10 2018-05-11 by ChaddingTater
1 SnapshillBot 2018-05-11
Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 ChaddingTater 2018-05-11
/u/JohnBlind I'm facking zyzz prah 👳🏽♂️
1 JohnBlind 2018-05-11
Saudis have a very specific look and it's not this indian lel
As a mixed breed I look like an oddly tanned white dude whose facial hair doesnt match the colour of his hair
Mirin gains tho ngl
Lmao I'm afraid there's no saudi zyzz so this was the best I could find
Mine doesn't match either, blonde hair and brown beard with a red tint 😩
Umm have you seen the princes sweetie?x
Mines blond and black and ppl always suspect me of dyeing one of the two smh
Lol no, are they jacked?
blond and black
Mmmm chaddam 😍 If i wasn't settled down I'd give you a bro job
I kinda want to dye my beard black now so we can match
1 SnapshillBot 2018-05-11
Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 ChaddingTater 2018-05-11
/u/JohnBlind I'm facking zyzz prah 👳🏽♂️
1 JohnBlind 2018-05-11
Saudis have a very specific look and it's not this indian lel
As a mixed breed I look like an oddly tanned white dude whose facial hair doesnt match the colour of his hair
Mirin gains tho ngl
1 ChaddingTater 2018-05-11
Lmao I'm afraid there's no saudi zyzz so this was the best I could find
Mine doesn't match either, blonde hair and brown beard with a red tint 😩
1 JohnBlind 2018-05-11
Umm have you seen the princes sweetie?x
Mines blond and black and ppl always suspect me of dyeing one of the two smh
1 ChaddingTater 2018-05-11
Lol no, are they jacked?
Mmmm chaddam 😍 If i wasn't settled down I'd give you a bro job
I kinda want to dye my beard black now so we can match