/r/topmindsofreddit and /r/shitpoliticssay are having some kind of retarded war.

54  2018-05-12 by pitterpatterwater


"Wars" between subreddits take autism to a new level. Like this shit ain't that serious

Hell I forget half the shit I post about anyway

Good point My Gina ate 7

Like, more autism than r/drama

The only serious subreddit war was between /r/Subredditdrama and /r/Drama. I tell you what, we lost a lot of good men along the way.

We will keep going on til the end. We shall fight in the comments section, we shall fight on our blogs, we shall fight on social media, and on Reddit. We shall fight on 4Chan, we will never surrender!!

/r/topmindsofreddit seems to be winning the dick-waving contest pretty easilly.

You got downsnozzled pretty quick. Someone's salty about TMOR of all places lol

Nigga what?

Issa gay

All these "shit[X]say" subs are fucking pathetic.

r/shitEd_ButteredToastsays is actually good

Doesn't exist lol.

no u

That's why it's good

That's why its good.

That is just u/Ed_ButteredToast though

You made me look.

Thanks for that hot take from 2014.

hot take

stating what's reasonable


As a grand gesture of peace , now that the sand is out of my crotch. I give you an upvote for a point we’ll made.

Just curious. Are you aware topminds falls into the "/r/shitxsubsays" genre? This post is not supporting or attacking SPS. I simply want to know if you are self-aware about what you just typed.

By using your logic (lol), meta subs like SRD and drama fall under the same category. But the problem with your logic (lol) is that all 3 subs don't target any specific subreddit.

but what about targeting TD pedes REEEEEEEEE

If you go down this path then you're arguing that TMOR has a bias. Which they have i agree but the mega autists they want to showcase frequent these select few sub by a YUGE margin so no one can be sure where subjectivity ends and bias starts.

just curious

I smell bad faith 🤢🤢🤮🤮

self aware

If you were by any margin, you would immediately delete your account. Coattail riding fags are the worst tbh. Kinda like /u/AnnoysTheSoyBoys is doing (rip)


I can't tell if this is smug posting or a JavaScript function but I hate you.

wow, you really do lack self-awareness.

tmor is exactly like sps, just on the opposite end of the spectrum. they are both about laughing at retards that don't follow their specific set of values (fyi, sps has been for more than rpolitics for a while now. i've only browsed their a couple times but pretty sure every time i've been there they had posts from other subs on the front page). posters in both subs very often are massive retards themselves.

as for srd and /r/drama, they are vaguely similar to a "shitxsubsays" template. srd we all agree is garbage. /r/drama is a grey area. the sub has clearly been significantly worse ever since the primaries, and continues on a downward spiral. i can post in this sub and acknowledge that it's not the greatest, just as you do. i think the main different between /r/drama and srd/tmor/sps is that most people are here to laugh and bait retards, not get angry at them for being retarded (which srd, tmor, and sps all do regularly).

u r a dum dum

He's pretty butthurt atm tho 😂

I'd rather be a massive retard than a reddit powermod.

that is already the case so gg

How original. /s Your insecurities blaze bright. What a joke of a human.

no u

Why bother replying? Your as clear as crystal to anyone. But then I'm sure you surround yourself with people who'll lie to spare your feelings. Not that it's hard for your mom to surround you.

u mom has the big gay

u mom has the big gay

Pay attention ladies and gentlemen. This is a case study on what happens when an insecure subhuman is repremanded and has no recourse. They begin acting like a child. Throwing tantrums. Insulting mothers (on mother's day!).

you're the one who thinks being gay is an insulting condition. Homophobic. Sad!

you're the one who thinks being gay is an insulting condition. Homophobic. Sad!

Your the one who actually responds to legitimate criticism with 'ur mom big gay'. Actually homophobic. Sad! (And incredibly stupid)

>legitimate criticism

Hahahaha, oh you

>legitimate criticism

Hahahaha, oh you

seek help for the sake of anyone forced by circumstance to deal with you, trash.

Read his post history for better insight on this miserable human being.

Haha yeah, I took a look. He got banned from r/trashy, then he spammed our modmail inanely replying to his ban message, now he's following me around and spamming my personal inbox also, just to let me know how totally not assblasted he is.

Quite a fine specimen of le master race.

He’s trying to get me ban in r/funny. Imagine how miserable he is!

/u/Creature2045 was in conversation with someone banned from /r/trashy. He himself was not banned from there.


You're a fucking fag, kill yourself. Fuck obama, hes a stupid nigger and I hope that chimp dies of monkey nigger Aids. Fags are disgusting and your dad failed to raise a person with dignity.

Keep in mind this is coming from the subreddit that had a literal meltdown over not being able to u ping hate mail anymore.

Posting in /r/fuckthealtright.

You're as non-self-aware as a daddyfucker.

Of course I'm pissed. The Admins are trying to shut down my sexuality by ending mean pings. The Admins are kink shamers and should not run this site.

Time to stop whining and help us build this wall

Kay, milko.

Keep in mind this is coming from the subreddit that had a literal meltdown over not being able to u ping hate mail anymore.

/u/Encoresway please jump off a bridge for making me confront my own insecurity and hypocrisy.

upvoted the


this is coming from the subreddit that had a literal meltdown over not being able to u ping hate mail anymore.

tbf it's not fair tbh

Keep in mind this is coming from the subreddit that had a literal meltdown over not being able to u ping hate mail anymore.

No one cared about us "pinging hate mail" (LOLOLOLOL) until we made poor, put-upon Wil Wheaton cry like a little girl. The guy's been a "celebrity" (and I use that term loosely in his case) since he was a teenager and he's still a thin-skinned whiner who runs to the nearest authority figure begging for special treatment.

Still, it was good for dramacoin, just like you retards in Top Minds having a limp-wristed slap fight with anyone will be good for dramacoin.

No one cared about us "pinging hate mail" (LOLOLOLOL) until we made poor, put-upon Wil Wheaton cry like a little girl

What makes you think that it was the Wheaton drama that made the admins care about mean-pinging? The admins told the mods of /r/drama to take care of the mean-pinging thing more than 3 weeks after the Wheaton drama, so I don't think that was it.

Do you know how long it takes for them to reply to shit?

Do you know how long it takes for them to reply to shit?

Well, they usually suspend people for comments that are 3-5 days old, so I'm assuming that's how long they take to respond to reports about rule violations.

Also, none of the comments that were removed around the time of the "no more mean pings" announcement were pinging Wil.

Rude but also true

keep yourself safe mayo filth

This is why we need mayocide

u say that like it's something we'll be ashamed of fam

Reminder: though SPS provides a necessary service, they possess the self awareness of a bag of rocks. r/shit_SPS_says is in dire need of more activity.

r/shit_SPS_says is in dire need of more activity.

Considering it is literally one person posting links to themselves I'd say that this is a bit of an understatement.

Well I’ve provided some content once or twice. There’s some other wasted individuals fucking around sometimes.

Reminder: though SPS provides a necessary service, they possess the self awareness of a bag of rocks.

Tell me about it. They rage at people saying that conservatives are evil idiots and say how intolerant they are for saying it then in the next breath say all liberals are evil idiots.

Oh come on, you guys love silly nonsense like this and you know it.

I'm really hoping that this turns into a good ol' subreddit slapfight and produces a bunch of entertaining idiocy. On many sides, on many sides.

I'm hoping for some suspensions from this so someone pay attention

Personally I think brigading is bad but so is whining about brigading so I'm not sure what I want to happen, besides entertainment.

I just find the hypocrisy of subs that brigade complaining about brigading retarded.

Oh I agree. It is what it is though.

Who doesn't love a meme war. At least until psychos start doxxing

yeah but with subs this retarded it's going to be shitty ass memes

Hey you take that back! TMOR memes are wonderful.

"retarded" is a term of endearment

reddit police 🔴🔵🔴

/u/LaoTzusGymShoes lmao

imagine being this indignant because someone said retard on the internet.

keep fighting the good fight 💪

Ah, good, harassment from the bottom of the barrel of humanity.

"someone mocking me is harassment"

are you this fragile IRL too?

Sorry for being better'n y'all.

once again proving that this retardedness is always just about posturing and virtue signalling. "I'm just such a good person guys. I'll shut down the hateful rhetoric, don't worry."


and the trifecta is complete. every fucking time.

"someone mocking me is harassment"

Was referring to the username ping in particular, you spectacular shitstain.

And this isn't about "virtue signaling", which is a fuckin' stupid concept which really says more about those who believe it than those they criticize.

"I'm just such a good person guys. I'll shut down the hateful rhetoric, don't worry."

And this quote is from... where, other than your own impoverished imaginings?

You're detritus. Filth. Literal actual human waste contributes more to society than any of the regulars of this cesspool ever will.

I don't see what my use of "y'all" has to do with anything either, but I'm sure it doesn't matter, like everything else you've ever said or done.

Good post

Was referring to the username ping in particular, you spectacular shitstain.

That's not harassment lol. i should know, we got a telling-off from the admins for meanpinging, and this isn't it.

You're detritus. Filth. Literal actual human waste contributes more to society than any of the regulars of this cesspool ever will.

We NEED this as a snappy quote.

the bottom of the barrel of humanity

thx 4 recognizing the hustle fam

harassment from the bottom of the barrel of humanity.

m8 in what world is a ping from r/drama harassment?

This one?

Now go fuck off, you worthless bastard.

Being annoying, vote brigading, or participating in a heated argument is not harassment, but following an individual or group of users, online or off, to the point where they no longer feel that it's safe to post online or are in fear of their real life safety is.

From the Reddit rules.

Straight from the Reddit rules.


So, what's your def of harassment? Anyone criticising you to yourface?

Here's the thing -

Go fuck yourself.

Kay, milko.


lol wut

It means 'whitey'

Ooooooh. Makes sense.

Because you're white

I definitely picked up on that being the assumption, yea. Now stop fuckin' bothering me.

White people shouldn't talk about eastern philosophy imho

Not interested in your garbage-tier opinions.

Exactly, that's why white people shouldn't talk about eastern philosophy.

Sorry for being better'n y'all.


This is coming from soneone who spend his time on BadX-subs and other meta-subs that totally don't brigade. Can't get more bitter and retarded than that.

woah, TMOR are overly sensitive snowflakes? Who'd have thunk it? Time for Mayocide.

Remember not to be pick sides. We want it to stalemat as long as possible.

Tbh I hope it lasts the whole weekend.

This is what losers who love fighting about politics and don't vote look like.