/r/stopadvertising users don't seem to realize that the ads shown by apps other than the official reddit app aren't actual reddit ads.

23  2018-05-12 by pitterpatterwater


Tbh this could get the subreddit banned, what with the admin announcement there about fake posts.

send it to them. I'm sure we'll get some giggles out of their shutdown.

not using Adblockers/modified hosts file/pi-hole (NSFW)

Fucking plebs 🤢🤢🤮🤮

They do it on purpose. They want the ads.

People still browse the internet without some form of adblock?

I like Reddit and therefore turn my adblocker off for the site.

LMAO what a massive faggot.

Isn't it a bit ironic to use Far Cry 5 to promoting white supremacy when the game is all about... shooting people white supremacists?

Far Cry 5 isn't even about White Supremacists, its about a Religious Apocalyptic cult.

Far Cry 5 has successfully riled up retards from all sides, it's seriously a masterpiece

Too bad both endings suck again like the fourth.

Yeah, the ending was a little lackluster. Still had my fun with it.

The ending of the fourth game where you do nothing for ten minutes is great

It made me really hope one of the DLC would introduce a second playthrough with that being the campaign instead. Of course that was expecting way to much of ubisoft though.

I don't think a single one of them has actually seen any gameplay of it either. They're all just basing it off articles they read.

And that's what makes it so good.

But it about white guy in south of amerikkka? I no understand?

South? You need to go to Alaska to get any more North.

It's not even in the South.

u/GanksterNyx it's pretty amazing to dedicate so much energy to something you hate. You know it's possible to not go on Reddit?

/u/ganksternyx by not donating to reddit you're indirectly opposing subreddits like /r/suicidewatch which literally save lives.