting more pathetic than the GamerGators or whatever the hell the other idiots call themselves.

"Down with whiteness - also, look at me being radically compassionate!"

What a cunch of bunts.

Whiteness is the cause of all of societies ills. Ridding humanity of it is inherently compassionate and necessary.

upvoted for "cunch of bunts"

Don’t apologize sister! Anyone made uncomfortable by something so innocent is one of those disgusting mayoskins anyway

I was just being blatantly racist, how was I suppose to expect that might make some one uncomfortable

You can't be racist against nonhumans.

Damn , you make a good point

I was just being blatantly racist

Don't be a spoilsport, they were just having fun. Keep in mind that they're not allowed to say "retard" or "autist". They have to let off steam once in a while.

Also, that sub is at least 70% white, and mayos can't be racist against each other (because you can't be racist against mayos, and it's friendly fire).

I wonder how much one would have to incorporate white into your vocabulary as a slur before they banned you. I'm too lazy someone else do it.

I'd say "mod her," but she apologized and that shit won't fly around here.

smh doesnt this bitch know the truth is supposed to make people uncomfortable

Whitness must be eliminated through universal miscegnation. I want you all to go mate with asians, Indians, nubian queens. Let no mayo mate with a mayo, and then we will have our cure.


It's almost like they're bringing out the very white female tears the article was talking about.


u/rockopete are you literally #NotAllWhiteWomen here? The title didn't even say "all", that's entirely in your imagination.

Don't make her cry to avoid addressing it.

/u/rockopete, if you don't do this why are you getting so defensive?

STAY πŸ‘πŸΏ IN πŸ‘πŸΏ YOUR πŸ‘πŸΏ LANE πŸ‘πŸΏ

Sometimes even tears can be a expression of narcissism when a person is eager to interpret every encounter with another human being as harassment.

I know a girl like this, not really the tear part but definitely the narcissism part. She's got the hugest victim complex while simultaneously being a rude POS to most people.

You misgendered Trump.

Did you just assume Daddys gender?

You're right. He acts like a girl and has tits bigger than most girls.

BLUMPF, AM I RIGHT??!??!!?!?

Is that homophobic, transphobic or just plain misogynist? I'm just an ignorant redneck, please enlighten me.

Tbh it's pretty misogynist, but also somewhat transphobic.

It's whitephobic too.

That's not a negative.

Neither is being misogynistic. Heyooooo

Depends if they're milkos.

Ahh, Milkos, or some say Milkosm...

I remember there being some article that analysed the speech pattern from all the candidates of that election and Trump was overwhelmingly the most feminine, you're probably onto something there.

Trump as first trans president confirmed! Is there anything Daddy can't do???

You assume just did gender me?!

Was this really the best you could come up with?

Try harding in drama is for MDEs, new fags, or u/pizzashill. Which one are you?

We are all an alt of u/pizzashill


Whoa hang on I'm a forseti

That's cool tho

I would never advocate trying hard, but maybe you could try just a little bit?

I think I know this girl, what was her name... ch, chel, Chelsea, Chelsea Clinton? No, maybe zo.. Zoidberg? No way. Something van winkle?

Fuck it, I give up. Giant asshole though, I remember that much.

I'm so glad this is happening.

Why won't this fucking drama just die already?

because its funny seeing left-leaning white women panic because the left is starting to talk about them the same way they talk about white men.

White women are the worst.

You're going extinct white boi

Try harder

56% and dropping lol


4% globally lol


Your descendants will be brown and there's nothing you can do to stop it

Lol I'm not gonna have descendants, jokes on you poopskin

Who are you πŸ€”πŸ€”?

Lol I'm not gonna have descendants

Duh, you're white.

Who are you πŸ€”πŸ€”?

That's u/JasonJewnova iirc

4% lol



Who are you? πŸ€”πŸ€”

I'm r/Drama's alpha chad, the gaelic god, destroyer of gussy

u/ChaddingTator is a potato/gorilla hybrid



Ty, I also go by GOD


Thats retard logic right there. Its like you don't even know about gene editing.

Brown and beautiful bb

stop it?

Why would any self respecting whitey want to stop it?

I married outside my race specifically to speed up the process.

well we could just nuke your shithole countries, but we need you guys to mine our lithium for our ipads. your descendents will still be in mudhuts. 4% of global gdp lol.

Mexicans are white

Niggers are white. Fucking gross.

you're still 3/5ths of a person.

Am white woman. Can confirm: Am the worst.

I can confirm that you are the worst as well.

This specific argument happens every so often. It'll blow over when Becky thinks black girls are getting too uppity.

they already did that lol. "Bourgeois feminism." Women who would get upset about this must be knee-deep into intersectionality stuff = mechanistic, but afraid to express it sexually so she roleplays in Internet social-justice communities instead.

Dont say that. It is fun watching the flips to go

(The fact some) women cry to manipulate is sexist


(The fact some?) white women cry to manipulate is not racist or sexist

Video Games. Not even once.

My favorite trend in the progressive sphere is race-essentialism. Just stick "white" before any negative trait and you're good to go. I love doing it because most people who believe this shit are white themselves, so they can't call you out.

Also adding '-bro' on the end of it if it's something a man is doing.

white painbroism

Mayocidebros where we at?




We here πŸ‘‹

Fun fact: Anything slightly bad is because of some weird hybrid of jocks and nerds

Brogrammers are apparently at fault for keeping women out of computer science. A bunch of hyper masculine dude bros just sitting around trying to get their code optimized.

That started out as a term traditional autist-style nerds used to complain about the influx of normies coming into silicon valley in pursuit of free money. They werent actually jocks, they were random kids that got bullied by the jocks in high school, but finding themselves at the top of the tree in this new environment realised they could dress preppy and lift in order to victimise the highly skilled incels who'd been programming since they were 8, and that also this would help them avoid being bullied in turn by the actual chads working in the sales department.

After about 2 weeks of this word being used to describe an actual phenomenon, it got taken up as a weapon in the gender wars.

It's Chads all the way up. Of course, the CEO is on the top of the Chad Hierarchy.

They're both terrified of male violence and domination, but also fear "evil nerds". Ridiculous.

It's almost like women thirty-something balding fat guys who pretend to be feminists to get pussy (Ghazi's main userbase) don;t know what they hate.

I am that weird hybrid. Sometimes I watch The Original Star Trek for the hot babes, and then I grab a six-pack and head off to a frat party where we play Dungeons and Dragons. Everytime we level up, we rip off our shirts and scream "WOO!" really loudly. Crazy times, bro.

Then we start practicing for LARPball, where it's a combination of LARPing and Football. I'm the LV. 46 Mage.

"White dudebro cures cancer -- why this oppresses trans PoCs" -Salon probably

Pretty sure it's adding bro or man to the beginning. Mansplaining, manspreading, brocialists.

tfw the 6% of America that is composed of black women alienates white women, the single largest voting bloc in the country

It's great that white women don't have to give a shit about alienating black women because they don't matter electorally right though?

The best part is that race-essentialism isn't even the end of it. Slowly but surely we're creeping towards skin-tone-essentialism. I think we're going to start seeing a lot more grumbling about "light-skinned feminism." And then the shit will really hit the fan.

Can't wait for "cis-feminism" to become a slur.

White lust
White gluttony
White greed
White sloth
White wrath
White envy
White pride

The seven deadly white sins.


u/rockopete are you literally #NotAllWhiteWomen here? The title didn't even say "all", that's entirely in your imagination.

part of me unironically wonders if the "white woman tears" article was a plant by the far-right to deliver white women to the trump side. if so, well fucking played.

Do you not recall the multiple articles in the wake of the election whining endlessly about how 53% of white women voted for Trump? They're already on his side.

This is why we need milkocide.

Gretchen, stop trying to make milko happen. It's not going to happen!

Milko sounds like an insult made on a Chinese incel forum.

We need to come up with better insults for the wh*toids.

White women are not only more numerous than White men in the US, but women are more likely to vote than men are. White women are the single largest voting bloc in the United States. Even a 2 point swing to Trump among White women might guarantee him a second term. This is suicidal ideation for ghazi. No skin off my back, though.

Gotta heighten the contradictions before the Day of the Rope

White women already voted for Trump lol.

53% of them already voted for an outright neo-nazi, how more racist can mayos with vaginas get? Not a lot.

I really enjoy the quibbling over statistics. This from the same group that favors "lived experience" over data.

Feels only matter when they're yours, duh.

Hahah god if the day comes when racial realists start talking about their own β€œlived experience” Im just going to quit my job and become and audience member until I die

Isn't that just the plot of American History X?

"Black guy killed my dad so now I'm a skinhead. Black guy watched my back in jail and now I'm not a skinhead."

Lol exactly, a cut of American history X without the second half would just be racist propaganda

literally everyone else in ghazi

So just them and soyboys?

I unironically agree with this article. AMA

how many rice krispy treats can you fit in your asshole?

I haven't tried personally, would you recommend it?

eh, it sounds good in theory, but it took me from morning till afternoon to get them all out and later that night at the party all my guests complained about the flavor.

Ahh, fair enough. Think I'll pass then.

Oh, it's absolutely true. I also agree that it isn't necessarily a conscious effort to be a dick from the people who do do that, but yeah. It is funny to see how they're suddenly not about essentialism and how "not all X" is suddenly a valid argument.

Yeah I don't think it's necessarily malicious on the part of white women, but in general society they definitely get the benefit of doubt over PoC and especially PoC women. It's hilarious trying to see them come terms with that.

black women behave badly. people cry. racism!

Am I the only white man who’s enjoying someone else be singled out by those nuts for a change.

We need to start plucking out every crocodile tear emitting mayo eye.

What we need next is a black lesbian calling black straight women shit.

And the trans Muslims calling them shit.


Most retarded convo I've ever skimmed.

and when you can't cry, complain to HR

What is it about "whiteness is a disease" that makes you uncomfortable, exactly?

u/Pflytrap, it is simple. Because that statement is racist.

Hope you have a catch-all answer for this disease.

YouTube as a source

Falsified and attracted to the same sex

French people are cultured

Try again sweaty

No it's because she's right. We're coming for you, mayo untermensch.

It's not just white women, but white, upper-middle-class women with privilege.

It's really more about class. Middle class and above do this as the world revolves around them. The group is just primarily white.

further down in the comments it also becomes β€œWHY IS THIS ABOUT SEX?! MEN ALSO ISE YEARS TO GET THEIR WAY!”

none of those legbeards has been outside in a decade

The left doesn't have a genocidal end goal, the left and right aren't comparable, the end goal of the right comes in two flavors, genocide of the ethnic out-group or the total consolidation of power into the hands of the few, possibly even the one. The end goal of the left is the exact opposite of that. And I'm telling you what the two ideologies are ultimately about. The right is, at its core, obsessed with power and destruction, the right is inherently evil, the stated goal of the right is the aquisiton of power and wealth, the left, at its core, has a stated goal of helping people.

New political spectrum

Left = Pure Goodness||||||Right = Pure Evil

Horseshoe theory debunked take it centrists.

Also who is this brutal "Mao" I keep hearing about was he some sort-of Chinese ultra-conservative?