Man called Racists for saying Black People generally support the Democratic Party.

68  2018-05-12 by SAC-Lawn_Gnome


He's not wrong.

Except a shit ton of Blacks vote Republican because of "religion" and "traditional family values".

shit ton


user reports:

1: show us that sweet boipussy circo


user reports:

1: why the fuck not?!?! >:(

It would ruin the economy. You shouldn't give away for nothing.

If you're good at something, never do it for free

At least you understand.

user reports:

1: baby you could ruin my GDP any day of the week


I'll PayPal you 40$ for some bussy rn

Just because they’re conservative doesn’t mean they actually vote Republican

they’re Southern, they got options

Conservative Democrats on the national level are a dying breed.

Practically all the Dixiecrats that were still hanging on were wiped out in 2010. They lived in the most conservative districts that went the hardest towards the Republicans, it didn't matter if they were much more conservative than the average Democrat. Increasingly the Democratic parties in the south just run relatively typical Democrats, like Doug Jones, rather than really conservative Dixiecrats, because they're going to get annihilated by the Republican without a hail Mary either way.

In the 2008 elections Prop 8 passed in California because the minority voters, who voted for Obama, also voted for Prop 8 to pass. This outraged white people in California because the minorities didn't vote according to where the white people wanted them to.

Isn't it like a 90/10 ratio?

Over 90 percent of black people voted for Dems in the last 3 presidential elections.

Pretty sure it's been over 90% in every election since LBJ passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Before then african americans had been split roughly evenly between Democrats and Republicans.

“Ill have those niggers voting democrat for 100 years”


Not very many

  1. What the Fuck is Wrong with your Formatting?

idk, I found the article pretty entertaining.

  1. Man called racists?

Ye, they accused him of being so racist, that it was the equivalence of multiple people.


Sorry bby.

Why are you pissing about today

As a white person this is why I stopped supporting minorities. Give an inch and they steal the your TV.

You have to go back, milko.

Im sure they will miss your support, im sure you did so much for them poor minoritys lmao. Funny ass.

Black people support the Democratic party and make the Democratic party worse by their support. I wish they didn't. Black voters as a voting Bloc are incredibly selfish and are only left wing with things that benefit them as a group. Otherwise they are some of the most conservative voters imaginable. They throw other minority movements under the bus and take over any kind if activism to make it about them only. Absolutely the worst "allies" to have.

Look at the Obama election, very few black voters I know actually did any research into his politics, their vote was no different than those who voted Trump into office, just take one quick glance at him and say "yup, that's the guy I want".

Look at the Obama election, very few black voters I know actually did any research into his politics

To be fair, most voters do not do any research before voting.

That's true of most voters.

It is, but it's especially true of black voters. It's crazy how much of a block they are. Check out some polls some time. It's nutty.

You can day the same for trump and white people.

Lol are you retarded? He clearly stated that

In the 2008 elections Prop 8 passed in California because the minority voters, who voted for Obama, also voted for Prop 8 to pass. This outraged white people in California because the minorities didn't vote according to where the white people wanted them to.

Obama managed to move the black community heavily towards a gay positive opinion over his term though. It's true that before 2008 black Democrats were mostly anti-gay. But then again most of America was as well.

Otherwise they are some of the most conservative voters imaginable


How's your med degree going?

"He played the race card in reverse"

Only we be's allowed to do's that!

I think that's what killed me about of lot of some people's quotes against him, they were basically, "Only we can do that".

This sounds like a shitty card game

Killing Jews is cool :))))))))

Not as cool as killing 13,000,000 people and having the world only remember 6,000,000 of them.

If you just say "black people have darker skin than white people" someone will still find a way to be offended by it and call you racist.

"The word dark typically has negative connotations"

Why wouldn't they?

The Republican Party advocates policies that are very patronizing and condescending towards black people.

Why would ANYONE support a party that tries when possible to shoot them

I mean, black people aren't Trump voters. They can actually tell when a politician has none of their best interests at heart.

If you haven't been called sexist, racist or transphobic in the past year, you are doing it wrong.

Republicans say that blacks only vote Democrat because of welfare. But 2/3 of black families don't receive any government assistance. Why can't you win them? Think about it for a second, maybe you'll realize why your "Democrat plantation" talking point has won over just about 0% of black voters to your cause.

I really dgaf if ppl dont vote Republican.