Sub of Peace Delivers Some Delicious Pasta While Fighting Against the Mayocide

63  2018-05-13 by UnexpectedLizard


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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/u/nbvhn8etsnihos thanks for spending all your time on the internet telling everyone how awesome (((we))) are. Imagine being a hype man of the chosen people for free!

/u/nbvhn8etsnihos follow up question, why did you link a jpeg-fied Twitter screenshot instead of a link to the "news article"? Also thank you for proving that the Jews were right all along. You're doing very valuable work for our Lord and Savior George Sorosβ„’

What's he gonna do, wait for you lot to pay him?

Nobody ever gives Soros credit for being a job creator, smdh

This is your brain (lol) on conservatism. /u/TheReasonTrumpWon

This is your brain (lol) on conservatism. /u/The_Reason_Trump_Won

Mayo fragility is peak entertainment.

You are dramaphobic.

TL;DR I'm a drama preservationist, 'troll' is an SJW slur used to stop /r/drama posters from doing what is best for drama survival.

Can we just kill all the humans instead?

Bernie can still win, edgelord.


I may be a πŸŽ… white 🏳nationalist πŸ‘ but If 😏 I see 😘 a fine πŸ‘― asian 🍜 ass πŸ‘Œ my bloodline πŸ’¦πŸ’¦ bout to πŸ’†become 🍘 a πŸ™ riceline 🍱

Once you go Asian, you never go Caucasian.

/u/honk4tits 😏

... is this a real poster? Because that would just be... sublime.

He's for real. Even calls /pol/ anons his "campaign staff"

How much do you charge, you know, for talking me off?

I'm a filthy slut that does it for free.

Somebody send that link to Kanye...

I love his whole FEC laws thing.

You ever notice how conspiratards always hint at a "jewish hivemind" but never say it outright?

It's like the little, teensy, tiny bit of self awareness they have left in them is refusing to say it, outright, because it sounds so mindbogglingly retarded.

snally really needs to start posting topminds stuff here, the stuff they say about jews is hilarious.

/u/snallygaster get on it

TL;DR I'm a racial preservationist

lol how much you wanna bet the "racial preservationist" wants to destroy the jews?

Tbf if you suck bleeding infant dick then you have to go


Do you believe in the preservation of all races or just the annoying pale kind?

I have no interest in exterminating any race.

How would you feel about country-sized zoo enclosures with little pools and tanning rocks, and perhaps small placards describing each exhibits occupants?

Same question only exclusively for jews?

The Jews get to run the zoo, of course. It's their zoo.

defending poc on the internet

White man's burden