r/comicbooks mod still at it, now pushing more of his lies as he leaves his parents basement.

41  2018-05-13 by NeoModerateOne


This, but unironically.


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Remember everyone. /u/Zthe27th does it for free! His blog also totally makes him a for reals journalist. Totally not a hack blogger.

Wait, he has a blog? What a douche.

You know why comic sales are really falling? You need to have fucking graphs and shit and knowledge of obscure comic books from the 80s to follow the plotline.

Nuke pakistan already ffs

This is what happens when you mix inbreeding with lack of sanitation.

You get dummies that can't even follow capeshit plotlines.

You're not wrong. I decided to read the Old Man Logan comics recently and my god was it a pain in the ass.

Here's the steps it took

  1. Just googled Old Man Logan and read the first comic that came up, turns out that was actually a sequel to the original comic

  2. I had to pull up a wiki page that keeps track of all this shit and there's about 5 Old Man Logan series.

  3. Find and read the original series, first sequel and a couple of the spin-offs

  4. Eventually move back to the newest run, only to find out it takes place in the Universe based on the Death of Wolverine comics

  5. Go to read the Death of Wolverine comics which there's like 10 different series/books for

  6. Now I can finally read the latest series. Which spoiler alert sucks cause they've basically ditched the original premise of the series to the point where I think the writers have literally forgotten about it and only mention it in passing when someone on twitter reminds them or something.

If I actually paid for these comics instead of just reading them online I might be more upset instead of just annoyed.

Also the original books aren't the first appearance for Old Man Logan either but fuck reading any more of that shit.

The comics pure wankery for neckbeards who have the time to research that shit. That's why the much more accesible movies are compeltely destroying the comics in sales.

Just googled Old Man Logan and read the first comic that came up, turns out that was actually a sequel to the sequel of the original comic

This fucking shit pisses me off so much. If you're going to give 2 different comics the same fucking name at least fucking number them

I think weeb shit also helps. It's generally pirated so easier to get into. It's also generally less controversial.

I think weeb shit also helps. It's generally pirated so easier to get into. It's also generally less controversial.

They also segregate their stuff into different genres. You want to read about boys fucking? Fine go buy a boys fucking book. There's plenty of them and I don't have to have 5 story arcs devoted to boys fucking getting in the way of whatever sports or action story I want to read.

Marvel comics is like the opposite of that - everything is boys fucking, and then being hated on for fucking, then everyone standing up, clapping, throwing a parade and Albert Einstein handing out 100 dollar bills.

And this is "good".

just a reminder that literally all the mods are fat ugly virgins who complain about their mental illnesses on their discord all day lol

GamerGate recruits industry professionals and followers to conduct email and social media campaigns in order to influence an industry--great!

Anyone else does the same--b-b-b-bullies!!

Threatening people isn't a social media campaign, you sperg.

Tell that to GamerGate fags, soyboy

Don't talk to me, future rapist.

That what your momma said to you before bedtime, tiny tot?

If that reply was supposed to make you sound like anything other than a creepy loser then you failed.

I'm pretty sure that him and Ed are conjoined twins that spend all day masturbating each other while looking through the Gap Kids catalog.

It's probably even sadder than that: Ed's known for making alt accounts to upvote and agree with himself, it's either one of those or else a cuck so cucked that E

Well then put another victory on the chalkboard for me using the blood of an infant fam. It's time for a satanic ritual in honor of Margaret Sanger 😈👹😈

Caring about ethic in comic book wanking makes you a fucking faggot with worthless opinions. Same as gamergate incels.

I've lost track - what are we allowed to care about?

nothing as autistic as vidya/comic shit/capeshit etc.

Yeah repeating the list we've already established doesn't help. What was that about autism?

If you have any opinions that are contrary to Ed's then you're doing fine, he's a complete retard tbh.

Cool things to care about: dinosaurs, Jeb!, baby birds, socks.

That is all.

"How can we create something like gamergate, but make it even lamer?"

All this because a guy did shitty reviews of comics.

Can you imagine not liking something, and then everyone who does like that thing suddenly literally wanting you dead?

Ah, the Sarkeesian card. Horseshoe theory wins again.

So basically what Missy ANita did?

Bitches can't even monetize like Queen Anita, smh

So really /u/Zthe27th

Why does D&C deserve all the threats made against him? Why shouldn't he be able to make some dumb, one shot graphic novel? Why cant you and your gang just leave the guy alone?

Because honestly comic book fans are mentally ill.

Comic book fans are the type of people who actually believe the X-Men are a cornerstone of Western culture. They're only marginally above nerds who watch little girl animes.


I like how none of them are ever responsible for anything their group does. But the person they're harassing is responsible for everything they can possibly think of even if it's completely untrue.

Mark Waid and his group call a publisher, driving them to tears. They are all innocent.

Some guy on the internet makes a review about Gay Iceman being a shitty comic? WORST THING EVER.

They even had someone literally wishing he should die and be maimed. All because he doesn't like some comic book.

Nerds are terrible people who are susceptible to being SJWs. Oddly enough, they shit on their own kind when they turn.

It's like some kind of gay zombification.

Nerds are weak to any colorful political stupidity, see: the alt right.

But what makes this really pathetic is the whole SJW nonsense in comics is just Marvel pandering to Tumblr wallets, so those woke dorks are just living advertisements for a megacorp.

I always point out that their quirky girllll power dollars are going into medical research prolong the life of Ike Perlmutter. It's like you couldn't be any more of a useful stooge if you tried.

girllll power

That comic is pretty good tbh.

Nerds can't stand each other so they look to create hierarchies whenever they can, despite the fact that from the normie perspective there is little difference.

This is why incels have like 47 different subsets of incel.

Gay Iceman being a shitty comic?

Completely without mentioning Iceman it was a shitty comic because Jean spends like 3 entire issues learning why mindraping people is bad then outs Iceman by mindraping him in front of his future wife.

It's like Back to the Future but Doc tells him he's gay in front of his mom.

The series literally mindrapes a character into being gay.

Yea, now that I think about it, Iceman was sure he wasn't gay and it was just like a fad or temporary thing because his future self was with a women and was happy Jean took that all away from him and ignored her other friend Angel who you know

His future self is a subhuman killer empty shell of a person who's Self Esteem issues over not being cool enough to date Wolverine are actively turning him into a psychopath but yea the gay thing is more important.

Oh my God comics are so stupid.

I honestly wish I never got into them.

Are you saying the publisher was literally (in the true sense of the word) weeping after this Mark dude called? I'm confused about all of this.

That's the first time I've heard that claim.

AP is denying that Waid harassed them: https://twitter.com/AntarcticPress/status/995423098714247168

People think that he threatened them because the guy is mentally unhinged. There's a lot of stuff floating around about him physically threatening people and general crazy behaviour: https://imgur.com/a/vCwajsz

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oh for fucks sake

gas all nerds

How bout just the mayo ones?

no, the time for half-measures is over. scorched earth, no survivors


gas all human beings.

Your little crew harassed a veteran

lmfao an unironic "how DARE you disrespect a troop"

/u/NeoModerateOne i hope you realize youre the one whos acting like a massive sperg here

dont kink shame me


Powermod deletes everything except soyboys biased comment, stating no biased comments allowed.

Diversity and comics is basically anita sarkeesian getting harassed because he called out marvels tokenism

If this Mark Waid thing turns out to be true, and this guy files with the ftc, then it has the potential to derail a lot more than a bunch of mostly worthless comics.