Fat woman finds out that it's hard to lose weight when you're eating a ton and rely on fat and sugar for taste

94  2018-05-11 by l0pep


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> So, even if shaming is successful, why the fuck would anyone think it's the right thing to do to shame someone for failing at such a gargantuan, expensive, time-consuming, confusing task?

> gargantuan

Not really, just eat two meals per day, no snacks, drink lots of water, stick to <1500 calories. It's not that difficult but then again, white women do show an enormous lack of self-discipline.

> expensive

Because she was eating out less often, makes sense.

> time-consuming

Self-inflicted. You literally don't have to cook at all and can still get a perfect diet. Also preparing simple chicken or egg dishes with sides of rice and veggies is incredibly basic and doesn't take long at all.

> confusing

Sticking to a calorie deficit sure is confusing.

And then she goes on to complain about how she only considers dishes with lots of sugar and fat to have taste ... This was two years ago, seeing how you can only maintain weightloss by changing your lifestyle and how she mentally hasn't adapted my bet's on her being fat again by now.

In terms of shaming you should do it for the sake of society.

Fat people are a drain on our resources, they cost normal people trillions to subsidize their terrible habits.

They should be reminded of their failure to contribute to the common good

Fat people are a drain on our resources, they cost normal people trillions to subsidize their terrible habits.

I don't believe that this is actually the case, it's the same with smoking.

Even in countries with socialized healthcare, obesity and smoking cause people to live such shorter lives that in spite of healthcare costs tho govt still saves money compared to a healthier person who will live longer.

In an ideal world, people who are grotesquely obese will have absolutely zero medical issues until they drop dead of a heart attack aged 35.

But that's not how it works, first of all their immune system will be trash so they'll be hospitalised if ever they get a bad cold, they're more likely to need long term medical care with respiritors or constant bed sores. They're effectively as much of a burden on the medical sector as people with no legs but yet their problem is entirely self inflicted.

We spend lot's of money on end of life care for the elderly already.

Someone who is incredible obese simply means we spend that same end of life cost a lot earlier, and save a lot of money that would otherwise be spent elsewhere over the course of that persons life.

Obese are less productive in general and require way more care than a healthy person. None of this results in a net gain for society.

Obesity causes a lot of problems throughout their lives. It isn't just you being perfectly healthy and then you die faster.

white women do show an enormous lack of self-discipline


And black women have none at all it seems.

/u/beanfiddler what is your current weight?

At least eleventy million tons.

You said 130lbs 2 years ago, did you go back up?

I couldn't stay away from sticks of butter coated in sugar and fried in lard.

You should suck dick instead.

But then I may have some male approval, and we can't have that.

But you can keep your mouth busy and swallow lots of cum so your stomach is too full to put doughnuts into it.

Of course it's u/beanfiddler

America just doesn't design portions for women who are barely five feet tall. It's so easy to totally fuck up unless you're physically looking up every single goddamn thing you put in your mouth.

I am literally incapable of not shoving every piece of food set in front of me down my cavernous maw

TIL you have to eat the entire portion. You cannot under any circumstance save some for the next day or throw excess away

Americans literally have little blenders in their sink because they're so wasteful the idea of putting leftover food in the fridge is foreign to them.

I’m Canadian and I have one of those!

Oh cool dude do you stuff your fucking milk bags down there? Ha fuckin home run

Never seen a milk bag in my life.

Found the incel.

Say that again tough guy.

I was utterly convinced this was made up for cartoons until I was 20 or so. Still can't really accept that this is something that happens IRL.

Here's a thought, don't eat at restaurants

But it's cheat day! I earned this blooming onion and double portion of Alfredo

Every day is a cheat day for your fat bitch mouth.

I'll cheat on my husband with yet nan m8

Or eat at fancier restaurants. Or order a fucking kids meal or a salad.

I'm a T1 diabetic and kids meals are a godsend.

Sometimes I want a cheeky Nandos and some chips, don't judge me.

I'm a T1 diabetic

That's the one that God gave you for fun, not punishment, right?

Yup, basically saying "Hey have some random genetics to make sure you can never enjoy food ever again without thinking of how many grams of sugar and carbs are in it

PS you didn't like bread or potatoes did you?".

Do you have an insulin pump?

No, they're not on the PBS in Australia.

I do have an NDSS card, which means I get like 25 insulin pens for $5.40.

That sucks. IIRC my friend has one that checks his sugar and gives him the right amount of insulin automatically. It's a shame that Australia is such a hell hole.

Our health care (except for dental) is a UHC system, so on the whole it's really good.

I actually got a private room the last time I was in hospital because diabetes and gastro don't mix well. Total cost to me was $0 and they refilled my scripts (which are $5.60 each).

Diabetics are pushing for the pump and wave wand BGM to be under the PBS, so if comes through, it will be free or $5.60. I recently got my flu shot for free as I'm diabetic; seniors, health care card holders and 'at risk' patients get it for free - otherwise it's $15, which is still really cheap.

Oh no. Nothing to do with that. Australia is just a shitty place. It ranks close to Britain in my rankings of "terrible countries that I wouldn't want to live in".

Honestly, why are Americans so goddamn retarded when it comes to food prep. Do they not like keeping any dry foods in their house in case some tarantula lays eggs in it?

omg like eating in is what poor people do do you even hear what you're saying?

stop eating out so much

and when you do eat out throw half of it away - this isn’t the Great Depression and the money’s gone anyway, no sense making yourself fat as well

physically looking up i.e. looking at

200 pounds


Only fattish


Literally class I bordering on class II obese.

I'm eight inches taller and work out and I still need to lose like 10 pounds. She needs to lose like fifty

Lol, she needs to lose more than fifty.

more like eighty

You honestly could stand to lose like 15, guy :)

I mean yeah but who couldn't 🤷‍♂️

Those who need to lose even more.

If u need to lose 30, u just need to lose 15 twice. 🤔

depends on lean mass, really. Guys should be sub 15% bodyfat at least but you'll see a ton of guys who are in a normal BMI range but are 20% or more. Can't really say how much someone's got to lose just by height and weight.

Plus they could be in a bulk phase with the intent to cut soon.

I'm cultivating mass.

Why do Americans seem to think that being obese is somehow only mildly fat? I see this everywhere on reddit.

Probably desensitized due to the people they see every day.

Swing on by and you can see it in person.

I was so amazed by the amount of electric wheelchair bound mounds of fat when I went to America I had to snap a pic of one of the more impressive specimens

It was getting dark and the auto-flash turned on my phone camera, and flashed right in their fat wheelchair bound face

I awkwardly walked away cringing that everyone just saw me take a picture of some random morbidly obese person, then looked at my phone and saw my finger had covered up the iris of my camera but not the flash so I got no picture out of it.

Americans are used to seeing mountainously large people all day, every day.

To protect women's feelings.

Because Fat acceptance movement.

I think 30% or so of Americans are obese, 40% are just overweight. Being healthy is literally the exception so they see it as the exception and being overweight or obese as the new normal.

When I read fatpeoplestories on reddit and how in some communities people get angry at their friends for having a salad in some parts of America it blows my mind

72% are overweight of those 72% 40% are obese.

That's just by BMI. There are a few studies that track body fat percentage that say the problem is much worse. Something like 90 percent or more of Americans are overweight by body fat percentage now. It's insane.

I figured that was the case. The amount of guys who are in a "normal" BMI range but have so little lean mass that they're 20% or higher in bodyfat has to be really high.

It's easier to sell things to people with no self-control, and fat people generally don't have that.

Jesus Christ, all the denial she's carrying has to add on like 30 pounds.

Lmao she so fat that she’s the same height lying down.

This is peak America

That's 1m60 and 90kg.

For reference, the normal weight for that height is around 50kg for a woman more or less fit.

She's most likely lying about how much she weighs

Add 20lbs at least

My guess is 40

Two years ago? Huh.

If your name isn’t Snallygaster and you post 2 year old drama then you are a bad person and should feel bad

Stop sucking up.

Ping her, you fool!

u/beanfiddler I've fastest for 11 days before, I think you can lay off the sweets until you can see your feet.

that's a short ramadan, brother


What is self-control? I want muh instant gratification!

She'd be "starving" after 8 hours.

I miss beanfiddler.

Genuine SRDine lolcow.


Self described fat lesbian who used to post a lot on srd.

Was she the one who had that massive fit about doxxing followed by an apology post on Ghazi or something?

Not sure, she did post in ghazi.

I mainly just remember her opining/arguing about fucking everything in srd, backed up by exaggerated sounding anecdotes about her awesome life.

In particular she got into a few arguments with straight women about heterosexual sex despite being (I think?) a gold star lesbian.

No. That is lifestyles/Colbyklaus.

Also bonus appearance by /u/thesilvertongue

Yeah yeah fat people lol, but how did you find this ancient fucking post, OP?

Honestly the imperial system is anti-health

Sardines unironically upvoted that. What does that say about their average weight?

5'9 and 195 pounds, down from 205 a month ago. Sticking to a low 1300 kcal diet has been pretty easy, and holy shit the amount of sugar you can cut out of a diet is insane. everything is filled with it. Calorie counting is seriously the easiest most effective thing I've ever done to lose weight. oh Im already at ___ calories? Maybe I wont eat a snack until after dinner and see where I stand... Oh dinners done and im close to my limit? I'll not snack today.

ayy i know this isn't a very positive sub but i lost 100 lbs doing what you're doing, keep at it, you already did the hardest part

basically wow this

Thanks mate, glad to hear it worked for you too. It was hard for the first week, realizing how much I ate, but now that I'm on this path its been pretty easy to maintain. results are nice too.

Fuck off, lardasses.

I was diagnosed T1 two years ago; it's been a steep learning curve.

Holy shit, there is so much sugar in everything.

I had anorexia - Still have to an extent, but I "control it" somewhat - and would go on to lose the likes of 1kg ( 2.2 lbs ) per week at "peak" while already underweight. And the thing is, people think it takes making yourself vomit, overexercising and stuff, it doesn't.

All it takes is to cut down on eating. Nothing sugary, don't eat breakfast ( But don't cut dinner or lunch, if you get used to it, it's really hard "getting them back" ), drink only water. It actually boggles my mind someone could be actually trying to lose weight and fail, because it's just that f#cking easy, not to mention fat people burn more calories because of the excess weight.

If you don't already, start lifting and eat ~0.8g per lb I think it was lean mass not total bodyweight protein. You get a better body composition (read lower bodyfat percentage) that way when you're in a more healthy weight range.

lol they let fucking beanfiddler start posting there again? srd is hopeless

the more of a fat slob the average person is, the more i look impressive with my slightly ripped body.

I realize this is a 2 year old post, but I've averaged around 1500 calories a day for close to a decade now. If this is hard for you it's because your set point has been moved so much by your bad decisions. And you probably should feel bad about that.

yeah, it's really not that hard. I usually eat ~1500 or a bit less calories for around 2 months or so.

I'll never understand how people can eat that much shit, but being hungry doesn't really bother me so i guess i'm speshul xd

But guys, she did yoga twice a week. It’s insane that she’s still fat.

Twice a week! On a mat! In little pants! Isn’t that how fitness works?

And it's not like I wasn't active. I took up yoga for 70-90 minutes twice a week and walking every morning

I mean vinyasa yoga can be a really good workout... But twice a week? And I'm not sure someone at 5'2 200 could do 70 minutes of that anyway

When fat American women say they do yoga it's always always always the most basic yoga possible which is essentially just sitting and stretching. This is because it's the minimum standard of "exercise" so they can say "I eat right and exercise but I can't lose weight woe is me"

What? You don't need to eat 1400 kcals at 5'4"/200lbs to lose weight. You can stick to about 1800 at that size and lose steadily (but slowly).




well into clinical obesity


It takes months, probably a couple of years, though, people don't tend to be able to stick to it. And you have to permanently reduce eating to some baseline below what you were previously eating. People are obsessed with crash diets that make them lose a lot of weight fast, then they think they're off the hook and can just gobble up whatever they want. "Why does my weight yoyo like that?!"

Man I hate fat people

Me too. :( :( :( :(

They smell like unwashed crotch, take up too much space, move slowly, kill boners/dehydrate twats, constantly make excuses for their weight, delude themselves into thinking they're entitled to attractive partners, clog toilets, and promote stupid ideologies that appeal to low-energy perma-consumers who have an external locus of control.


We just put EVEN MORE sugar and fat into the food they're eating and they'll all be dead of diabetes or heart attacks within 5 years!

I'm actually pretty sympathetic to the difficulty of losing weight. It can be hard, but it's not really for the reasons that these fat activists tend to claim.

The biggest difficulty with losing weight is that it is a minefield with regards to a lot of modern food at the grocery or at restaurants. You can eat some pretty great food for low calories and at a reasonable cost in restaurants and by cooking if you are careful. The problem is that there are so many things that can fly under the radar. You need to make sure you pay attention to what you eat for a long time. Once you get more comfortable and have a pretty good idea of how many calories are in things it isn't hard to lose or maintain weight.

I'm very sympathetic to the people who don't really know what's what and have trouble navigating the sort of food landscape that's filled with unhealthy options, but not these kind of people that are in denial about their eating preferences.

Who has the time to shame fat people when they're busy shaming men and white people? I know I don't.

Fat white male detected.

I'll have you know I am a small, appropriately sized, typing dog.


So how did I do it? I stopped eating out entirely. I cooked constantly. My grocery budget increased tenfold

Yup, found your problem, you're eating 10 times as much.

You cook at home and you spend more on groceries than when you weren't cooking for yourself? What sorcery is this?!

The only way to interpret that is that she's eating ten times more. At least. Imagine industrial buckets of chicken breasts and spinach being funneled into her cavernous, unfillable maw as she screams "CALORIES IN, CALORIES OUT!" This how I think her diet went.

It could well be, but I naturally thought that if she ate out all the time before then her groceries budget would have been tiny because, well, she ate next to nothing at home bar the odd pint of Ben & Jerry's. Now her grocery bill has gone up because, well duh, but in compensation her restaurant bills should be way down and she should be $$$$$$ ahead on the deal.

That's probably the correct interpretation and she just didn't say that because she wanted to make things sound as sad as possible for her. But I prefer mine.

Well, you're certainly right that she's still eating far too much of whatever it is, because it's physically impossible not to lose weight if you eat small enough amounts of the right food and take regular exercise. Although the number of internet fatties I've heard from who swear black is white that they gain weight on 800 calories a day...

I think we got a good idea of her perception of reality and truth when she started out by describing her height and weight and saying it was 'fattish', when in reality it was well into the obese part of the BMI scale.

BMI 34, needs to lose about forty percent of that. Probably lists herself on dating sites as "curvy" or "a few extra pounds".

I honestly don't know how people can be that delusional about things. I weigh less as a 6,0 male and reckon I could probably stand to lose a bit. If you're heavier than me at 5,4 you're gonna be almost as wide as you are tall, invest in a fucking treadmill.


Every day some new euphemism. Weird, BMI is literally height/weight proportion and now we're hearing that being screamed about because "well, Olympic athletes have 'obese' BMI so it's meaningless!".

Fat people don't eat to live, they live to eat. They don't care what's on the price tag (either metaphorical or literal) - the aftermath (both financial and health-related) of eating 4 pounds of imported cheese will be a problem for future beanfiddler.

The only time they economize is when they have a limited budget and they then sacrifice quality for quantity.

It's like an alcoholic. They don't care what the booze costs as long as they can get enough of it.

just eat rice and beans bro wtf


like yeah it's not the most exciting shit in the world to eat but if buying groceries instead of going out to eat is "TOO EXPENSIVE" then you're a legit idiot

It's ridiculous that most fat people think loosing weight is some like brain surgery or rocket science or something. it isn't, it's actually pretty easy. I was 209 pounds last year, but I'm 5'7 so I wasn't nearly as fat as this chat, but still fat. I was eating so many chocolates, potato crisps, sweets and washing it down with soda. No wonder i was packing on the pounds. But I've lost just over 40 pounds this year and all I've had to do, is go out and walk more and cut out 80% of all sugary foods out of my diet. I can still have mc donalds or pizza once a week. A chocolate bar and soda occasionally, but I just avoid having these things every day and that's how I've lost 40 pounds so far. So please tell me fat chicks how hard it is for you to lose weight, booohoo have a cry. The fact is you're just lazy and don't have the willpower to stop shoveling every goddamned thing you see into your giant mouth while sitting on your fat ass.

You can actually eat more than 1400calories if there is more nutrient variety. The body stores what it cant use at the moment.

The body stores what it cant use at the moment.

Body fat is literally how "the body stores what it can't use at the moment".

No shit sherlock.

Then wtf point were you making?

nah. reminds me of that chick from the 2xfitness sub who was bulking at 3000 calories per day (she was only 5'2'' or so) and claimed to mostly gain muscle because her food quality was so good. lmao

Like 1500 calories is quite a lot of decent food if you actually try

A meal with say twice slices of bread, half an avocado and about 200 grams of chicken breast grilled should be around 500 calories (assuming its not drenched in fats)

Combine that with an hour long walking session during lunch you can easily hit 1000 calorie deficit a day.

But I have to say you have to be pretty stupid to think 200lbs at 5 ft 2 inches isnt chronically obease

2.0 inches = 5.1 centimetres.

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Yeah. People need to wake up. Realize that dieting sucks.

Y'know what though? You get fat, it'll look like the '89 joker got to you. You'll be going with a smile!

It'll be because you got to eat whatever the fuck you want!

Don't know if you're joking or not, but you CAN eat whatever you want and still lose weight.... you just have less of it (calorie-wise). Or, you eat a whole day's worth of calories in just junk food, like I do sometimes. Either way, dieting isn't that bad! Just eat more things that are filling and, instead of eating when you're bored, go out and do something fun! ;)

As a fatcunt. Eat meat and greens. Nuts/dairy are ok in snack proportions. Couple with an hour of exercise each day the weight just drops off you.

Keto works and you don't have to become a vegan faggot to get pussy or whatever bullshit your chimp brain wants.

Flavor is pretty much one of two things, if not both: sugar or fat

Is she just not aware of the existence of spices?

That depends, is sugar a spice?

Mayo is too spicy tbh. Can't use that.

Say she's 200 lbs and 5'4". So fattish, so not the whales you see on the "obesity is so scary!" billboards.

Hahahaha /u/beanfiddler hahahaha a BMI solidly in the "obese" category is "fattish" to you, geez I wonder why you'd want to think that

So let's take a fat lady. Say she's 200 lbs and 5'4". So fattish, so not the whales you see on the "obesity is so scary!" billboards.

That absofuckinglutely is obese

1400 kcals is 14 lbs of raw spinach, FYI. I'll pay you $100 if you can eat that as is on video in 24 hours.

That's the best answer ever.

Yeah just eat a pure diet of raw spinach, great and practical health advice. 10/10 edge

I don't think doing it one day would kill anyone. Plus no way she finishes the challenge.

fat woman makes long list of excuses as to why it's society's fault that she's fat


Never change SRD.

Two years ago, it has only gotten worse.

Yoga... Bitch get to weight lifting

Say goodbye to sweets, sugars, carbs, and basically anything that has a high calorie content that doesn't fill you up

This but unironically.


Okay, so to lose weight, she'd have to eat something like 1400 calories a day. That's... not a lot.

No, you have to eat any amount below TDEE, 1400 calories will make it faster but It's purely calories consumed vs calories burned. A lb of fat is 3500 calories so if you burned 2000 calories a day and ate nothing at all it would take you 7 days to burn 4 lbs of fat, now you're probably not going to do that for many reasons but it really just works like that, if you burn 2000 calories and eat 1900 calories you'll burn a pound of fat every month or so.

The difference between gaining and losing wait over long periods of time can be very little difference in diet, just taking your coffee black instead of with sugar can be the difference of many lbs over the course of a year.

You can polish off all that just eating out once. Hell, that's less than 500 calories a meal, and before you add snacks. Say goodbye to sweets, sugar, carbs, and basically anything that has a high calorie content that doesn't fill you up. In short, basically everything you can get at a restaurant (because those portions are designed for dudes who are 6'4" and work out a lot) and most of the "comfort foods" you enjoy at home. And ice cream? Ha! Say goodbye to ice cream.

Yeah, if you don't want to suffer the effects of alcoholism drink less alcohol is the same advice. You don't actually have to give up all that though, just like you don't have to stop drinking entirely to keep from destroying your liver. Moderation is key.

Look, I did the weight loss thing. I was brushing the underside of 200 pounds, and I'm barely 5'2". That means I was restricting to 1200-1300 calories a day until I got down to 130, then I scaled it back a bit.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to eat less than 400 calories a meal? Just putting half and half in your coffee rather than soy milk can tip you over what you're supposed to be eating. Chose the wrong dressing for your supposedly healthy salad, and whoops, you're 200 calories over where you thought you'd be.

You can eat more than that and extend the timescale, it's the difference between adopting a healthy lifestyle and doing a miserable crash diet.

And it's not like I wasn't active. I took up yoga for 70-90 minutes twice a week and walking every morning. I burned an average of 200 calories a day in exercise. It takes a fuck ton of work to burn any remotely meaningful amount of calories.

Yoga is great for you but it's not a calorie burner. You can easily do 650 calories an hour on the stairmaster or some weight lifting.

So how did I do it? I stopped eating out entirely. I cooked constantly. My grocery budget increased tenfold, as did the time I spent cooking and doing dishes and packing lunches. My social life became pretty much nil, until I started hanging out with my yoga buddies. I got constant feedback from even thin people that I wasn't eating enough.

If you can't hang out with your friends without collectively gorging yourselves maybe your friends were a problem. It's like trying to get clean from crack and,bemoaning that your social life is suffering because you can't hang out with your old crackhead friends without them getting you to do crack.

It's not willpower, it's a Sisyphean task. Literally everything in the average America's lifestyle is centered to sitting on our asses and eating crap. To succeed in weight loss you basically have to live as a pariah from American life.

A sisyphean task would be if you woke up each morning with your progress reset, which doesn't seem the case. You don't have to be a pariah, you just have to have self control.