Another political /r/starterpack, another break-out of butthurtitis

135  2018-05-12 by Ultrashitposter


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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Why be a soy boy when you all could be lizard people when the dinosaur šŸ¦– convergence happens?

It's all about snake people. Arms and legs are for the weak, when the end times come those who crawl on their bellies will inherits the earth.

Of course they are great, but they are merely pawns of the great dinosaurs šŸ¦–

'member cookie crisp? good shit

And to think OP probably meant for us to laugh at the commenters when he posted this.

then he's double autism

Meh it's just a funny meme on the right. I don't know if you visit T_D or KiA at all, but we are constantly calling out SJWs there in rational, normal terms.

Just because you occasionally joke and use that term online has no real bearing on how you argue in person or how you approach serious topics.

/u/IsNotARussianbot, you conveniently forgot about /r/braincels. Frog posting, whining about feminism, using 'soyboy' and 'cuck' unironically makes me wonder why there is a similarity between the cultures? šŸ¤”

T_D and KiA

rational, normal

/u/IsNotARussianbot pick one and only one

/r/shitpoliticssays has almost as many brainlets as we do.

At least we don't pretend to be not retarded

/r/shitpoliticssays has almost as many brainlets as we do

Better kill ourselves if that's the case.

Why does it have so much shit on it

OP is retarded.

/u/whloom come talk to us about how funny your starterpack was!

Is there anything that crack baby doesn't hate? Seek medical attention, /u/whloom


The consensus seems to be that youā€™re both cripplingly unfunny and trying way too hard. Thoughts?

Whatever I still triggered a bunch of cucks lol

The Venn diagram of ā€œpeople who unironically call people ā€˜cucksā€™ā€ and ā€œpeople who unironically jack it to BBC pornā€: ā­•ļø

I only ironically jack it to BBC porn.


I didn't know the BBC had started producing porn

You havenā€™t been following The Great British Wank-Off? Itā€™s gripping!

That's the Venn diagram of people who ARE cucks and jack it to cuck porn.

Is that not what I said?


/u/whloom putting path of exile on there is retarded, global chat is a bunch of 30 year old "the niggers and trannies are why I'm unemployed and playing this austistic ass game at noon on a weekday" types

Is this a... what day is this?

Also twitch? Like the site filled with teenage edge lords crying about sjws?

Depends on the part of Twitch. Some of it are unshaven trannies playing ancient Nintendo games.

There's also fallout, skyrim and also... PCMR (future neckbeards who'd wage a war a gf against women)


pcmr definitely skews older than you give them credit for

The site management is who he's trying to call nu-male chumps

I still can't believe that Twitch is popular. There's nothing quite as beta as paying to watch other people play video games.

I think that's why the logo is crossed out

na im autistic enough to know that they used that logo with the X

It's like a giant rant in image format. A human somewhere actually made this.

80 percent of it was other packs. I spent an hour making it lol

okay, but why?

Who cares, we're just happy he did.

I'm honestly not sure if the fact you did it in an hour is good or bad. I mean it's good that you didn't spend a few days on this but I suspect you are the kind of a person who would unironically claim to be a professional meme master and maintain individual folders for images of soyboys, chads, pepes etc

A quick copy paste job took you an hour? Found the real soyboy cuck

I don't have autism computer science power like you and the rest of Reddit to do it in 5 minutes

What did you get your degree in, feminist studies?

cuck detected šŸ˜Ž

I don't have power like you

You have blacked on your meme twice, and recently posted about blacked. šŸ¤”šŸ¤”

Really activates those almonds

A giant rant of pictures stolen from google images and implemented by MS-paint. Truly the height of millennial creativity, right next to object labelling memes and falsely captioned GIFs.

It's the Ben Garrison school of political commentary, only without the effort of having to actually draw your retarded metaphors.

Hahaha true

You know Iā€™m all for ridiculing bugmen, but that was a poorly crafted meme/starter pack.

Why it's almost as if "why it's almost as if" is a perfectly acceptable way to start a conversation.

"taco carts on every corner"

Lol, I forgot about this.

is this the "things I can't afford" starter pack for the OP?

Best part is all those who got triggered trying their best response to not appear triggered.

Only to get their feet deeper in the mud...

Its a shot gun approach though. OP basically crammed a majority of the "mainstream media" stuff there. So unless you were living under the rock literally, you will still fall under his stupid categorization.

Its quite ironic that to even spend time creating this starter pack, you HAVE to be a real social outcast. There is no two ways around this. REAL chads don't use internet all that much. So there is a good chance OP will fall under the alt right/mainstream conservative media except the exact opposite of his starter pack.

OP probably thinks Memerson is the greatest modern thinker of all time, someone who has his whole identity based on "Triggering" liberals, or posts about goobergate unironically, or probably listens to Ben Sharpio, Milo, Lauren southern, or watches any one of those "DEUS VULT DIVERSITY IS CODE WORD FOR ANTI WHITE" youtube videos, or hell even enjoys finding a white nationalist refuge in MDE...

I'm going to give MDE away more effort than I deserve: It's a sub populated by weenies like /u/ElegantLordOTheManor (how could I forget that username?) who have completely failed to achieve happiness even my the "bugman" standards. Let's go item by item:

  • They're probably less employable than the liberal arts grads they look down on, if only because they lack the networking that going to a four year college and being somewhat sociable gets you. Either they went to community college, went to some podunk four-year state satellite campus, failed out, or majored in something like CS without being any good at it, and thus are looking at inescapable NEEThood for the time being.

  • Less employable = stuck in Rockford IL, can't even afford to move an hour north to Madison, the only thing left for them to do is retreat into what Nietzsche called "Ressentiment," which the modern world calls "bro u salty."

  • Because of their total lack of real-world personal value, they compensate by saying that they're too good for the stuff that a well-adjusted person just fucking enjoys. Their only source of joy is belittling others for still being able to feel joy.

  • Literally wouldn't be able to conceive a child unless the government legalized rape; even then would probably be fought off by most women.

  • Literally can't grow a beard, probably not even Asian so there's no excuse.

  • Doesn't need glasses because he doesn't read, thinks watching YouTube videos is an acceptable substitute.

In sum, these sad sacks hate modernity because they can't cope with it and they've made a virtue out of being poor whether they know it or not. There's got to be a revolving door between MDE and Chapotraphouse. They'd also be prime material for ISIS recruiters if they'd been raise Muslim.

On the Genealogy of Neckbeards: An Effortpost.

Also, trying to emulate the mannerisms and views of one of the biggest losers in the creative industry has to be one of their most pathetic traits.

Which loser?

Sam Hyde

Oh, lol @ that guy. He's such a pipsqueak that "one of the biggest losers" feels like more recognition than he deserves.

He actually has more 'bugman' traits than the people the sub makes fun of. At least most of them have a proper job and didn't live with their mothers until they were about 30.

But these idiots apparently think living on your own and (gasp!) paying high rent are scornworthy traits, so you might be wrong.

Ridiculing someone for paying high rent is one of the most pathetic things I can think of. It's like ridiculing a first-year surgery resident or a Goldman Sachs rookie banker for working long hours.

At least most of them have a proper job and didn't live with their mothers until they were about 30.

Jokes on you, normie. Moving out, getting a job, and having a life just makes you a wagecuck!

Tfw ppl actually unironically believe this

can't even afford to move an hour north to Madison

And thank God for that

Because of their total lack of real-world personal value, they compensate by saying that they're too good for the stuff that a well-adjusted person just fucking enjoys. Their only source of joy is belittling others for still being able to feel joy.

"lol fucking betabux actually getting married to some femoid look at her picture that fucking landwhale is 10 pounds overweight and her anterior starbord upper adductor brevis is deviated by at least 3 degrees lol what a cuck"

It always comes back to inceldom tbh.

10 pounds overweight


They'd also be prime material for ISIS recruiters if they'd been raise Muslim.

There's definitely a common thread here of "it's (((their))) fault that my life sucks"

majored in something like CS without being any good at it

This is simply not possible. Getting a CS degree even without skills is still an easy way to the middle class. You have to actively not try to find a job.

I personally know people who got these degrees and are underemployed. Though their inherent laziness could be more of a problem.

Cumtown is the middle ground between Chapo and mde

I'm just gonna go ahead and admit I watch Memerson unironically but I don't want to end up in a cult, is there any interesting critiques of him to watch? So far the only one I've actually watched came from CTH of all places

interesting critiques of him to watch

There's your problem right there, get off the YouTube that shit gives you brain worms. Here is a disgusting Slovenian going full radical centrist on old memerson.

lolol out of all the subs on this site, i did not expect to current affairs in r/drama

He is a legit retarded person

Holy shit that is some turbo autism

Steven Pinker is the better Memerson

Best part is all those who got triggered trying their best response to not appear triggered.

That's just the internet in 2018.

This is peak starterpacks, because not only is OP powerfully autistic but he still managed to piss off the outrage queens of starterpacks with that trainwreck of an image.


Inadvertent work of art.

/r/starterpack starter pack

the op may have been retarded enough to make that image seriously, but god damn i respect him for the result. i like the tree with them arguing over business schools even though those fuckers all went to community college.

Half the point of them is just to get angry responses from the people being targeted

Only half?

I think Iā€™m gonna make a starter pack making fun of commenters and post it and reap in some drama

This comment has made me so angry.

Not a bad idea

Damn, if that isn't the best part of the thread.

And the fact they are trying to talk shit about Kelley, one of the best public university business schools in the world. IT kids got butthurt




Materials: jpegs, mspaint, and autism

Location: a filthy house in one of the more useless middle states

one of the more useless middle states

They're pretty much all tied for first place in that particular contest

fuck, it's still working here. lol

Get called retarded to own the libs

Still better the Commiefornia.

Move to Indiana to own the libs

I would, but they got rid of the McDonald's with A Diner Inside, and now there's no point.

Fucking globalism man ā˜¹ļø

The amount of effort put in it impressively pathetic, only eclipsed in it's sadness by the fact that the people it depicts actually exist and posted in that thread.

There's so much damn stuff in it that it had to apply to someone.

The open mouth "quirky" smile phenomenon genuinely bugs me tho. Why has that become a thing?

I blame anime

Nah, youtube thumbnails

I will confess that my facebook profile photo is me doing this face. I took the photo myself with my webcam, and I think I made the face because taking a photo of yourself is pretty absurd, so by making the face the subtext was "Yes I'm taking a photo of myself and it's absurd, but look I'm not taking it seriously."

I will confess that my facebook profile photo is me doing this face

Neck yourself

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme

delete this nephew

I've reported you to the bully police.

okay like setting aside the expression why would you even use a garbage-ass webcam picture like that at all? dont you know anyone with a smartphone or something else with a decent camera in it?

Go enjoy a bleach cocktail

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

People don't like the way they look when posing normally in photos so they do that.


I feel like they're badly trying to imitate Shrek characters

People who eat ramen BTFO

Reddit users on suicide watch

That thing is a fucking mural. It applies to literally everyone.


People from flyover states have no business judging anybody

This but unironically

Have fun with your overpriced real estate and blue haired harpies shreiking at you for not buying local

Second one doesn't matter first one you get what you pay for.

Have you ever left the trailer park?

I'd take that over crackheads and constant fent OD's. Blue haired harpies never tried to break into my car for $2 I left in the open.

I'll give him this, people who say "it's almost as if...." should be gassed.

It's almost as if they think starting a sentence with that makes them sound sarcastic and smart.

Just let that sink in.

It's almost as if this, but unironically

That was fucking brilliant

I read. Actually I read a lot. I grew up in Southern California, and was a hard core left winger after getting my degree in Economics. I am still a registered Democrat, but over the years, l found myself feeling more and more alienated by the left wing. The left wing incessantly says we must be tolerant of others and we shouldn't be "divisive" but they consistently allow for the vilification of white people, and western civilization. They will incessantly smear white gentiles, but they dare not criticize the present or past wrongdoings of any groups that are not white: for instance, just try to get a left winger to attack the ritual murders or cannibalism of the Aztecs or other native american tribes. Trying to get a left winger to acknowledge the Barbary slave trade is like pulling teeth, but they will drone on endlessly about slavery in the US.

I used to allow for this intellectual dishonesty, but seriously began to tire of it.

I then began to wonder why we had such "protected groups" that were immune to any criticism or critique, yet my group (white gentiles) were allowed to be made fun of on a regular basis in academia (haha, the native americans didn't like the immigrants from Europe because they hardly bathed and they smelled foul), the press, and hollyweird.

Then I read Culture of Critique. Boy, what a whopper of a book. If you are political, this will explain 95% of human political behavior.

When it comes to predicting human behavior (for all humans except suicidal, self-hating white gentile leftists), Sociobiology does explain exactly how the overwhelming majority of humans will react given any circumstance. Why do blacks get mad when a black person is shot by the police, but they couldn't care less about a white person shot by the police? Why do mexicans get upset by US controls on immigration, but they aren't concerned by mexico's draconian and drastic immigration laws? It's all about genetic fitness and genetic interests.

Kevin MacDonald explains how things became so anti-white in the western world. Why the white guilt constantly being pushed in academia and the media? Why is in group bias attacked viciously when white gentiles do it, but it is actually promoted and FUNDED (by the Ford Foundation (La Raza), George Soros (Black Lives Matter)) for virtually EVERY group that isn't white gentile?

I didn't believe Macdonald at first. As with most authors, I take their opinions/ideas and then test them in the real world. After reading Culture of Critique, I started paying attention to WHO was pushing for white guilt....WHO was pushing for multiculturalism.....WHO was pushing for so called "diversity".......WHO was pushing for loose immigration/open borders, and amnesty for those who broke the law and immigrated illegally? Over and over and over again, when I pulled back the curtain and did my research, I found that Macdonald was spot on.

His book is now part of my "trinity of truth" series of books in my personal library: Sociobiology by E.O. Wilson, and The History and Geography of Human Genes by Cavalli-Sforza are the other two books. All three books absolutely destroyed my ability to be a white gentile left winger. They show that anyone that is a white gentile with leftist beliefs is a suicidal, naive, indoctrinated fool.

BTW, virtually every one star review I read looks like reviewer did not read the book. Shame on these people for trashing a book they didn't even read. They should at least write a disclaimer admitting they didn't read it.

If you are looking for a well documented book with lots of quotes, hard core research, and plenty of footnotes by a trained academic, this is it. This book will undoubtedly change your world view, regardless of who you are.


Sorry, I'm not gay, I'm retarded.

I ate it all the way until "smear white gentiles"

Nice pasta šŸ‘ŒšŸ»

I love how the clear and obvious subject of the pasta is not used by name a single time.

His book is now part of my "trinity of truth" series of books in my personal library: Sociobiology by E.O. Wilson

scientism is for man children

What's the deal with the chewed up furniture leg? Is that a metaphor for limp dick?

I thought it was because these kind of people don't discipline or train their pets.

Oh yeah that makes total sense. They don't have the fortitude to be an alpha even to their bichon frise

Half that half the fact they get animals with serious behaviour issues because they want to rehabilitate them.

itā€™s called being a decent human being!

Not sure what that has to do with the soy smile and Nintendo switch but okay.

A good starter pack has a ā€œI feel personally attackedā€ comment. A rest pack has the sub so angry they personally attack the OP. Soys confirmed.

Nintendo switch

soy smile

Isn't this an incel talking point?

NINJA EDIT: I took the liberty of investigating this users history. Downvote and move along gentlesirs.

Talking point lol? It's an insult. I guess I use both subs and have used this sub longer, not sure why that upsets you pal. Do you really feel tribalistic over a subreddit? Sad. If I was to also be a loser and guage by your recent string of failed cringeanarchy posts you're from there what does that make you?

Reminder that you are an incel and nothing can change that

"Are you okay throwaway?"

"stfu mom this guy posts to MDE! what a virgin!"

"okay throwaway... that boy of mine needs girlfriend smh.

Remember to remind me everyday so I know how that makes you feel and can spare a thought for you.

stfu mom

Are you projecting? Because bringing up moms (and tendies) sure looks like an alt right stereotype

I'm being made fun of! Alt-right nazi confirmed!

le projecting, are you sure you aren't a manlet the starterpack is making fun of? That'd explain your spergery.

An incel calling someone else a manlet

Oh boy, this sure does seem like projection

I mean you're the one acting hostile and sperging out over people you view "outside" of your reddit community. As far similarities towards incels go It looks like you have that one in the bag m8.

You literally have the same talking points from the incels. Really makes you thinkšŸ¤”

Itā€™s a becoming a pretty mainstream insult now, kinda like incel. Itā€™s not even new to this sub. But thanks for letting me know you at least try to think. Wouldnā€™t know otherwise.

The meme about Nintendo switch is an incels thing. Good try though. You should connect with your brethren on /r/braincels. You will totally fit in lol

Sounds like you know an awful lot about that.

You guys are like a zoo at braincels. Really entertaining to watch from a distance. Good fresh memes too unlike your usual 'WE WUZ KANGZ' or 'OY VEY'

Why should anyone take anything you say seriously? Youā€™re a fucking idiot teenager who pretends to be an adult yet you live in your moms basement.


live in their moms basement

Well yeah duh, almost every teenager lives with their parents that's part of the definition of being a teenager. What, do you think the 14 year old girls you and your ilk follow home from school have full time jobs or some shit

if you're 12 and not the CEO of 3 corporations yet what the fuck are you even doing?

LOL. Nice projection there. If it makes you feel better about living in the basement, then Iā€™m happy.

I'm 17 lol


I really have nothing against teenagers but the guy Iā€™m arguing with is an idiot.

You sure seem to post a lot about incels and black people. So youā€™re thirsty for black cocks but unable to get any?

le projecting

You know it isn't 2011 anymore right?

Ur life is rly sad, u do need a girlfriend

Yeah me and your mom should reconnect

as a response to being called an incel, you made a "no u" rebuttal in the form of roleplaying a scenario with him and his mom in your head, and actually thought it was clever enough to post

Sometimes the obvious answer is the right one. If he wants to background check all people who post, get angry and conclude they're the incel and not him then that's on him.

whatever you say, pal

That's right.

/u/whloom again I ask the people of MDE, what is a bugman? Itā€™s such a stupid term. Like at least soyboy is funny and rolls off the tongue. Please explain what a bugman is and how itā€™s different from a soyboy

A bugman is your typical big left leaning city dweller. He is usually obsessed with consumerism, lining up to purchase the newest iPhone or MacBook when it comes out, and using a smartwatch/smart home speaker for longer than the week after he bought it. Chances are he owns other throwaway smart gadgets as well. All his tastes in movies, music, expensive food, art, and more are determined by what review sites and blogs say.

just use google m8

Literally how is this any different from a soyboy

i think soy boys at least have personality? idk

In MDE parlance a bugman is someone whose personality and outlook is formed by late capitalism to the point of caricature. Itā€™s similar to Nietszcheā€™s concept of the ā€˜last manā€™ customized for the era of mass online communication. The last poster, if you will.

But this sounds like soyboys

I know the amount of effort put into this was borderline autistic, but I have to imagine this struck way too close to home for most people on there.


It's honestly beautiful. It targets every casual reddit group that takes themselves way too seriously.

Not that this is the worst part of the post but itā€™s what stood out to me: how the fuck is upvoting something virtue signaling? Itā€™s literally not a signal. Nobody can see what you upvote except you. If youā€™re virtue signaling to just yourself I think thatā€™s called virtue

Yeah i thought it was obvious fucking bait, but apparently some people took offense.

It'a clearly not bait he's just retarded.

Shit bait by OP, it looks terrible. But he got bites anyway as reddit loves taking the b8

Shit bait? Probably took someone 4 hours to make that monstrosity

Probably took someone 4 hours to make that monstrosity

Definitely something not to be proud of. Best bait is something simple that always inspires REEEEing.

Why is Path if Exile and Chrono Trigger on there?

Jesus. Who makes a starter pack with that much shit on it? Imagine how much effort the OP of that post went through just to say "lol muh leftists are betas."


Just individual starterpacks are ok, but this is overdoing it.

They say having facial hair makes you a numale, but Carl the Cuck and AIDS Skrillex were both clean-shaven.

Shaving your balls clean is the new red pill.

What even is a "bugman"?

MDE term for a soyboy, because even the alt right have to be hipster fags with their exclusive insults. I found some forum full of people discussing the term "Bugman". Apparently libertarians are prime bugmen material. I guess it's not just leftists that spend all of their time infighting.

Someone who is more professionally/academically accomplished than you, more employable than you, and more socially adept than you.

Throw the insult out at anyone that doesn't blindly validate your purposeless existence and/or financial incapability.

someone who fills the void in their life with shitty pop culture stuff so they end up an empty shell. think of someone who only identifies as being a fan of popular movies or some shit

He says unironically when shitposting in a retarded peanut gallery.

lol, that is totally funny. Anybody know, is the food with the eggs Pho, or what?

Le Ramen.

Only truly cultured modern urban white people know about Japanese food. Pretty soon it might even catch on in Japan.

Oh, I see, thanks. We had a Japanese takeaway (takeaway only, no restaurant) start up here, which seemed kind of outlandish for rural Scotland. Needless to say it did not last long. I couldn't really see anyone feeling a hankering for some Sashimi after their 15 pints of export.

Lol look how mad the soy swallowers got over it.

They sure showed him how far off the mark he was.

Why is Danny Trejo and hoodies in there?

Like a third of that image has nothing to do with numales in particular. I think OP legit had some kind of breakdown while making this :(

OP lost one too many Overwatch matches I see

/r/FutureSchoolShooters holy fuck op go to school counseling

Man, that guy really does not like Jesse Cox.

Why is /r/starterpacks full of people who get mad at stereotypes? It's pretty obvious when a starterpack bothers them because it hits close to home. Who are they trying to fool?

/u/SkillaRaw just because that starter-pack is awful does not mean soyboys are any less wastes of oxygen.

What is a Soyboy? I don't even get it. Like is it a person less masculine or what?

Male feminists

Literally everyone on that list is 10 times more successful than you so calling all make feminists whimpy losers may not be the best argument.

I'm not even a feminist Soo...

Donald Trump is a counter example as he is an alpha male and 10x more successful then all the people on that list being a billionaire and the leader of the free world. Kim Jong Un saw him and sensed alpha which is why he started negotiating immediately after Trump got into office.

It's getting hard to tell if these comments are ironic after the MDE immigration.

Gas alll MDEcells now

Impressed by the size of this lad.

Ur mom sure was

For those who dont know, "bugman" was a conspiracy theory that only 10-20% of humans are awake. That's there not enough souls to go around so the rest of the population is soulless husks or demons or some shit. Basically NPCs incapable of holding thoughtful conversation.

Jesus fuck that entire post is cancer. Bunch of fifteen year olds in their mom's basement bitching at each other.

that fact someone probably spent atleast a couple hours making this real gets the noggin joggin

Lol how even here everyone is butthurt

I like some of the stuff in this meme. I canā€™t tell if thatā€™s because Iā€™m a soy boy or if the meme has to much stuff in it.

ITT OP triggered the betas so hard not even a pail of nonfat soy mocchacino can put the smile back on their faces :ā€™(

Don't you mean Smoyles, or Soyles, Soy Smile, or Soylent Grin?

too much stuff to be a good starter pack. what sort of autism leads to this much work on something so stupid?


Did you ever think to yourself "I need a more retarded term than 'normie'"? Well the folks at MDE did and came up with 'bugman'.

the real autism is the people here who are like "hell yeah dude this describes them perfectly"

They insult my main man Lobos, the guy has gone through too many retarded runs of Dark Souls and Bloodborne to be slandered in such a fashion.