Illegal alien is a racyst word being spread by Breitbart which is the_donald's white supremacist outlet - /r/politics

33  2018-05-13 by AdministrativeRadio4


It's shit like this that makes my life worse as a Eurasian because even if you look amazing you're still a subhuman because Asian women happily marry guys who look like they've been in industrial accidents over an Asian guy. It makes Asian looking males look like the worst fucking losers on earth. The guy is absolutely offensive to look at. Like his face literally makes my stomach churl because he's so ugly. I'd even be mad if he had a white girlfriend People feel they have the liberty to say of course your dad is white. Because white guys see shit like this where some fucking quasimodo looking freak can get Asian girls and they use it as ammo as to how shittyy asian guys are...


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/u/AustinTxTeacher did you mean that mostly racists use the term illegal alien in online/casual conversations?

Yes, and in headlines. I should have said "bigoted", however.

But it's still not a racist term

Bigoted then. Point me to a non-right wing headline or story that uses that term and I will send them a note.

Send them a note? What a faggy thing to say Teach

/u/nbvhn8etsnihos do you have a newsletter or blog where I could learn more about your ideas?

I'm a racial preservationist, 'racist' is a whitephobic racial slur used to stop whites from doing what is best for white survival.

Natio, latin, means race, a people. Nation means a land, a place, for a people, race. Purpose is to protect your peoples most important job of all, motherhood.

My nation is being invaded, your promotion of it, like sanctuary states and cities, are examples of white genocide. Welfare taken from citizens and given to invaders is direct and implicit enslavement.

/u/nbvhn8etsnihos this is some good pasta, little short though

I am a racial preservationist, blacks exterminated whites in zimbabwe and are doing the same in south africa. I do what is best for white survival, whites are being genocided, stopping white genocide is the greatest glory I can achieve with my life.

Should whites keep their countries, property and survive or should whites be exterminated in places like zimbabwe and south africa?

He's on a roll.

nbvhn8etsnihos, how do you intend to "preserve the white race"?

In a jar

Things to keep in mind:

The government CAN NOT CONTROL the amount of TOTAL immigration. Not in a global economy We would become the next North Korea if we tried.

the government can control with very high precision almost but not quite to the individual level.

Sooo it is all a question of who the government decides to make legal, leaving all the others illegal.

It is delusional to focus on Latin America as the "source of illegal immigrants"

Most illegal immigrants come by commercial airliner. they use student or tourist visas, more commonly student, to enter, and simply NEVER LEAVE even after their visa expires.

It was the Russians who developed this right after the collapse of the Soviet Union. It has been copied successfully by prople from many other countries with China now having become the worst abuser in terms of numbers, and the Russians being statistically most likely to use that technique.

Also worth noting that the Latinos have ALWAYS been here, In fact the first permanent European settlement in North America was St Augustine Florida BEFORE Plymouth BEFORE Jamestown, and unlike Jamestown it is still a functioning city today, Unlike Plymouth it has been one continuously since it's founding.

You see a foreign born person on the street just remember THERE WERE NO HUMANS EVOLVED IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE

EVERYONE here is an immigrant or the descendant of an immigrant it's just a question of HOW LONG AGO.

Even the Native Americans are the descendants of immigrants at some point in the distant past. We can't now say with scientific certainty that THEY were necessarily the first.

I was born to a German Immigrant and a great great grandson of German immigrants in a part of the country that was once part of France. The US got it in the Louisiana Purchase

Texas has at various times in it's history been part of 6 different countries. France Spain Mexico The Republic of Texas the United States of America The Confederate States of America and back to the United States of America .

When California became a state most of the population spoke Spanish!! There were not enough roads and the ones that were there were overcrowded and falling apart from overuse, and lack of spending on maintenance, The state had almost no money. the state legislature was made up mostly of people in it for themselves not the public. And while there were no implants yet women managed to make their breasts look bigger by wearing tight corsets,

So what has REALLY changed??

Sorry about the rant but these are all things that need to be understood well before we go sinking billions into some asinine wall

Man you fucking Trump worshippers can seriously fuck off. You people are a fucking cancer. You infest every decent sub (and message board/imageboard) that isn't an echo chamber for leftist idiots and you turn it into another T_D. Fuck Trump and anyone who still supports him. I fucking hate Hillary and Democrats, and I was willing to give Trump supporters slack up until recently, even though I've hated that sack of shit ever since The Apprentice first aired. Anyone who still believes that fuckhead stands for anything other than making his rich corporate fuckhead friends even richer at the expense of the working class is a hopeless fucking idiot. Seriously. If you're still supporting Trump you're fucking dumb as shit and too fucking proud and stubborn to admit you got fucked in the ass, therefore nothing you say has any value and you have absolutely nothing to contribute to any discussion.

I'm not at all a Trump Lover. In fact I lost any respect I had for Trump in 1983.

BTW i didn't lose respect for Hillary Clinton till 1994.

In this election I DID wish there were better choices, but ended up holding my nose and voting for Clinton because she's at least not clinically insane

why in the fuck would you post that here

Those billions would pale in comparison to the dividends to drama that would be paid out if the wall came into being.

As someone who grey up in Austin that name is very fitting for the garbage he posts. Fits quite a few of my teachers to a T.

Explain if you don't mind?


I've seen you post that pasta in a few threads. Serious or not, you're doing the work of God and drama.