Mod pizzashill now

40  2018-05-14 by ChipChippersonAMA

Now is the time


ChipChippersonAMA ChipChippersonAMA

i p s a


Yes pls

I don't think that's gonna entice him. Plus he talks about no-platforming trumpists and it would be lame if he started censoring people here over politics.

I think a greater focus should be made on getting PK back. He was my favorite agenda-poster. Maybe if there was a focus on leftie drama for a while PK would be unable to resist participating, like Roger Rabbit and shave and a haircut.

I would have been against this but a gi... I mean roastie (what does this mean?) just hurt me so now I want to be an incel or redpiller or whatever like pizzashill.

Girl who has a lot of sex => Has loose gussy lips => Looks like roast beef => Roastie

Roast beef pussy 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮

On the real u/chipchippersonama Jim Norton sucks now


We need him now more than ever.