What's with mde?

43  2018-05-13 by Candideeststupide

I see a shit load of posts about them, are they coming here cause they think it's a safe space for them?


good post op.

I strive for quality.

To be fair you have to be very racist to understand MDE. The anti-humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of redpills and most of the jokes won't get the typical clowntown viewer's noggin joggin.

Theres also Sams white supremacist outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterization - his personal philosophy draws heavily from David Duke literature and Stormfront posts, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the male vitality to truly appreciate the shifting paradigm of these jokes, to realize that theyre not just funny- they say something deep about WESTERN CIVILIZATION.

As a consequence people who dislike MillionDollarExtreme truly ARE ((()))- of course they wouldnt appreciate, for instance, the humour in Sams catchphrase UHHH EH HEH HE HEHE UHHH EH HEH HE HEHE UHHH EH HEH HE HEHE" which is a cryptic reference to the Joe Rogan Experience.

Im laughing at my own joke right now, just imagining one of those tap-watered soyboys scratching their heads in confusion as the boys' genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What Bernsteins .. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have an ROSS tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. Its for Emma Watsons eyes and powsi only - and even then she has to promise Lena Dunham won't get near. Nothing personnel, Lena, but I'll break every bone in your body. And as it'll be a self-defense situation, I'll get away with it too.#MGTOW

This is how t_d unironically views /pol/ (or atleast used to).


Breeding T_D was the worst mistake /pol/ ever made.

Seemed okay when reddit was full of Bernie crap but then it got real old in like a month (just like /pol/). T_D's presence now in fact helps the other side and they're a pain in the ass to /pol/ because everyday they have to deal with new users who fall for bait and derail their conversations

/pol/ is basically the newfag containment board rn, why would anyone think they'd have to lurk more to post there? I get going to s4s and lurking but pol?

It's because their hero, the Great School Shooter Sam Hyde, is one of the first dramanauts to accept bussy in his life, so each MDERapefugee must make the long and arduous journey to Drama.

I need a history on what happened between the two subs. All of a sudden I have these drama newfags autistically screeching about muh post history.

MDE could be funny, but they cry too much about muh society. Also legit think the "good ol days" were superior despite everyone being poor and hungry and devoid of precious waifu pillows in early 20th century Bumfuck, Kansas.

Mde are just shut ins losers who have to bring up vague notions such as traditionalism and degeneracy so that they don't feel completely pathetic. When in reality they would be losers in any era they were born in

They see themselves as Hank Hill, but spend their time edge-posting about politics on a reddit page about a cartoon network show.

Fuck u Rick and Morty it literally life.

So they're basically the right wing version of the chapo trap house sub?

Alt-righters from MDE come here and start agendaposting about the libtards.

Agenda post? On /r/drama!? 😱

jews got upset at the jew posts, theres no history and mde doesnt ever even talk about this sub

kinda weird tbh i dont get it

This sub is full of oldfags now who just make metajokes.

Maybe try posting with incognito next time

They think we're an alt-right safespace like their subreddit is and come here to agendapost.

t. shitskin paki

To any indians reading this, I know you likethe taste of cow piss, but listen to me. i have seen many cows vaginas, and i can assure you that it is not worth trying to fuck them, even if your pasty weakling arms aren't capable of holding down a girl as you rape them due to a birth defect. go try and build dams in our water sources you cowfuckers, see how we fuck u up. 🇵🇰😎

Careful fam, everyone knows India and Pakistan are one shitpost away from thermonuclear war.

Everyone wins in that situation.

I'm ok with this

Of course you would bring it to rape

That's all you people can think about

thinking that fucking milko women is something we like.

It's a duty, nothing else.

That's all you people can think about

You say that like it's a bad thing

This sub is for pitterposting ONLY

This sub is for pitterposting ONLY

lol smh that people here are unironically saying "alt right safe space"

you live in SJWstralia, in the city, you seem like the targeted audience

melbourne doesnt count lol

there are plenty of those on this site, for instance T_D

lol see this is who youre attracting with that shit

Filthy SJWs?

You're right, its almost like awful SJWs that everybody hates are still preferable to terrorist-defending neo nazi pizzagaters.

But your mummy thinks James Field is a poor little dindu, so I guess that debunks my theory.

thats annoying, gonna probs abandon this sub in a month if it stays infested.

They're like highest-order bitchtards

They have to go back.


Not really it's just the latest SRDine boogeyman, like "agendaposts" and "seriousposts" and all the stupid shit they say that just means "Oh no, non-leftoids are allowed to post on r/Drama, let me shit my pants in outrage".

they try to be edgy and then cry because other people are better at it

Legit, I wouldn't mind them so much if their retarded fucking posts weren't so fucking bad. They're coming here in droves with clever comebacks like "HURR TRIGGERED SHITLIBS BLACKS ARE SUBHUMAN." SRDines have better bantz.

i was actually referring to the people who cry about mde in here without knowing what it even is

theres no real reason for it, theyre only doing it now as a reaction

Oh good, I was surprised to see a decent post from you. Thx for reaffirming my preconceived notions fam 👌

Aw did someone say nigger and upset you /u/ahbslldud ? I'm real sorry about that.

TRIGGURED LOL, libtard got owned EPIC STYLE

Quiet down sand nigger.


this but completely unironically, its so fucking easy to do in a sub supposedly for internet shitposting

Here you are, proving my point with your garbage posts. All I want for Christmas is for you dumb inbreds to say something clever or at least mildly interesting with your niggerposting. This retarded bullshit is so low quality it doesn't even qualify as a shitpost.

Also I know you're nodding off between hits of fentanyl right now, but you don't have to username ping me when you're replying directly to my post ya special needs poster child.

When your faggot ass finally deletes your account when you realize you've spent literally years whining on the internet about the most inane shit possible it will be saved in the archives of time that /u/ahbslldud was so unshaken by the word nigger he wrote a two paragraph rant about my low quality shitpost.

This is slightly better. Not good, but it's at least a little bit of an improvement over the usual HURR TRIGGERED SHITLIBS drool. Keep working on it fam, you'll figure out how to assimilate eventually 👌

Are you an SRDine transplant or just the alt of one?

lmfao I've been an /r/drama regular for so long it probably qualifies me for a disability paycheck.

The only thing you contribute to the world is shitposting and you can't even do that right. Stay mad about it.

Year one.

GOOD post

did trump make you like this or were you this crazy before i cant remember tbh

you need to try harder

mde is to drama what drama is to srd

it confuses and angers people too stupid or sensitive to understand it or have any sort of self awareness

the same way srd gets all shocked and appalled at shitposts here, people like you get all weird and offended by mde

Indeed, but the SRDines here ree out if you point out that the serious/agenda post 5 times as often here.

Most of MDE's actions are in response to the increasing SRS presence on this su .

Holy shit. People are still crying abour srs.

Bit of a rivalry stemming from drama wanting to be the edgiest place on the internet while still seriousposting about racism

This is how your average MDEtard thinks

We're going to purchase to the rights to your subreddit and bulldoze it down. Then we're going to build a holocaust denial museum on the lot. That is, unless you can get together with your college brochure friends and raise enough money to by the rights yourself.


Haha yeah thanks man

Supreme-o randomino friend xD well played! XD

Idiot reply. 0/5

Ur xtra random my man, 10 XDs out of 10

He's doubling down. Nothing can stop this guy!

I'm just saying that I wish I had the randomness capabilities that you have

Everybody does.

Randomposters are worse than yallposters, I hope you know

Yet they are still above internet taxonomists

On a scale of 9 to 10, how Teh Penguin of D00m are you?


LOL 😂😂😂

We're going to purchase to the rights to your subreddit and bulldoze it down.

/u/AnnArchist, are you selling?

whats mde

Just an irrelevant sub. No worries AnnArchist, have a nice day.

Just a type. He meant


High IQ humour right there

Tim and Eric for inbreds.


Both subs are permanently virgoids, so they raid each other trying to pluder each other's bussi chest

Ah the age old tale of humanity.

We need to preserve the proud and noble culture of the indigenous dramanauts.

Ya ive been noticing people giving fucks around here and it doesn't sit right.

its just another shitposting sub that the gayer and more jewy members of drama get upset by for obvious reasons


what do you think of cringeanarchy, best sub on the website or best sub on ANY website?

What about chapo posters here?

Not nearly as prevalent

but muh leftypol too

They could eat shit for all i care, dunno what they try to accomplish by serious posting in r/drama of all places.

I love 'em. I often look at my family and say "I am sure glad I have procreated, and thus my lineage and legacy shall continue!" I mean, doesn't every who has male/female intercourse say that?

What is this female part of intercourse you mentioned?

Its when a male takes his penis and puts it into a vagina (or "gussy", as is the nomenclature 'round these parts).


I only sub to them for memes but yeh the comments in there get a bit /pol/ish and there's a few "muh jews" types in there but again, their memes are okay

Fucking polish