Male feminist disagrees about /r/menlibs (a holy place for men to shed themselves of toxic masculinity if commenters are to be believed) being for men on /r/trollX, goes as expected

62  2018-05-12 by TakeMyVerySoul


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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u/FortunasChild first world women have literally no meaningful problems and are the most privileged people ever to walk under God's blue sky.

You mean white women.

White women*

It still sucks here to be a different race and female.

tbf that user is probably someone from here

u/BJPenwhistle I like how you repeatedly talk past that guy because you don't give a single shit about him or any man, anywhere, that was pretty badass.

I repeatedly talk about how I support men's rights and am 100% in favor of men voicing their grievances and striving for better conditions for themselves but I mean if you interpret that as "not giving a shit about men" that's your prerogative.

I repeatedly talk about how I support men's rights and am 100% in favor of men voicing their grievances and striving for better conditions for themselves

So long as it takes the form of self castration, sure.

Um, no?

Menslibs posters are only really good for cleaning the knob between rounds tbh.

I like the part when she calls that dude a pleb for only having been raped once.

Not high enough on the victim pole, buddy!

yeah u/BJPenwhistle I was reading those comments and just screaming YASSS KWEEEEN SLAAAAAYYYY at my monitor. It was so loud the neighbors actually issued a noise complaint.

u/FortunasChild I'm glad there are feminists like you in the world, who else is going to bitch about possibly paying a copay on bc or whine about how the pink razor is 50 cents more then the black one instead of just buying the black one.

MFW someone pings /u/FortunasChild from r/Drama

Cant you just go back to being pissed on in public restrooms instead of posting here? thx

Who are you and what is your agenda?

Who are you and what is your agenda?

Excuse me I dont agendapost I'm not some incel bitchboy. I'm just here to watch autists be autists. It makes my peepee hard

Oh, keep talking....

tbf that user is probably someone from here

Women are brutalized by police to the same extent women are. I thought that would be obvious. But jokes aside, perhaps men should stop committing the vast majority of crimes? Not to defend racist police practices, but over the world you're 90+ of the prison population.

Lmao, five upvotes.

It's literally that easy to get feminists to regurgitate alt-right talking points to a T.

Horshoes theory proven right again.

Shit, I don't want to believe Horseshoe theory, but this is the third post today here that shows it in action. The SRD one aligning with the religious over atheists mirroring the hard right was great as well.

Centrism is the truth; there's no shame in recognizing that fact.

You're still just an angry man who feels the world owes him something for having a dick, even if you're not white you certainly share this trait with them.

The difference is that, unlike these other men, I'm oppressed.


Fucking lol.

Seriously, I actually am non-white and am oppressed.

Sure, Carlos, but I aint giving you shit. From where I'm sitting neither are the feminists in this case.

Oh, boy this is the second time today when I see this idiot in r/drama. Seriously, "Carlos",is either a 19 day old troll account, or a little child, who doesn't really understand what "being oppressed" means.

About time this retard deleted his account.

Menslib is a sub for incels that avoid the hatespeech, but are incels all the same. Bitter men that don't just man up and live, instead they whine online

I don't think that's remotely true.

/u/BJPenwhistle, If you actually browsed MensLib a lot, I'd think you'd find this to be very true. They constantly talk about their struggles with women irl, and the moderators have to delete a whole bunch of comments in threads there when they begin to relate their failures in relationships to one another. The only difference is that some of them believe maybe women would ever actually give a fuck about them, which we both know is wrong.

/u/BJPenwhistle /u/whigg MensLib is cope, it's over if you're sub 7

/u/EmotionalInjury He's not a mod, he's just a frequent contributor.

And he's one of the better posters on that board too, thus consequently hated by many other of the prominent members.

Yeah, I remember him arguing in a couple of /r/MensLib threads that were linked to /r/drama, and he was usually one of the more sensible ones.

I'm pretty sure that he apologized to the girl who said she kissed someone that was blacked out because he just skimmed over the comment without really reading it, which might have given him the impression that the commenter was on the receiving end of the "sexual encounter".

Don't TITs, hes a well known male feminist.

/u/whigg /u/BJPenwhistle

This seems like a good time to plug /r/menslib. It's a feminist-friendly space to discuss real issues facing men like pervasive toxic masculinity. Pretty much the opposite of your typical men's rights page. It's just nice to see that men can care about their gender without invalidating women.

r/menslib is a joke. Seriously, it's basically a page where women can basically womansplain to men gender issues and men have all their experiences invalidated because women think differently.

Literally a woman shedding crocodile tears about how she feels men don't care enough about her vagina is used to invalidate concerns men have about women exaggerating their issues.

r/menslib is a place that focuses on social issues men face today without the need for trashing women and feminism. It is an inclusive, benevolent community working towards enacting real change for men. What in the world could you possibly have against that?

I have proof of what femoids actually think of men that use /r/MensLib.

I once suggested /r/MensLib on the issue of virgin shaming to a femoid that has posted in that very /r/TrollXChromosomes thread where you're arguing about /r/MensLib (her username is /u/Quixadashani). This was her response:

Keep the pity party in the Manosphere subs; no one else cares about your dry dick problems (100% caused by you). Talk to my filter bby 👌

/r/MensLib is cope, roasties don't care about you if you're not Chad. Just swallow the blackpill. It's over.

My first sexual encounter, my partner was black out drunk. I was new to drinking, unfamiliar with getting black out, and it was the second time I even kissed anyone. I was even hurt the next week because he acted like nothing happened because he had no memory of it. Now I can look back and realize how incoherent he was and it was obvious he was black out, but at the time I didn't recognize how inappropriate my actions were. He did not consent that night and I did not recognize that at the time.

I think it's new territory for a lot of people when they start drinking, especially in conservative areas that preach abstinence education and pretend sex and drinking don't happen.

I absolutely take your story at face value, and I'm sorry that happened to you.

/u/TAKEitTOrCIRCLEJERK is a rape apologist. Why do the mods of /r/SubredditDrama allow this person to mod their subreddit?

/u/Takeittorcirclejerk is a seriously fucked up individual. How do you tell someone "I'm sorry you had a difficult time raping someone"?

I find that frustrating. This isn't a zero sum game.

BJPenwhistle almost figures out just how reductionist social justice feminism is. That when you only care about "power structures" then yes it's always a zero sum game.