No, You're the russian troll

25  2018-05-12 by xxretartistxx


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke

I see someone read the article



Hey Ed? You remember that time when you posted nothing but emojis for 6 months?

I'll never forget it. Hell, We'll never forget it.

Just wanna say, behind you 100%

It's time to show Russians who's the boss and repeal the 2rd amendment!

Thinking that your civillian ass will be a good weapon against the Russian armed forces.

I am the Russian armed forces.

Drill me daddy.

The left can't meme

Good thing Ed's a radical centrist.


Are you retarded? I'm /u/spectralballon's and /u/rainythunderstorm's alt; /u/umar4812 can attest to that.

Are you retarded? I'm /u/spectralballoon's and /u/rainythunderstorm's alt; /u/umar4812 can attest to that.

imagine believing anything on the internet...

Noncentrists are honestly mentally ill, they think it's either daddyfuckers or male feminists.

Anyone who's a regular here knows your full of shit, you and Ed jump at the chance to inject "banter" about Drumph of the right into anything you can, it's laughably transparent.

You wound me.

You'll just alt up again and continue your pathetic attempts at creating a "narrative" here. Hopefully you and your ilk will soon realize people here don't care about sides, we simply want drama.

You mean agendaposts, m8; all you do is come here and whine about the left. You're like someone who professes to go to /r/cringeanarchy for reasons other than affirming your political biases.

Whine? I'm truly enjoying myself and the banter the left creates, sorry it upsets you so much.

Smugposts this hard.

Yeah, you definitely weren't seeting behind your keyboard as you typed this.

I truly enjoy the banter, but if you need to believe it's bothering me then sure, I'm very upset, literally "seeting" with rage that you would dare disagree with me.

Don't sperg so hard. It's ok if the right can't meme.

YES! Just what I needed, Ed's approval...

He's right and you're wrong.

divide and rule made India a colony of the British.

Yeah, it was definitely a nefarious Mayo plot to make the Hindus and Muslims of India hate each other.

I think they're talking about the general political divisions and instability after the collapse of the Mughal empire. Your retarded point doesn't even make sense since Muslim and Hindu aren't races.

People of the same race don't ever about religion.

Anyways, it kind of is mostly because of british meddling.

Anglo* not mayo, were superior

Russian trolls primarily posted in td and politicalhumour

When russia send their troll they aren't sending their best.

It's like shit taste, but shittier.

"Russian trolls" even though CIA leaks have shown that spoofing location is an actual thing and that those "Russian trolls" could literally have been anyone. I'm going to go out and on a limb and say that the Admins have zero interest in being honest about "Russian Trolls" and I simply don't trust a single word they say; tbqh I find it hilarious so many people here do. Not to mention Mueller is now stalling because the "Russian trolls" actually showed up for court and asked for a fast trial and discovery, which for some reason Mueller doesn't want to turn over.

The Russian circlejerk is being turned over on it's head, or in the now famous words of Comey, "That's it?"

Agendaposting thishard.

See, it's fine when I do it because I'm a centrist. It's not fine when daddyfuckers or rapists male feminists do it.

Anyways, to actually answer your shit Mueller is expected to be conservative in how he does things; the ammount of shitty news sites with Russian or Macedonian whois information being posted to leftist and righty subreddits is simple hillarious.

Sure, it could just be a coincidence,but occam's razor; Russia has the motive, the means, and some evidence towards it being the case.Have you forgotten about US political candidates of different parties having shady dealings with Russians.


Are you off your fentanyl?

Jesus you're like a regurgitation of msm stories with keywords included. I like you and Ed, I've been watching the creeping realization you're both having, how despite all the negative banter and attempts to smear, you're both rabid DEMs and you're watching your side eat itself from within, and you're watching people mock you in the same ways you've both used this site to mock others for the past year or so. It's so delicious and amazing to see. You two aren't here to enjoy, contribute to or create drama, you're here to try and set the tone and holy shit you're failing so miserably. So fuck off with your current year fentanyl jokes, you'll have to do better than that.

Can this be made a Snappy quote?

Lol, yes because I'm the lolcow here and not you running around defending Ed?

Imagine defending a 12 plus hour a day retarded emoji poster...

Thinking I don't see Ed the way a mother sees a retarded child.

Thinking you can comment and bant your way out of being called out for being a super dem agenda poster

agenda poster.

Projecting much, eh? You can speak our language, but you can't deny your ancestry.

Ironic coming from a trump agenda poster.

Not surprising self awareness isn’t your strong suit.

I make fun of everyone, nobody is special, is it my fault the left is winning the sperg war currently? When you don't have a side you get to see the derangement from every angle, join us at /r/radicalcentrism

Fishhook theory strikes again.

Oh no more social pseudoscience I'll get right into looking in that right after I read 12 rules for life and jerk myself off to Saul Alinsky.


Good reddit meme

Imagine worrying about trolls on social media while (((they))) control American foreign policy, are the number one lobbyist and have presidential candidates cuck at meeting which doesn't need to register as a foreign agent.

Imagine being a mayo supremacist but still get your ass handed to you at every life stage by (((them))).

Imagine being ed_buttered toast, how have you not killed yourself yet

Hopefully soon, most obvious and worst lefty troll I've ever seen. Constant emoji spam and just general inane commenting. Always hides behind the retard act when called out and posts for 12 to 16 hours a day.

Nigga he's radically centrist. Not liking daddyfuckers doresn't mean that you approve of future rapists.

I can't believe you think you can convince me, or anyone else on drama that you and Ed aren't lefties. Like Jesus dude, are you actually that daft? You guys might as well add signatures to your names promoting Kamala Harris 2020.

Imagine getting this butthurt about people not licking the smegma out of the DDF's anus.

The Overton window is shifting, a true centrist would see this and recognize the real trainwreck, the group lashing out at everyone around them because they didn't get their way or "their turn."

Hmmm, seems similar to protodaddyfuckers sperging about Barrack last presidency, doesn't it? Almost seems like sperging out about the cyclical nature of the elections (the same party isn't normally in power for two presidents.) is an American tradition regardless ofpolitical affiliation?

Oh boy! You're whining in this thread too. No wonder the butthurt πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

The projection is so real with you lot, this posting gives me great pleasure, you dolts run around upvoting eachother no u'ing and I sit back and laugh.

and i sit back and laugh

Is there anything more pathetic than coordinating up votes with alts and other retards to try to appear right on a drama sub?

is there anything more pathetic

Getting worked up over banter

Hard to come up with a response huh? So the only thing you have is u mad?


Not necessarily mad tho. Like nothing raging mad.

All my allusions to your very obvious group of fragile posters trying to set an agenda and you're only response, across several accounts, is to say I'm angry. It must be tough not being able to defend yourself when your insanely obvious strategy isn't working, and most users here see you exactly for what you are.

Inb4 u mad again

He doesn't have enough of a mind to realize his retardation.

Imagine being this bad at comebacks


I remember when being a mayo supremist was the kkk its apparently now noticing things. Cause we both know its crazy talk to think Israel has a lot of influence on american foreign policy. I mean we haven't been using a Jewish think tanks paper as the basis of our foreign policy for 2 decades. Or liberals and conservatives can't agree on what color the sky is yet they always vote yes for more money for Israel. It's totally a coincidence that every presidential candidate has to go talk to AIPAC the largest and biggest spending lobbyist group in the country. These are all just crazy coincidences just like Bibi's English presentation about Iran's so called nuclear plan, or that Israel was freaking out about us leaving Syria and a chemical attack just sort of happened even though nothing good would come of it for the regime in syria. You silly silly goy how dare you notice things you must be a white supremist

You have to go back.

political discourse is controlled by facebook ads

Why does no one dispute this? No one on reddit, tumblr, 4chan or the comments section on any news article reads facebook ads. Suddenly if it involves russian bots we all accept the idea that everything we discuss is controlled by some unknown population informed by fake news and facebook ads

Of the roughly 3,500 ads published this week, more than half β€” about 1,950 β€” made express references to race. Those accounted for 25 million ad impressions β€” a measure of how many times the spot was pulled from a server for transmission to a device.

People saw the ads a total of 25 million times. A 3rd party upload of a DragonForce song has 25 million views. What a threat to our democracy.

Divisive racial ad buys averaged about 44 per month from 2015 through the summer of 2016 before seeing a significant increase in the run-up to Election Day. Between September and November 2016, the number of race-related spots rose to 400. An additional 900 were posted after the November election through May 2017.

1/4 of the ads were post election. tbh, I wonder if I can get a job as a Russian troll. Any idea what they were paying people?